
  • 网络neutral position;natural place
  1. 宇宙中所有物体都应有自然位置这条原理是再恰当不过了。

    That all objects in the universe should have a natural place was no more than fitting .

  2. 由于补充性对位置的依赖,自然位置也就成为最可操作的分类标准。

    The position becomes the best standard naturally .

  3. 切记,选择视图时要选择那些能够显示物体自然位置的视图。

    It is important to select those views which show the object in its natural position .

  4. 另外,在十二指肠近端和回肠末端的自然位置处将瘘管从腹腔穿出后固定,避免了肠管的拉伤,提高了手术的成功率。

    The fistula were in the nature sites of the proximal duodenum and terminal ileum and the success rate of operation was increased .

  5. 而对主干河道进行数字化处理,则解决了平坦地区主干河道偏离其自然位置的问题。

    The question of the main channel may depart its natural position in the plat can be resolved through digitizing the main channel .

  6. 持有不是自然位置,而是能够征表人生活态度的行为,满足于具有物品存在的意识和物品事实或法律上的支配。

    Possessing is not a given position but a conduct embodying people 's life attitude , which means one holds physical or legal control who realising the existence of the article .

  7. Re数对细长锥的稳定性有重要的影响。主要原因是Re数的变化将导致锥面边界层自然转捩位置的改变、因而转捩产生的诱导力矩、诱导阻尼力矩随之发生变化。

    The main cause is the variation of Re number induces to change the position of nature transition of boundary layer in cone face , thus , the induced moment , the induced damping moment of the transition are changed .

  8. 用信息处理技术判断自然发火位置

    To determine the position of spontaneous combustion by using information processing

  9. 火源探测是对煤层自然发火位置与范围的确定。

    Detecting of fire source is to determine the location and area of spontaneous combustion fire .

  10. 而陆上无人机的工作时间要长得多--不过自然,位置要更低。

    A ground-based drone could operate for far longer - though naturally from a rather lower vantage .

  11. 找到一个自然的位置,让你感觉舒服的放松是很重要的,因为在冥想。

    Find a natural position that you feel comfortable with , since relaxing is very important in meditation .

  12. 我国西部地区由于自然地理位置等方面的原因,经济发展长期处于落后的状态,资源存量和环境承载力两方面都经不起传统资源模式下高强度的资源消耗和环境污染。

    Because of the physical geography situation , the economic development is chronically in slow condition in Chinese west regions of our country .

  13. 但是实际上,是因为大腿和臀部的动作没有做到位,使得膝盖被迫放在一个不自然的位置而引起疼痛。

    But in reality the knee is causing pain because it is forced into an unnatural position by the thigh and buttock working lazily .

  14. 至今日,人类航天技术的飞跃发展,人类观察地球自然的位置起了革命性的变化。

    Today , with the rapid development of space technology , the position of human beings to observe the earth and nature had a revolutionary change .

  15. 二级直线倒立摆的自动摆起是指上、下摆杆从自然悬垂位置摆动到倒立点位置,从数学的角度可以看成是非线性两点边值问题。

    From a mathematical point of view , swinging up the pendulums from their pending position to their upright position can be treated as a nonlinear two-point boundary value problem .

  16. 该策略通过在规定的时间内向系统施加一前馈控制序列,使上、下摆杆从自然悬垂位置摆到倒立点位置并使速度为零。

    Within the specified time limit , the strategy determines and implements an optimal feed-forward control sequence to the system , swings up the double inverted pendulum from its hanging position , and achieves zero speed state at the upright position .

  17. 通过对二级倒立摆系统的理论分析,研究二级摆从自然悬垂位置摆到倒立点位置的摆起控制问题,提出了基于动态设计变量优化算法的复杂非线性系统控制策略。

    Through the analysis of the relevant theories on double inverted pendulum and the study on swing-up ( control ) of a double pendulum from hanging to the upright position , a sophisticated nonlinear system control strategy based on dynamic design variable optimization is presented .

  18. (用来指矿石或者石头)处在自身的自然状态和位置;没有被开采或者挖掘。

    ( used of minerals or stone ) in its natural state and place ; not mined or quarried .

  19. 能够让学生拥有日本地理的基础概念,包含自然地理:位置、地形、气候、山川、湖泊等;

    Let the student have the Japanese geography foundation concept , contains the physical geography : Position , terrain , climate , mountains and rivers , lake and so on ;

  20. 实验过程中在以注视点为中心的视野内,字母或是自然图片在不同位置闪现20ms,随后被屏蔽。

    Letters and natural images were presented in different locations of visual field for 20ms , and then masked .

  21. 保持一个自然的头的位置。

    Maintain a neutral head position .

  22. 第一章对恩施土家族南剧生成自然环境,地理位置的概况介绍。

    The first chapter of Enshi Tujia South play generate natural environment , the geographical location of the introduction .

  23. 自然禀赋、地理位置的差异及受教育程度的差异是导致地区间收入差距的主要因素。

    Lastly , the difference on natural endowments , geographic location and the level of education are leading to regional income gap .

  24. 我国是一个幅员辽阔,资源分布不均,既有内陆地区又有沿海地区,自然资源和地理位置迥异的国家。

    China is a vast , uneven distribution of resources , both inland areas have coastal areas , natural resources and geographical location of different countries .

  25. 旅游文化区是文化发展到一定阶段而形成的,其形成因素包括自然条件、地理位置、宗教、文学艺术及政治历史背景。

    Tourist cultural region is formed by cultural development . The forming factors consist of nat-ural condition , geographical situation , religion , literature and art , and background of politics and history .

  26. 介绍完各个语言的研究状况后,第三节打开传统语言学的窗户,让读者看见语言在自然环境中的位置。

    After an introduction of the research situation in each Mongolian language , the third chapter opens the window of traditional linguistics and gives a view of the languages in their natural environment .

  27. 科尔沁文化作为蒙古族文化的重要组成部分和草原文化多元一体中的一个重要区系,有着自己独特的风韵,这主要取决于科尔沁的独特自然环境和地理位置。

    It has its own distinctive features as an important part in Mongolia culture and an important regional system in multi-dimensional prairie culture , which mainly depends on its distinctive natural environment and geographical position .

  28. 我国地域辽阔,省际之间资本、人口、技术、自然资源、地理位置等要素差异明显,特别是技术进步,在东部沿海省份的贡献度很高。

    Since our country has a large territory , there are distinctions in capital , population , technology , resource endowment and geographic position in different provinces . Especially , the technology advancement contributes a lot to littoral provinces in east of China .

  29. 港口发展受自然因素、地理位置、世界经济、生产技术等多方面的影响,但其经营管理模式可令这些影响因素产生积极的影响,实现资源的优化配置,提高港口生产效率。

    The development of ports is influenced by a lot of factors , such as nature , biography , world economic , technology and so on . However , the management and administration mode can make all the factors more effective and optimize resource allocation .

  30. 声源定位技术,就是通过声学的电子设备,检测并计算设备接收到的声音信号,来确定自然声源或非自然声源的位置信息的一门技术。

    Sound source location technology is to detect and calculate the sound signal received by acoustic electronic devices to ascertain the position of the natural or non-natural sound source .