
zì zhì chénɡ shì
  • municipality
  1. 名人维多利亚在Sarah店里美容,她的美容店在切尔西(伦敦自治城市,为文艺界人士聚居地),很难约而且也不便宜。

    A sought-after celebrity facial with Sarah , whose salon is in Chelsea , isn 't easy to arrange and it doesn 't come cheap .

  2. 英格兰中西部自治城市,位于赛文河上,在格罗西斯特东北偏北。

    A municipal borough of west-central England on the Severn River north-northeast of Gloucester .

  3. 委员会的统计表明该自治城市的出租的房屋数量增加。

    Council statistics show that the amount of rente property In the borough have Increase .

  4. 斯莱戈爱尔兰北部一自治城市,濒临斯莱戈湾,为大西洋上的一个小港。

    A municipal borough of northern Ireland on Sligo Bay , an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean .

  5. 亚里士多德住在可说是希腊城邦世界中,最顶尖的自治城市。

    Aristotle lived at the virtual cusp of the world of the autonomous city-state of the Greek polis .

  6. 和希尔斯登一起进攻的队友吉米-文德里奇,他是第一个获得帽子戏法的切尔西球员,那次比赛是俱乐部公开赛&主场对战赫尔(英格中部东北的自治城市),比分为5:1。

    His partner in attack was Jimmy Windridge , scorer of the first Chelsea hat-trick in the club 's opening home game & a5-1 defeat of Hull City .

  7. 中世纪的自治城市以及城市国家并不是新的政治秩序的代表,而在内部张力与国际竞争中诞生的民族国家才代表了现代政治文明发展的方向。

    The medieval self-government cities and city-states were not representatives of new political order , yet the nation-states which succeed in international competition led the way of political development .

  8. 该城自古以来即为战略要地,于1262年成为自治城市,1681年被法国占领,1871年又归于德国统治之下。

    Strategically important since ancient times , it became a free imperial city in1262 , was occupied by France in1681 , and passed to Germany in1871.The city was recovered by France in1919 .

  9. 而从内战到《权利法案》颁布期间,自治城市开始逐步受到中央政府的直接控制,最终融入到英国近代国家的政治轨道,促进了现代民族国家政治制度的正式确立。

    From civil war to the issue of Bill of Right , autonomous cities began to submerge in the political course of England as a modern country , after they were under direct control of central government , step by step .

  10. 内蒙古自治区城市环境地质问题及综合防治要点

    Problems of urban environmental geology and gist of prevention and control

  11. 社区自治是城市治理的基础

    On Community Self-governance Is the Base of the Urban Governance

  12. 中国农村的村民自治和城市社区自治都是地方治理的重要举措。

    Rural villagers ' self-governance and urban community self-governance are the important examples .

  13. 推进城市社区自治是城市社区建设的目标取向。

    The goal orientation of urban communities ' construction is to promote self-government .

  14. 社区是整个社会运行的基础,因此,社区自治是城市治理的基础。

    Because community is the base of the society , community self-governance is the base of the urban governance .

  15. 自治区城市初中生耐力、力量、速度、等体能指标持续下降,视力不良居高不下,超重和肥胖青少年的比例明显增加。

    Data made by the inspection of student physical health indicates that city junior high students ' fitness index such as endurance , strength , speed , etc continues to decline , bad vision is still high and the proportion of overweight and obese adolescents increase significantly .

  16. 本文从政治学的视角,运用治理理论,分析了我国村民自治和城市社区自治的产生及其与治理的关系,并提出中国从治理走向善治的选择思路。

    From visual angle of politics , based on the theory of governance , the paper analyzes the emerging of villagers ' self-governance and urban community self-governance and its influence to governance in China , and also puts forword the idea to " good governance " in China .

  17. 银川作为宁夏回族自治区首府城市,具有诸多优势。

    Yinchuan , the capital city of Ningxia , has many advantages .

  18. 巴尔米拉曾是罗马帝国统治下的一个享有自治权的城市。

    Palmyra had been a semi-independent city state influenced by Roman rule .

  19. 周日暴雨也袭击了广西壮族自治区旅游城市桂林,淹没农田,切断交通,使旅客受困。

    Heavy rainfall also hit the tourist city of Guilin in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Sunday , flooding farmland , cutting off roads and trapping travelers .

  20. 社区是城市基层社会的一种组织形式,作为自治组织在城市社会发展中发挥重要作用。

    Community is a form of organization of urban grass-root society , which plays a very important role in the development of urban society because of its self-governance mode .

  21. 进一步搞好在辽宁全省和其他省、自治区部分城市完善社会保障体系的试点工作。

    Pilot projects for improving the social security system being carried out throughout Liaoning Province and in some cities of other provinces and autonomous regions need to be pushed forward .

  22. 内蒙古自治区的城市建设没有相应的文化定位,更缺乏长远规划,造成城市面貌没有地区和民族特点,严重影响着地区形象和经济的发展。

    Towns in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region lack of their corresponding cultural definition and long term planning , and it results in deficiency of regional and ethnic characteristic in their image and appearance .

  23. 各社会群体参与对城市进行管理的要求引发了城市自治运动,城市自治的一个重要方面是综合当时现有的各种法律和法令。

    Demanding of participating in administration of the city brought on the movement of the city autonomy . One important facet of the city autonomy was synthesizing various existing rules and decrees of the time .

  24. 这为发挥公众主体作用,强化社会自治,实现城市管理共建共享积累了宝贵的经验,具有很大的理论价值和现实推广价值。

    The foundation of Urban management volunteers plays an important role in public participation , strengthening the social autonomy and accumulating valuable experience . To sum up , it has great theoretical and practical value .

  25. 我国的城乡基层群众自治组织包括城市居委会和农村村委会,然而城市居委会与农村村委会成员性别结构却存在很大差异,居委会成员以女性为主,而村委会成员以男性为主。

    Urban and rural grassroots self-government organizations of China includes community committee and village committee ; however the gender structure of community committee and village committee is very different . Members of the community committee are female-dominated , but it is just the opposite in village committee .

  26. 响沙湾是一个110米高的沙丘,距内蒙古自治区的大城市包头50千米。

    Singing Sand Bay is a 110-meter-high dune , 50 kilometers from Baotou , a major city of Inner Mongolia autonomous region .

  27. 政府还说,新疆的紧张局势以及该自治区内的城市偶尔会发生的暴力事件是一小撮滋事者引起的。

    The province 's tensions -- and bouts of violence that have periodically convulsed its cities -- are the product of a small number of troublemakers , the government says .

  28. 他们反对封建制度,要求城市自治,自治的城市成为一个自由的地方,为法兰西斯修士会的出现准备了环境和群众基础。

    They opposed feudal system and demanded city autonomy . Autonomous city became a free place . So the townspeople and the free city prepared environmental basis and mass basis for the emergence of the Franciscan .

  29. 社区自治体现出中国城市治理体制变革的方向,它有赖于社区精英的有效治理、社区公共交往行为的拓展和政治参与的制度化发展。

    Community autonomy reflects the trend of transformation of Chinese city governance institution . It depends on good governance by the community elite , extension of public communication in the community and institutional development of political participation .

  30. 包头市是我国西北地区较大城市之一,也是内蒙古自治区最大的工业城市,包头市城市规划和建设代表了内蒙古自治区的城市形象。

    The city of BaoTou is one of the biggest cities in north west region in our country , and also is the biggest industry city of Inner Mongolia , its urban planning and construction represent the image of the city in Inner Mongolia .