
  • Heineken;Heineken beer;Heineken NV
  1. 在她们交谈时,摄像机镜头越过桌子,对准角落里的两位男士。在他们面前各有一杯喜力啤酒,他们在偷听这两位女孩子的谈话。

    While the young women talk , the camera tracks past their table to find two young men just around the corner , each with a Heineken , eavesdropping on the girl 's conversation .

  2. 好的,拿给我一个喜力啤酒,谢谢。

    OK , then give me a Heineken . Thanks .

  3. 在英国女性富豪榜上排名的是喜力啤酒的继承人卡瓦略其个人财富为68亿美元。

    Ranking number two is Charlene de Carvalho , the Heinken beer heiress with $ 6.8 billion .

  4. 亨利皮埃尔的儿子阿尔弗雷德亨利“弗雷迪”喜力啤酒,开始在该公司于1940年,和1971年被任命为执行局主席。

    Henry Pierre 's son , Alfred Henry " Freddy " Heineken , started working at the company in1940 , and1971 was appointed Chairman of the Executive Board .

  5. 在英国情况却是大不一样,几乎人人畅饮荷兰人酿造的“喜力”啤酒。

    In Britain , where it is ubiquitous , it is brewed by Heineken , a Dutch beermaker .