
  • 网络Himalaya orogenic belt
  1. 这种沿走向变化的地层叠置和横穿MCT的变质等级表明,逆冲断层的断距向西减小,可能是由于地壳短缩总量沿着喜马拉雅造山带向西减小所致。

    This along-strike change in stratigraphic juxtaposition and metamorphic grade across the MCT indicates a westward decrease in its slip magnitude , possibly a result of a westward decrease in total crustal shortening along the Himalayan orogen .

  2. 喜马拉雅造山带中段北坡第四系研究的新进展

    Progresses of Study on Quaternary in Northern Part of Middle Himalayan Orogen

  3. 喜马拉雅造山带是碰撞造山带的典例。

    The Himalayan orogenic belt is the type example of collisional belts .

  4. 喜马拉雅造山带东、西构造结的地质特征与对比

    A Geological Comparison between the Eastern and Western Himalayan Syntaxes

  5. 喜马拉雅造山带西构造结研究的启示

    Preliminary Study of Western Himalayan Syntaxis and Its Enlightenments

  6. 喜马拉雅造山带晚新生代构造隆升的裂变径迹证据

    Evidence from Fission Track Ages for the Tectonic Uplift of the Himalayan Orogen during Late Cenozoic

  7. 喜马拉雅造山带南北向伸展构造变质岩的压力-温度(p-T)轨迹证据

    SN-directed Extension in Himalayan Orogenic Belt : Evidence from p - T path of Metamorphic Rocks

  8. 喜马拉雅造山带中段麻粒岩构造侵位过程中变质变形演化

    Evolution of Deformation and Metamorphism During the Tectono Emplacement of the Granulite in the Middle Himalaya Orogen

  9. 并对组成喜马拉雅造山带各种主要沉积盆地进行了构造沉降分析,研究盆地演化动力机制;

    The tectonic subsidence analysis and dynamic mechanism of the basin evolution are processed in the main sedimentary basins across this belt .

  10. 喜马拉雅造山带新生代构造演化:沿走向变化的构造几何形态、剥露历史和前陆沉积的约束

    Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Himalayan orogen as constrained by along-strike variation of structural geometry , exhumation history , and foreland sedimentation

  11. 对喜马拉雅造山带岩体的热史演化研究不仅能为山脉的隆起历史提供精确的年代学坐标,也能为检验造山带的隆起模型及新构造样式提供基础资料。

    Study on thermal history of Himalaya orogen provides not only accurate chronological coordinate on the cooling history , but also basic materials in verifying models related to the uplift of Himalaya .

  12. 印度板块-欧亚板块的碰撞时间接近,分别为75Ma和65Ma,均早于喜马拉雅造山带的其他地区。

    Similar ages of the collision between India and Eurasia ( 75 Ma and 65 Ma in eastern and western syntaxes respectively ) and much earlier than other places within the belt .

  13. 在喜马拉雅造山带中东段,系统的针对岩体热史演化的研究尚处于起步阶段,喜马拉雅山的隆升之谜也一直没有彻底解开。

    On central-east part of Himalaya orogen , systematic geochronological researches focusing on thermal evolution was neglectable , so the puzzle of how and when did Himalaya uplift has not been integrally explained .

  14. 位于印度板块北缘和雅鲁藏布江结合带之间的珠穆朗玛峰北坡地区,属于喜马拉雅造山带,是特提斯洋的重要组成部分。

    The north slope area of the Mount Qomolangma being a main component of Tethyan Ocean belongs to Himalayan orogen intermediate on the junction between the northern India plate and Yarlung Zangbo river suture belt .

  15. 喜马拉雅造山带是世界上目前仍在进行的、最年轻的、规模最大的陆-陆碰撞造山带,是研究陆内汇集过程板块动力学以及探讨高原隆升机制的理想场所。

    Himalayan orogen is by far the youngest and largest active continent-continent collision belt in the world and is the ideal place for studying the plate dynamics of intracontinental convergence and investigating the mechanism responsible for uplift of the plateau .

  16. 本文重点介绍了喜马拉雅造山带西构造结的地质概况、变质作用、隆升速率及边界断层的性质等几方面的研究进展。

    This paper presents the results of the research on the structure , metamorphism , boundary faults and lifting rate of the western Himalayan syntaxis and discusses similar and different geological characters of these two areas based on study of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis .

  17. 滇西腾冲地区位于喜马拉雅造山带东构造结的东南弧形构造带内,发育的新生代花岗岩,记录了大量印度-亚洲大陆碰撞的时间信息和东部碰撞带区域构造演化及大陆动力学信息。

    Cenozoic granitoid developed in Tengchong , an area located in the SE arc structural belt of east structural knot of Himalayan orogen , recorded lots of information about the time of India-Asia continental collision , structural evolution and continent dynamics in the area .

  18. 喜马拉雅碰撞造山带的深层动力过程与陆&陆碰撞新模型

    The deep internal dynamical processes and new model of continental-continental collision in Himalayan collision orogenic zone

  19. 义敦岛弧碰撞造山带是特提斯-喜马拉雅巨型造山带中的一个复合造山带。

    The Yidun arc collision-orogenic belt is a composue orogenic belt of the giant Tethys-Himalaya orogenic zone .

  20. 喜马拉雅碰撞造山带和羌塘盆地的瑞雷波频散与三维速度结构

    The frequency dispersions of Rayleigh waves and 3-D velocity structures in Himalayan collision orogenic zone and Qiangtang basin