
xǐ què
  • magpie
喜鹊 [xǐ què]
  • [magpie] 鸦科鹊属和若干其他属的许多鸟之一,它与松鸦亲缘关系密切,但有一长而分叉的尾,体羽通常为黑色和白色。旧时民间传说鹊能报喜,故称

喜鹊[xǐ què]
  1. 喜鹊对巢址选择具有忠实性,多数新巢建在旧巢附近30m范围内,也有部分利用旧巢址重建或对旧巢再利用。

    Magpie is faith to the nest choosing , most new nest are built about 30m near the old nest , and some places of old nests are used to built the new nest , or the old nests are used again .

  2. 喜鹊(Picapica)曾是四川各地最常见的鸟类,但20世纪后期喜鹊却在四川的农耕区和城镇消失了,并持续至今。

    Magpie ( Pica pica ) used to be a common bird widely distributed in Sichuan Province , but it has disappeared in cities , towns and even in the farming regions of Sichuan since the late twentieth century .

  3. 此外,我们还可以打些喜鹊回家,用来烧烤。

    James : besides , we can take some pied magpies home , for BBQ .

  4. 按适者生存而言,和地球说再见的不一定是喜鹊。

    It seems that magpies9 may not be the ones saying goodbye to Earth in the end .

  5. 喜鹊是一种很聪明的鸟,每年一开春,它就能预测出全年的气候。

    Magpies are clever birds . At the beginning of every spring it can predict the weather for the whole year .

  6. 奇怪的是,喜鹊就地取材搭的窝八九级风也吹不掉,而我们用新材料做的广告牌遇七八级风就开始砸车。这究竟是为什么?

    It is surprising that gales6 are unable to blow magpie7 nests out of the trees , but the billboards8 people make with new materials fall down in strong winds and hit cars on the street .

  7. 除了人类和一些灵长类动物,海豚,年夜象,喜鹊和一只叫Alex的驰誉的非洲灰鹦鹉也都能够经由过程使用镜子找到方针物可能撤除它们身上的暗号。

    In addition to humans and some primates , dolphins , elephants , magpies and a famous African grey parrot named Alex have all been known to retrieve objects or remove marks on their body using a mirror .

  8. 太原市南郊区喜鹊种群数量研究

    The Kinds and Number of Magpies in the Suburbs of Taiyuan

  9. 喜鹊,有喜庆的寓意,历来很受欢迎。

    Magpie , the implication is happy , always very popular .

  10. 喜鹊是世界上最迷人的鸟了。

    The magpie is the most charming bird in all the worid .

  11. 此外,我们还可以打一些喜鹊回家用来烧烤。

    Besides , we can take some pied magpies home for BBQ .

  12. 青色的玉杯,以及枝上的喜鹊,也必不可少。

    Green Jade Cup and Magpie on a Branch should go next .

  13. 永远记得,喜鹊值得你的尊敬。

    And aiways remember , the magpie deserves your respect .

  14. 来看看最近一个关于喜鹊的研究。

    So let 's talk about a study recently conducted with magpies .

  15. 鸦类包括渡鸦、松鸦、乌鸦和喜鹊等。

    Corvids include ravens , jays , crows and magpies among others .

  16. 汞在喜鹊组织和器官中的分布规律

    Distribution of mercury in the tissues or organs of magpies

  17. 喜鹊在山地次生林中鸟类群落组织结构形成的作用

    The role of magpie in formed bird community organism in secondary forest

  18. 山地次生林长耳鴞对喜鹊巢址的利用

    Occupation of Magpie 's Nest Sites by Long-eared Owls in Secondary Forest

  19. 两只喜鹊灵巧地在花丛中跳跃着,更显喜庆生动。

    Two magpies raises the flowers jump to the more lively celebrations .

  20. 一只老喜鹊非常小心地用羽毛裹紧自己的身体。

    One old Magpie began wrapping itself up very carefully .

  21. 山地次生林破碎化对喜鹊繁殖功效的影响

    Effect of Forest Patch Size on Reproductive Success of Magpies in Fragmented Secondary-forest

  22. 块根具异常次生生长。山地次生林喜鹊巢址选择的研究

    The Study of Magpies ' Nest-site Selection in Mountainous Region Secondary Growth Forest

  23. 就是,还是喜鹊知我的心。

    Be , still the magpie know my heart .

  24. 风把一只喜鹊抛向远处,一只黑背鸥

    The wind flung a magpie away and a black

  25. 喜鹊筑天桥,情人终相会!

    Magpies build the bridge for lovers to meet .

  26. 还有喜鹊和笑翠鸟。

    Then there were the magpies and the kookaburras .

  27. 她整天说话,像只喜鹊。

    She can talk for the whole day , just like a pie .

  28. 迷信的说法认为看见喜鹊是祥瑞的征兆。

    Superstitious people believe that the sight of magpie is a good omen .

  29. 长颈鹿的脖子真长啊,一直伸到了喜鹊的家。

    Giraffe 's neck is really long , extended magpie 's family continuously .

  30. 对于中国人来说,看到喜鹊是吉兆。

    It 's an auspicious sign for Chinese people to see the Magpies .