
  1. 从首尔大学(SeoulNationalUniversity)毕业后,他奔赴美国攻读博士学位,之后曾担任英特尔等科技公司的顾问。

    After graduating from Seoul National University and studying for a doctorate in the US , he worked as an adviser for technology companies , including Intel .

  2. YangMoo-jin是首尔大学朝鲜研究方面的专家。

    Yang Moo-jin is a professor at Seoul 's University of North Korean Studies .

  3. 首尔大学统一和平研究所(InstituteforPeaceandUnification)近期以149名脱北者为对象开展的一项研究显示,逾80%的人在逃离朝鲜之前接触过韩国的电影或歌曲。

    A recent study by Seoul National University 's Institute for Peace and Unification of 149 recent defectors showed that more than eight in 10 had been exposed to South Korean movies or songs before fleeing the North .

  4. 然而,首尔大学(SeoulNationalUniversity)国际关系教授PaikJin-hyun表示:根本问题不在于会谈的形式,而在于朝鲜是否会放弃自己的核计划。

    However , Paik Jin-hyun , professor of international relations at Seoul National University , said : The fundamental problem is not the format of the talks but whether North Korea would give up its nuclear programme .

  5. 而学术界评价更高的是香港大学、国立首尔大学、京都大学和清华大学。

    The academics also favoured Hong Kong , Seoul National , Kyoto and Tsinghua universities .

  6. 该研究小组由首尔大学机械工程系教授高承焕领导。

    The team was led by Ko Seung-hwan , a mechanical engineering professor at Seoul National University .

  7. 黄先生也辞去了在首尔大学的职务,并为此事件表示歉意。

    Mister Hwang also resigned from his position at Seoul National University and apologized for the incident .

  8. 前20名中有4所韩国大学,其中排名最靠前的是国立首尔大学,位居第16名。

    It has four institutions in the top20 , led by Seoul National University , and16 in the top100 .

  9. 东亚大学的国际化发展趋势&以北京大学、东京大学和首尔大学为例

    Trend of Internationalization of East Asian Universities : Through Examples of Peking University , Tokyo University and Seoul University

  10. 12月23号,韩国首尔大学的专家委员会宣布了第一份调查结果。

    Then , on December twenty-third , a committee of experts at Seoul National University announced the results of an investigation .

  11. 本文主要介绍了韩国国立首尔大学的学校概况、专业设置及学费、入学所需材料等内容。

    S : This article makes a brief introduction to the general situation , major arrangement and tuition , admission requirements of Seoul National University , Korea .

  12. 金英浩教授是首尔大学北韩研究专家。他说,金大中总统的功劳是改变了朝鲜半岛的政治气候。

    Kim Young-ho , a professor at Seoul 's University of North Korean Studies , says President Kim deserves credit for changing the peninsula 's political climate .

  13. 方舟子则在一篇文章中写道,他希望中国学术主管部门能够有黄禹锡所在的首尔大学的勇气和能力。

    " I hope the Chinese academic authorities will have the courage and capacity shown by the University of Seoul in the case of Hwang Woo-suk ," says Fang .

  14. 首尔大学的北韩问题教授尹大奎认为,对两名女记者的指控不过是为了掩盖北韩更深一层的日程。

    Yun Dae-gyu , a professor at Seoul 's University of North Korean Studies , suggests the charges against the two women are a thin cloak for a deeper agenda .

  15. 来自韩国延世大学(YonseiUniversity)和卡罗莱纳海岸大学(CoastalCarolinaUniversity)的研究者们,对韩国首尔市区大学学生进行了“我们对他人所穿着的不同品牌服装有何不同反应”的调查。

    Surveying students at a large urban university in Seoul , South Korea , researchers from Yonsei University and Coastal Carolina University examined how we react to others depending on the brands they 're wearing .

  16. 韩国首尔国立大学LeeByeong-Chun教授称他成功克隆出一只母犬。

    Lee Byeong-Chun , a veterinary professor at Seoul National University , claims to have cloned a female dog for the first time .

  17. 首尔国立大学公共卫生学院的YangBong-min教授认为,缺乏严格监管是问题的核心。

    For Yang Bong-min , a professor of the School of Public Health at Seoul National University , a lack of regulatory rigour is at the heart of the problem .

  18. 首尔高丽大学(KoreaUniversity)专家NamSung-wook表示:这反映出美国想对金正日和他的支持者施加压力,金正日就是通过奖赏鱼子酱、手表等一些高级物品来控制他们的。

    This reflects the desire of the Americans to put pressure on Kim Jong-il and his supporters , whom he controls by rewarding them with high-class goods such as caviar and watches , says Nam Sung-wook , a North Korean specialist at Korea University in Seoul .

  19. 首尔国立大学干细胞实验室附属RNL生物科技公司说,这几只嗅癌犬于三周前出生,并将于九月被送往日本接受练习。

    RNL Bio , affiliated with the stem cell lab of Seoul National University , said the puppies were born three weeks ago and would be sent to Japan in September for training .

  20. 所以我一定要去上首尔国立大学。

    So I have to go to the Seoul National university .

  21. 来自首尔汉阳大学的崔姬妍博士领导了该研究。

    Dr Jiyoun Choi of Hanyang University in Seoul led the research .

  22. 他还是设法进了首尔国立大学牙科学院

    Still somehow he managed to enroll in the Seoul National University Dental School

  23. 2000年至2003年,在首尔国立大学攻读艺术史博士学位;

    2000-2003 , Doctorate course in Art History , Seoul National University , Seoul ;

  24. 但他还是设法进了首尔国立大学牙科学院,后来成为一名牙医。

    Still , he managed to enroll in the Seoul National University Dental School and became a dentist .

  25. 首尔韩国大学前校长曾想将这一比例扩大到60%,但是在十二月份的选举中,他最终没能连任校长一职。

    The former president of Korea University in Seoul sought to raise that share to60 percent , but ultimately was notre-elected to his post in December .

  26. 据介绍,嗅癌犬克隆项目是应日本西姆斯干细胞公司的要求,由首尔国立大学的李秉春教授领导的科研小组负责开展的。

    The cloning , requested by the Japanese stemcell company Seems , was conducted by a team led by Seoul National University professor Lee Byeong-Chun , it said .

  27. 南韩首尔汉阳大学的研究人员指出,摄食黑豆能降低脂肪与胆固醇,而两者都是造成第二型糖尿病的主因。

    The researchers from Hanyan University , Seoul , Korea , said that eating black soya beans lowers fat and cholesterol levels , a major contributor to type II diabetes .

  28. 首尔国立大学的一个专家小组星期五证实,研究人员没有有意篡改数据,只是在撰写有关克隆狼的研究论文中犯了一些简单错误。

    A panel from Seoul National University confirmed Friday that researchers did not intentionally manipulate data , but made some basic mistakes in writing the research paper on the cloned wolves .

  29. 这名毕业于韩国首尔弘益大学美术学专业的28岁的设计师表示,这种设计让人们感受到和父母、朋友或者爱人抱在一起的温暖。

    It enables people to recreate the feeling they get from having a cuddle with parent , friend or lover , according to the 28-year-old fine arts graduate from Hongik University in Seoul .

  30. 首尔国立大学的经济学教授李喆熙指出,韩国的经济使得年轻一代越来越难以实现经济独立和独立生活。

    Lee Chul-hee , an economics professor at Seoul National University , noted that South Korea 's economy has made achieving financial independence and living on one 's own increasingly challenging for the younger generation .