
  • 网络Capital Museum;Beijing Capital Museum
  1. 集合地点:首都博物馆正门门口。

    Gathering address : in front of the capital museum .

  2. 首都博物馆的消防设计及启示

    Fire Control Design of Capital Museum in Beijing

  3. 首都博物馆椭圆斜筒体外装饰青铜幕墙总高度48.2m,面积4750m2,采用壁厚为1.5mm的有仿青铜器纹理的薄壁异型曲面铜板,现场安装采用三维空间测量定位、无龙骨安装技术。

    The exterior decorative bronze curtain wall of the oblique elliptic column which is 48.2 m high with area of 4 750 m2 adopts 1.5 mm thick grained profiled curved bronze plate . Three-dimensional setting-out and non-joist technology were employed in the site erection .

  4. 首都博物馆什么时候开放?

    Could you tell me the opening hours of the metropolitan museum ?

  5. 这幅画是从首都博物馆借来的。

    The picture is on loan from the metropolitan museum .

  6. 集体智慧的结晶&首都博物馆新馆方案创作历程

    Creation experience of the scheme of Capital Museum

  7. 首都博物馆屋盖结构的自振特性和风振系数分析

    Mode shapes and wind vibration coefficient analysis for roof structure of the capital museum

  8. 文化的逻辑&首都博物馆新馆设计

    CULTURAL LOGIC Design of the New Capital Museum

  9. 与建筑融合的景观&以首都博物馆新馆景观设计为例

    Integration of Landscape and Architecture & Taking the New Capital Museum as An Example

  10. 首都博物馆正在展览什么?

    What is showing at the metropolitan museum ?

  11. 哪个出口到首都博物馆?

    Which exit for Metropolitan museum ?

  12. 另一种可能性&首都博物馆新馆概念设计

    Design concept of Capital Museum

  13. 历史和文明的载体&首都博物馆新馆方案创作

    Scheme creation of Capital Museum

  14. 博物馆展品设计表征&以首都博物馆2008年迎奥运4+1展览为例

    Design Feature of Museum Exhibits-An Example of The 2008 Olympic " 4 + 1 " Exhibition at Capital Museum

  15. 北京新建成的耗资一亿六千万元的首都博物馆已于去年正式开馆。

    Last year saw the formal opening of the city 's new Capital Museum , which cost more than $ 160m .

  16. 2月23日下午,2011中欧青年交流年中方开幕式在北京首都博物馆举行。

    In the afternoon , 23 , Feb. , the opening ceremony of2011 EU-China Year of Youth was held in the Capital Museum in Beijing .

  17. 周二,来自国内外数以千记的游客冒着秋季的炎热,蜂拥来到北京首都博物馆参观正在展览的古典希腊艺术品。

    Thousands of visitors from home and abroad have challenged the autumn heat and swarmed into the Capital Museum on Tuesday , for the ongoing classical Greek art exhibition in Beijing .

  18. 首都博物馆展出了许多考古研究所发掘的珍贵文物,包括各种青铜器、玉器、瓷器、陶俑、金银器等。

    Many precious cultural relics excavated by the institute are exhibited at Capital Museum including a variety of bronze , jade and porcelain articles , as well as pottery and gold and silver vessels .

  19. 对首都博物馆屋盖结构进行了自振特性分析,结果显示其结构的频率密集且振型复杂。

    The paper analysed the uncontrolled vibration characteristic of the roof structure of the capital museum , the results show that the frequencies of the structure are densely distributed , and modes are complicated .

  20. 首都博物馆新馆是一项典型的大型复杂工程,该建筑在结构平面和竖向都极不规则,很难用普通意义上单一的结构体系来描述,且集中了多个结构设计难题。

    The Capital Museum building is a complex structure . Because of its irregular structural arragement in plane and vertical , it is difficult to describe in an ordinary structural system . It is of general significance to use these fabrics as the cords of composite materials .

  21. 首都艺术博物馆和犹太人博物馆。

    The Metropolitan Museum of Art , and the Jewish Museum .

  22. 这里有很多土著民族,首都的博物馆比地球上其他任何城市都多。

    It has dozens of indigenous peoples . Its capital has more museums than any other city on Earth .

  23. 9月3日,一具头戴面罩的女性木乃伊在秘鲁首都利马一博物馆展出。

    A female mummy wearing a mask is on show at a museum in Lima , Peru , Sept.3,2008 .

  24. 在巴黎旅游局负责研究工作的托马斯·德尚(ThomasDeschamps)说,亚洲游客有时候会误以为法国首都是一座博物馆,他们尤为可能遭受文化上的冲击。

    Thomas Deschamps , the head of research at the Paris Tourism Office , said culture shock was particularly prevalent among travelers from Asia , who sometimes wrongly perceived the French capital as a museum .

  25. 今年九月在首都哥本哈根的奥雷加德博物馆(OregaardMuseum)举行的丹麦家具匠师作品展(DanishCabinetmakers’autumnexhibition),主题确定为“小”,它规定最大的参展品尺寸不能超过60厘米ⅹ60厘米。

    The theme for this year 's annual Danish Cabinetmakers " autumn exhibition - held at the Oregaard Museum in Copenhagen in September and due to travel to Paris 's Maison du Danemark in January - was " petite , " the designs being a maximum size of 60cm by 60cm .

  26. 这是在秘鲁岩层石棺中发现的一批木乃伊。它被陈列在秘鲁首都利马的国家博物馆里准备展出。

    One of a number of mummies found in a cliff-face sarcophagus is put on display in the Museum of the Nation before an exhibition in Lima .

  27. 2010年,两人在克罗地亚首都建成了实体博物馆,里面收藏了不少来自世界各地的展品,有的还颇令人畏惧——皮毛手铐、为了泄恨而偷来的烤面包机、用来砍坏分手恋人家具的斧子。

    In 2010 , the two established the museum 's bricks-and-mortar home in the Croatian capital with an international trove that 's often cringe-inducing - fur-lined handcuffs , a toaster stolen out of spite , and an ax used to destroy a former lover 's furniture .