
  • 网络Seoul Metro;Seoul Subway
  1. 首尔地铁已经为孕妇设置了粉色专座。

    Seoul , the capital , has installed bright pink seats designated for women who are expecting .

  2. 在首尔的地铁里,游客常常会看到各种各样宣传最新款式的手机,投资产品或是整容手术的手续的广告。

    TRAVELLERS on Seoul 's metro system are used to seeing ads for the latest phone , investment product or even plastic-surgery procedure .

  3. 今年5月,一名19岁的分包商在韩国首都首尔的一座地铁站做检修工作时,被一辆列车撞击致死。罗享旭表示,他不同情这名男子。

    Mr. Na also said he did not sympathize with a 19-year-old subcontractor who was hit and killed by a train while carrying out repairs at a subway station in Seoul , the capital , in May .