
  • Independent door;【地名】【韩国】Dongnimmun
  1. 绘画和音乐艺术是独立的两门学科,却又统一在艺术范畴之中。单从这一点,就具备了相通之处。

    Though painting and music are two different independent subjects , both of them are united in art .

  2. 儿童文学是独立的一门学科,积极开展儿童文学研究是时代和历史的必然。

    Children literature is an unattached subject , it is the tide of the times and an inevitability of history to carry out Children literature research actively .

  3. 20世纪70年代以后,西方翻译研究逐渐开始向文化转型,翻译研究成为独立的一门学科。而女性主义翻译理论则是80年代初翻译研究文化转向大潮中兴起的一派译论。

    An Ideological Approach to Feminism Translation On Feminism Translation Theory Western translation studies took its culture turn in the 1970s and translation studies was recognized to be a separate discipline in the 1980s .

  4. “因为专研实是之为实是的学术是能够独立的一门学术,我们必须考虑到这门学术与物学相同抑相异。”;

    Since there is a science of being qua being and capable of existing apart , we must consider whether this is to be regarded as the same as physics or rather as different .

  5. 为了克服分别开设四大化学(无机化学、有机化学、分析化学和物理化学)实验的一些弊端,合肥工业大学化工学院尝试将它们合并后独立开设一门新课程《基础化学实验》。

    A new curriculum " Fundamental Chemical Experiment " was tested to set up instead of the experimental curriculums for Four Chemistry ( inorganic , organic , analytical and physical chemistry ) set up separately .

  6. 藻类之一纲,包含一般通称轮藻的藻类。轮藻纲:绿藻门中的一纲,以前列为独立的轮藻门。

    " Class of algae , certain members of which are commonly known as stoneworts . " Charophyceae A class of the Chlorophyta ( green algae ) that includes the stoneworts , formerly placed in a separate phylum Charophyta .

  7. 教育学及教育心理学是教育领域相对独立较早的两门学科,已经积累了许多理论、经验和研究方法,物理学科教育作为一门新兴的教育学科,应对之善加利用与吸收。

    Pedagogics and educational psychology , being independent relatively earlier than other subjects in the educational field , have accumulated a lot of theories , experience and research methods . As a new educational subject , physics pedagogic should absorb and utilize the production of them .