
  • 网络cyclops;Cyclop;Cyclopes;Polypheme;Polyphemus
  1. 尽管当今科学家能够为这一地区的多起失踪事件提供合理的解释,但仍有一些疑团尚待解决,这里面就包括美国海军Proteus级别的货轮“独眼巨人号”的失踪。

    Even though scientists are nowadays able to provide logical explanations for most of the disappearances in that area , some have never been explained , including the unsolved disappearance of the USS Cyclops , a Proteus-class collier of the US Navy .

  2. 一战期间,由G.W.Worley中尉指挥的美国“独眼巨人号”(theUSSCyclops)军舰大多数时间都在美国东海岸为美国海军运煤,直到1918年,它被派往巴西为联军船只补充燃料。

    During World War I , the USS Cyclops , commanded by Lt. G. W. Worley , carried coal for the U.S. Navy and stayed mostly on the East Coast of the United States until 1918 when it was sent to Brazil to refuel Allied ships .

  3. NASA将这张木星图像与独眼巨人作比较。

    NASA likened the image of Jupiter to an enormous Cyclops .

  4. 再没有比这些又遮掩又揭露的字更奇怪的东西了。有些字,如rabouin,既粗俗又骇人,使你想象出独眼巨人作的鬼脸。

    Some , le rabouin , for example , are at the same time grotesque and terrible , and produce on you the effect of a cyclopean grimace .

  5. 自那之后,“独眼巨人号”便杳无音信。

    After that , the Cyclops was never heard from again .

  6. 他不想让任何人看到他像个独眼巨人。

    He doesn 't want anybody seeing him looking like a cyclops .

  7. 准确地说,海军再次成为独眼巨人了。

    More precisely , the Admiralty again became , like Nelson , one-eyed .

  8. 英雄、男朋友,独眼巨人、离过婚的男人。

    Heroes , boyfriends , Cyclopses , di-vorced guys .

  9. 没有合适的平衡物,独眼巨人只能象个纸镇!

    Without a proper counterweight , the Cyclops might as well be a paperweight !

  10. 我们英勇的海军,实际上就像独眼巨人一样。

    Like the giant Cyclops , ' Our Fighting Navy ' was decidedly one-eyed .

  11. 独眼巨人是强力的近战兵种,并且具有在攻城战中破坏城墙的能力。

    Cyclops is a strong hand-to-hand fighter , with an ability to attack walls , when in siege battle .

  12. 大地女神盖亚,嫁给了天神乌拉诺斯,是泰坦诸神和独眼巨人库克罗普斯的母亲。

    The goddess of the earth who bore and married Uranus and was the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes .

  13. 在第一次世界大战期间,美国海军“独眼巨人号”被派往巴西为南大西洋的英国船只补充燃料。

    During the First World War , the USS Cyclops was sent to Brazil to fuel British ships in the South Atlantic .

  14. “哦,天呀!你是想说他像半人半马的那个圣道卢,可你竟错说成独眼巨人赛克-劳普斯了!”,乔笑破了肚子。

    " Oh , my goodness ! That little goose means a centaur , and she called him a Cyclops ," exclaimed Jo , with a burst of laughter .

  15. 在返乡的路上,奥德修斯弄瞎了海神波塞顿的儿子独眼巨人赛克拉普斯,因此冥冥中注定在他重新踏上希腊土地之前,他要飘流于大海20年。

    On the way home , Odysseus put out the one eye of the Cyclops who was the son of Poseidon and that doomed him to twenty years of roaming the seas before he could make land again in greece .

  16. 独眼的家伙们都疯狂了;希腊神话中的三个独眼巨人。

    One-eyed Jacks are wild ; the three one-eyed Cyclopes of Greek myth .