
  • 网络DuShan;Dushan County
  1. 贵州独山县水稻霜霉病的发生及鉴定方法

    Occurrence and Identification of Rice Downy Mildew in Dushan , Guizhou

  2. 2004-2008年贵州省独山县住院死亡病例根本死因分析

    Analysis on underlying death causes of death cases in hospital in Dushan county , Guizhou province , 2004-2008

  3. 新型农村合作医疗和农村互助医疗制度的比较分析&基于贵州省独山县和开阳县的调查

    Contrastive Analysis on the New Cooperative Medical Scheme and Rural Mutual Health Care System & on the Base of Investigation to Dushan Country and Kaiyang County in Guizhou