
  • 网络INDEPENDENTS;independent church;Free Church
  1. 基督教化完成之后,斯堪的纳维亚地区的独立教会才慢慢建立起来。

    After the Christianization , self-governed Scandinavia church began to establish .

  2. 东方基督教独立教会

    Eastern Christianity , independent churches of

  3. 北京方面对宗教活动严加管制,但在危机地区,独立教会的工作日益得到容忍。

    Beijing tightly controls religious activities but independent churches are increasingly being tolerated when they operate in crisis areas .

  4. 基督教的宗派逾50个,独立教会多个,会堂逾1300间。

    The Protestant Church is made up of over 1 300 congregations in more than 50 denominations with many independent churches .

  5. 独立教会的建立,是北欧历史发展的必然趋势,但也经历了一个相当长的过程。

    It was necessity but spending a long time . The significance was what the church brought to the foundation of the national country .

  6. 基督教援助会是一个由英国国教、天主教、独立教会以及其他教派一起工作、为发展中国家提供援助的组织。

    Christian aid is an organization through which the Anglican church , the Catholic church , the Free Churches and other church groups work together to give aid to developing countries .

  7. 作为一种新型的国家类型它破除了之前独立的教会势力与封建割据思想,同时还有力地推动了资本主义经济的发展。

    A new type of country as it was , this nation state got rid of the power of church and the rule of feudal separationist , while in the same time stimulated capitalist economy .

  8. 到维京时代末期,丹麦、挪威、瑞典已大都建立起独立的教会,基本上完成了基督教化,成为基督教世界的一部分。

    To the end of the Viking Age , Denmark , Norway and Sweden had established their own absolute ecclesiastic . Christianization had been accomplished on the whole and Scandinavia was brought into the Christ world .

  9. 这个裁定,有效的将达拉斯的毕业生从改革宗的各教派赶致独立的圣经教会运动。

    This ruling effectively moved Dallas graduates away from ministry within Reformed denominations toward the independent Bible Church movement .

  10. 亨利改革的目的是摆脱英国教会与教皇的联系,成立独立的英格兰教会。

    Henry 's reforms was to get rid of the English Church 's connection with the Pope , and to make an independent Church of England .

  11. 如果一个教会是独立的,这个教会的“独立性”并没有什么值得夸耀的。

    If a church is independent , the " independence " of the church is nothing to boast about .