
  • 网络independent judgment;independent judgement
  1. 非执行董事被认为具有很好的独立判断能力以及监督作用,有助于公司治理的改善。

    NED is considered to have the ability of independent judgment and the supervision function so as to improve corporation governance .

  2. 对刑事政策的过度强调,容易以行政指令式的普遍判断、统一判断,取代法官的个案判断、独立判断,从而不当削弱法律权威。

    Overemphasis on criminal policy will lead to decreased legal authority , as administrative-directive-like common judgment and uniform judgment are likely to replace judges ' individual case judgment and independent judgment .

  3. 结论Bcl2与肝细胞癌发生有关,cMyc与肝细胞癌发生、发展有关,并可独立判断预后。

    Conclusions Bcl 2 might be closely related to the occurrence of the HCC , C myc was associated with the occurrence and development of HCC , and both could evaluate the prognosis independently .

  4. 我对他们都非常了解,足可以自己独立判断。

    I know them both well enough to form my own judgment .

  5. 自由心证与法官依法独立判断

    Discretional Evaluation of Evidence and Independent Judgment

  6. 独立判断哪几个口袋里摸球是公平的,然后在小组里交流。

    In which pocket touch ball fair . Think it over then discuss in small groups .

  7. 我们有自己的独立判断和与其他艺人或乐队不同的东西。

    We have our own independent judgments , and with other artists or bands of different things .

  8. 成为独立判断的思想者,终身不育的学习者,世界事务的参与者。

    Become critical and compassionate thinkers , life-long learners and informed participants in local and world affairs .

  9. 所有考官们评论说杰克思路清晰,给人印象深刻,独立判断能力也相当强。

    All the examiners commented that Jack had an impressively clear head and considerable powers of independent criticism .

  10. 这仅适用于:行为人服从权威性命令的行为好于按照自己的独立判断。

    This only applies to the condition that the agent obey the law is better than following his own judgment .

  11. 诀窍在于董事会应纳入可以做出独立判断的人,而这一点西方做得也不是太好。

    The trick will be to have individuals who can be independent in their judgement , something the West has not succeeded in very well either .

  12. 老师的目的不光是帮助学生培养自学能力,还应教给他们独立判断的方法。学生一旦面临难题就请教老师是不必要的。

    In addition , they were only equipped with the knowledge that were taught in class and made the same judgement upon every problem which might crop up .

  13. 当事人可以将专家意见纳入代理意见或辩护意见,但不应将专家意见出具给法官,以免影响法官的独立判断。

    The legal opinion may be changed into defense or attorney opinion , however , should not be provided to the judge lest affect the independent determination of the judge .

  14. 它表达的其实是一种数学特性,即对同一变量的许多独立判断的平均值比个人自己判断的预期错误率要低。

    It is an expression of the mathematical property that an average of many independent estimates of the same variable has a lower expected error than the individual estimates themselves .

  15. 这段话源自《大不列颠百科全书》对“宽容”这个词条的解释:允许他人有自由行动和独立判断的权利,能够平心静气且毫无偏见地容忍那些不同于自己或者传统的观点。

    The allowance of freedom of action or judgment to other people , the patient and unprejudiced endurance of dissent from one 's own or the generally received course or view .

  16. 长期起重大作用的是:我们的统治者是希望从人们的愚蠢之中,而不是从人们的独立判断和敏锐思想之中,获得更多的东西。

    What matters in the long run is whether our rulers hope to gain more from the folly of men , or from their independence of judgement and their shrewdness of mind .

  17. 对于美联储讲话和债市价格之间的分歧,有一种善意的解释:投资者最终放弃了试图猜测美联储想法的念头,开始对宏观经济进行独立判断。

    There is a benign explanation of the gap between fed talk and bond market prices : that investors have finally given up trying to guess what the Fed is thinking and are making independent macroeconomic judgments .

  18. 那些有责任就一家机构的资产质量提供独立判断的人债务评级机构、会计师事务所、分析师以及监管者将备受依赖,并更多的为其客观观点负责。

    Those charged with providing independent judgments on the quality of an institution 's assets debt ratings agencies , accounting firms , analysts and regulators would be relied upon and held accountable even more for their objective views .

  19. 巴力克的员工或董事不得在巴力克公司的竞争对手或实际或潜在业务合作伙伴中进行投资或股份交易,如果这种投资或交易可能会影响该员工或董事作出业务决策或独立判断能力。

    Barrick employees and directors must not invest in or trade in shares of a competitor or an actual or potential business partner of Barrick where such investment or trading may appear or tend to influence business decisions or compromise independent judgment .

  20. 主要是指个体倾向于利用外在的信息或参照线索还是倾向以自己的独立判断为标准或以自己存储的信息为参照线索,在认知加工中表现为对整体策略和分析策略的偏好。

    Mainly refers to information that individuals tend to use external cues , or tend to use their own independent judgments as a standard or reference information stored in their own clues . And they prefer the overall strategy or policy strategy in the cognitive processing information .

  21. PCNA的合成与表达反映细胞增殖状态,但与p53一样,不作为一个独立预后判断因素。

    Just as p53 , The expression of PCNA was not a independent prognosis factors .

  22. 两大类都有独立的判断标准、证据规则以及救济程序。

    Two categories had independent judgment standards and rules of evidence .

  23. 结论血管生成可作为乳腺癌一个独立的判断预后因子。

    Conclusions Angiogenesis is a prognostic factor in breast carcinoma .

  24. 理性人是法官拟制的中立的、独立的判断者。

    Judges fabricate the reasonable person as a neutral , independent observer .

  25. 你一定要有自己独立的判断和见解,而不是人云亦云。

    You really should have your own judgment and opinions , instead of following others blindly , she said .

  26. 瑞银并不缺少风险意识;它缺乏健康的怀疑精神、独立的判断能力以及强大的领导力。

    The bank did not lack risk consciousness ; it lacked healthy mistrust , independent judgment and strength of leadership .

  27. 当开证行确定提示不符时,可以依据其独立的判断联系申请人放弃有关不符点。

    B.When an issuing bank determines that a presentation does not comply , it may in its sole judgement approach the applicant for a waiver of the discrepancies .

  28. 法官在审理案件时应该独立做出判断,不受诉讼当事人意见、政府权力和公众舆论的支配与控制。

    When trying a case , the judge should make the decision independently , without being influenced by the parties ' ideas , government power and the public opinions .

  29. 批判思维是指人们用不同于常规的角度和方法去观察与分析客观事物,对其性质、价值、精确性和真实性等作出个人独立的判断,并提出综合的、有建设意义的见解。

    Critical thinking means that people watch and analyse objective things differently from routine angles and methods , making personal judgement to its nature and raising synthetically and constructive opinions .

  30. 关于董事局人选,我们相信,我们提名的董事都能按照公司的规定,做出自己独立的判断。

    In regard to the candidates to serve on the Board , we believe that the candidates we have nominated would be capable of making decisions which are in line with Company Bylaw .