
  • 网络Scope;project scope;WBS
  1. 将整个项目范围分解为(较小的)可交付物,以适用于sprint

    Distributing the full project scope into deliverable that can be fit into sprints

  2. 工作分解结构(WBS:WorkBreakdownstructure)是项目范围管理中的技术,它是确定项目范围的一种主要技术,也是进行成本、资源的估算的基础。

    WBS ( Work Breakdown Structure ) is a technique of project scope control , it is used to fix on the scope of project and to estimate the cost and resource of project .

  3. PHS转型方向及其网络改造项目范围管理方法

    The Scope Management of PHS Network Reform Projects in China

  4. Git提交都是原子的,且是整个项目范围的,而不像CVS中一样是对每个文件的。

    Git commits are atomic and project-wide , not per-file as in CVS .

  5. 最近,项目范围还扩大到向小企业提供资金,转账公司westernunion就将自己的捐款投入了过去一年推出的试点项目。

    More recently , schemes have been expanded to provide funds for small businesses , with Western Union , the money transfer company , supplying contributions of its own in pilot projects launched over the past year .

  6. 会后,Hans在一封简明扼要的Email中罗列出讨论的议题、达成的协议以及团队对项目范围、可交付物、角色、成功条件的理解。

    Following the meeting , Hans writes a brief email outlining what had been discussed , what agreements had been made and what the team understood about scope , deliverables , roles and success criteria .

  7. 简而言之,这表示普通股事实位于实体信息行项目范围内,通过链接到XBRL分类Web资源中的定义可以使表达式更加正式。

    This , in short , expresses that the common shares outstanding fact is in the domain of entity information line items , an expression made formal by links to definitions in XBRL taxonomy Web resources .

  8. 本文就未来PHS网络转型方向及其网络改造项目范围进行研究,分析PHS网络转型方向,研究PHS网络转型项目中的范围管理,界定项目范围并明确项目范围变更控制方法。

    By study the reform direction and the scope management of PHS network reform projects , this thesis will define project scope and scope control methods of PHS network reform projects .

  9. mock是一个“伪”对象,它让我们能够集中精力测试Rails项目范围内的重要特性,而不必关注与无法控制的外部系统的交互。

    A mock is a " fake " object that allows you to focus on testing important features within the scope of the Rails project , rather than on interactions with external systems that you have no control over .

  10. 在调研初期,运用项目范围管理理论确定调研的内容范围,并运用项目管理理论中工作分解结构(WBS)将研究工作进行结构分解,建立了调研工作分解结构。

    During the first period of study , the content and scope was determined by using the Project Scope Management Theory , and the research work was allocated by using the Work Breakdown Structure ( WBS ) theory , upon which WBS structure has been established accordingly .

  11. 引论,项目范围管理,项目集成管理。

    Introduction , Project Scope Management , Project Integration Management .

  12. 稻谷精深加工项目范围研究

    Research on project scope of finely and deeply processed rice

  13. 每一次扩大议程项目范围的尝试都受到挫折。

    Every attempt to expand the agenda is beaten down .

  14. 生成项目范围说明书、工作分解结构等范围管理工作的可交付成果。

    Produce a project scope statement and work breakdown structure as deliverable .

  15. 项目范围和对数据转换工作的初始风险评估

    Project scoping and initial risk assessment of data conversion effort

  16. 内容质量通常不包含在技术项目范围之内。

    Content quality is typically not in the scope of technology projects .

  17. 铁路信息化项目范围变更流程与过程控制研究

    A Study of Scope Change Control in Railway Infomation Project

  18. 确定项目范围(例如,早期的使用者、部门部署)

    Determine project scope ( for example , early adopters , departmental deployment )

  19. 建议项目范围的人口特点;

    The population characteristics of the proposed project area ;

  20. 首要的设备维护也包含在项目范围里。

    First-Line maintenance of the equipment is also included in the project scope .

  21. 本章重点是管理项目范围的过程。

    This chapter focuses on the processes used to manage the project scope .

  22. 鼓励最佳的项目范围间的沟通非常重要。

    It is important to foster optimal project-wide communication .

  23. 公路建设项目范围蔓延及控制措施

    Scope Spreading and Controlling Methods for Highway Construction Project

  24. 范围核实-式接受项目范围。

    Scope Verification-formalizing acceptance of the project scope .

  25. 在我的过程范围阶梯的第三档是项目范围。

    On the third rung of our process scope ladder is the project scope .

  26. 工作分解结构是当前批准的项目范围说明书规定的工作。

    The WBS represents the work specified in the current approved project scope statement .

  27. 项目范围定义了项目组将要交付的范围。

    Your project scope defines a boundary around what your project team will deliver .

  28. 建议重建项目范围是否残破失修,急须重建;

    Whether the proposed project area is old and dilapidated and requires urgent redevelopment ;

  29. 您刚才已经看到如何在项目范围的基础上本地化字符串资源。

    You have just seen how to localize string resources on a project-wide basis .

  30. 在幕后,其工作方式与处理项目范围资源的方式完全相同。

    Behind the scenes , things work exactly as they do with project-wide resources .