
xiànɡ mù jì huà shū
  • project planning paper
  1. GCM公司树莓高新农业产业化示范项目计划书

    GCM Corporation 's Demonstration Project Plan of High-Tech Agricultural Industrialization of Bramble

  2. 撰写该项目计划书主要目的是对GCM公司树莓高新农业产业化示范项目的实施,提供一个有参考价值和借鉴作用的具体行动方案。同时也作为自己的学位论文,提交参加毕业论文答辩。

    We hope that our work would be use for reference in helping implement of the demonstration project of bramble High-Tech Agriculture Industrialization of GCM Corporation .

  3. 大连国际康复疗养中心项目计划书

    The Project Scheme of Dalian International Rehabilitation and Recuperation Center

  4. 不按照项目计划书开展研究的;

    He fails to perform research in light of the project plan ;

  5. 重庆假日港湾项目计划书

    Chongqing Fiesta Harbor Project Document

  6. 本项目计划书运用市场营销学、投资学、财务管理等学科知识和分析方法对“福州脱胎漆器艺术中心”项目进行深入分析。

    The plan applies subject knowledge and the analysis of marketing , investment , financial management to analyse the project of FuZhou Bodiless Lacquerware Arts Center .

  7. 产品概念外在表现为一份新产品项目计划书或一个产品展示模型,内在体现企业与研究群体以及消费群体的互动关系。

    Product concept is a project plan for new product development ( NPD ) or a product model which indicates the interaction between the firm and the academic or the consumer .

  8. 第一部分主要说明选题原因,即提出问题:为什么要进行大连国际康复疗养中心项目计划书的撰写。

    The first part of the thesis focuses on the reason for choosing the subject , that is , raising a question & why do we exploit the project of Dalian International Rehabilitation and Recuperation Center .

  9. 一份高质量的项目计划书,不仅反映了项目申请人的思想深度、要解决的问题、试图达到的目标和实现目标的具体策略和方法,而且构成了未来实施项目指导性框架。

    A high quality proposal will not only display the applicant 's concept , the problem going to solve , the goals and the detail methods and strategies to achieve them , but also give an instruction frame to carry out the project .

  10. 优秀软件程序员负责项目的计划书。

    Leading software developers take care of the specifications of the program .

  11. 大功率全固态全色激光器及应用产品产业化项目商业计划书

    The Business Plan on Big Power Solid-state Full-color Laser Device and Applied Products Industrialization Project

  12. 本文是投资广东国际体育港项目的商业计划书。

    This business plan is mainly analyzes the investment of the GUANGDONG INTERNATIONAL SPORTS HARBOR ( GDISH ) .

  13. 完成了项目软件需求说明书和项目计划书,并以此对系统软件进行设计和开发。

    Thus , the software requirements specification and the project specification are completed and the systematic software is designed and developed with it .

  14. 项目负责人应当按照项目计划书的要求使用基金资助经费,依托单位应当对项目负责人使用基金资助经费的情况进行监督。

    A project principal shall use the funds as required in the project plan , and a supporting institution shall surveil the project principal 's use of the funds .

  15. 最后,论文以M公司的高科技融资项目为例说明如何编写项目计划书。

    At last , it use the M company 's financing project as the example to show how to prepare an project planning book for financing .

  16. 协助设计主管在项目进行期间的现场指导,确保项目符合室内设计计划书;

    Assist design leader in site supervision , and ensure the construction in line with the plan .