
  • 网络Team Member;project team;project member;project team member
  1. 沟通频率会随着项目成员的增加而按指数增加。

    Communication channels grow exponentially as the number of project members increases .

  2. 当前团队项目成员是否会在将来的工作中担当多种角色;

    Current team project members will be performing multiple roles in the future work .

  3. 皮尤互联网项目成员苏珊娜福克斯说,医生仍然是人们获得健康信息的主要来源。

    Susannah Fox from the Pew Internet Project says doctors are still the main source of health information .

  4. 对于项目成员,按钮上写的是“Edit”,点击按钮就可以直接编辑文件并提交;

    Members of a project can edit and commit a file right away .

  5. 感兴趣的读者可以查看该项目成员RichWolski所作的演示。

    Interested readers can find a presentation by project member Rich Wolski from the Velocity conference .

  6. 如果问题得不到解决,团队成员应向Scrum管理者或大项目成员提出质疑。

    If issues do not disappear , the team members should challenge the Scrum Master or the group members .

  7. PatrickQuinn是国际劳工组织消除童工国际项目成员。

    Patrick Quinn is with the ILO 's International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor .

  8. 她是不想走的:她是JetteParkerYoungArtists项目成员之一,与我们一起有两年时间。

    She did not want to go : she was a member of our Jette Parker Young Artists programme and was spending two years with us .

  9. 面试前,各个小组的组长以及负责跟进的EOP项目成员会上台与台下观众分享比赛的感想。

    Before the interview , each team leader as well as the members of EOP Project shared their feelings about the game at the platform with the audience .

  10. 人员安排:为了监视项目成员的添加和消耗。

    Staffing : To track project member additions and attrition .

  11. 协助精益生产项目成员在项目工作和会议中的翻译。

    To assist Change Agents in translation during project work and meetings .

  12. 基于灰色聚类的IT项目成员绩效评价研究

    Research on the Performance Assessment for IT Projects Members Based on Grey Clustering Model

  13. 列出了供查询、添加和编辑工作项的项目成员查阅的主题。

    Lists topics for project members who query , add , and edit work items .

  14. 项目成员习惯于忽略在项目出轨时应该觉察到的风险。

    Team members are conditioned to ignore risks that could be perceived as derailing the project .

  15. 受公平偏好影响,项目成员宁可牺牲自身利益也要报复不公平现象。

    Because of fairness preference , project member would rather sacrifice self-benefit to revenge unfair phenomena .

  16. 基于有限理性假设的知识型项目成员工作绩效实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Job Performance of the Knowledge Process Project Member Based on Bounded Rationality

  17. 有时候,您可能需要将工作项查询发送给其他团队项目成员。

    Occasionally you will want to send a work item query to another team project member .

  18. 它也允许高级的项目成员通过他们对模型到模型转换的定义和实现使他们的工作效率最大化。

    It also allows senior project members to maximize their effectiveness through their definition and implementations of model-to-model transformations .

  19. 再一次提醒,这个目标不是创建一个详细的计划,而是为项目成员提供一个大致的路标。

    Again , the goal is not to create a detailed plan but to provide a general roadmap for project staffing .

  20. 一旦文档回到线上,其更改部分会与资料库中的内容保持同步,并且对其他项目成员是可见的。

    Once the document is back online , their changes are synchronized with the repository and made visible to other project members .

  21. 我们需要灵活性,使项目成员可以根据其项目角色成为资产的消费者或生产者。

    We needed the flexibility for project members to be either consumers or producers of assets , depending on their project roles .

  22. 需求管理团队需要得到管理层的充分支持,因为不同的项目成员总是会找到理由去遵循旧的流程。

    The requirements management team needs full management support because different project members will always find reasons to follow the older process .

  23. 下表列出了项目成员的常见入门问题以及到关于这些问题的更多信息的链接。

    The following table lists typical questions for getting started as a project member and links to more information about those questions .

  24. 一个根本的问题是大多数项目成员对测试人员在项目中的角色了解得不够清楚。

    One underlying issue is that most project members don 't have a clear grasp of the tester 's role in their project .

  25. 为了精通上面的这些活动,需要在工具和对关键项目成员培训方面进行必要的投资。

    In order to become proficient in these activities , an investment in both tools and training for key project personnel will be required .

  26. 项目成员应该了解更广泛的企业环境,而他们对应的企业必须不断地监控项目以保持知识是最新的。

    Project people should understand the broader enterprise context , while their enterprise counterparts must constantly monitor projects to keep their knowledge base up-to-date .

  27. 受自我约束问题的影响,知识型项目成员会出现进度拖延行为,影响项目进度,导致学生综合症现象。

    Because of self-control problem , knowledge process project member occur procrastination behavior and cause project schedule delay which is called Students ' syndrome .

  28. 书中给出了许多类似这样的类比,它们很好的向其他项目成员解释和说明了我们的测试方案和测试范围。

    He offers many good analogies like this , which can be used to better explain our test plans and coverage to other project members .

  29. 这一切将有助于项目成员了解流程并在测试工作的基础上做出决策。

    All of this will help project members to understand the progress made , and to make decisions based on the results of the testing effort .

  30. 通常,当我见到那只团队的时候,我发现我所要传授的技能,那些项目成员都具备。

    Usually when I meet the team I find that there are project members with as much experience and skills as I might bring to the team .