
  1. 房地产开发项目建设周期长、投资数额大,管理及组织协调复杂,对市场反映敏感。

    Real estate projects feature long construction period , large investment , complicated management and coordination and sensitive with market .

  2. 同时要求项目建设周期越短越好、投产越快越好,这样才能抓住市场先机。

    Also requires the project construction period as short as possible , the sooner the better production , so as to seize market opportunities .

  3. 交通土建建设项目建设周期长,投资大,是关系到国计民生的支柱性产业之一。

    With large investment and long construction period , Transportation and Civil Engineering sectors is one of the pillars of the industry related to the national economy .

  4. 高校新校区建设项目建设周期长、投资多、不确定因素大量存在,并处在不断变化之中。

    The new campus construction projects of college have many problems , such as the long construction period , huge investment and a large number of uncertainties which are constantly changing .

  5. 其特点是项目建设周期长,功能复杂,专业广泛,施工困难等,要从这些方面同时着手进行节能管理,才能更好的实现建筑的节能减排。

    The project construction period is characterized by long , complex functions , professional wide , construction difficulties , at the same time to proceed from these energy management can achieve better building energy conservation .

  6. 在项目建设周期中,正确的施工方法(项目支付系统)、承包方式(支付)和施工承包商的正确选择对避免索赔也具有同样重要的作用,这些在本论文中都作了研究。

    Choosing of the right construction methods ( project delivery systems ), selection of contracting methods ( payments ) and selection of contractors have an equal importance in avoiding of claims during the project construction life which have strongly been stressed in this thesis .

  7. 在工程项目建设周期理论、工作分解结构理论的基础上,结合我国农地整理项目的实施特点,对农地整理项目的工作阶段进行划分。(2)农地整理项目价值链分析。

    This article divides the session of farmland consolidation project based on the cycle theory of construction projects , the cycle theory of work breakdown structure and the characteristics of farmland consolidation projects in china . ( 2 ) Analysis of value chain of farmland consolidation project .

  8. 传统的符号库是平台相关的,无法在不同GIS系统之间实现共享,造成了大量的重复劳动,延长了GIS项目的建设周期。

    The conventional symbol library is binding on its platform , and the GIS can not share their symbol library , so it brings out a number of repetitive labors , prolongation of construction project .

  9. 在ALE信息安全风险评估模型框架下,提出资产价值取决于实际工作量,采用WBS对公路工程项目按建设周期进行分解,对每个子工作项目进行专家评分,得到每种资产的安全价值三属性评分。

    Information security risk assessment in the ALE framework , the asset value depends on the actual workload : using WBS decomposition of the highway engineering project according to the construction period , the expert score for each work item , security value of each asset three attribute score .

  10. 轨道交通建设项目具有建设周期长、投资巨大、科技含量高、区域跨越大等特点。在我国轨道交通大规模建设阶段,工程建设面临的风险日益严峻。

    Rail transit construction projects have the characteristics of long construction period , huge investment , high technology etc. In the large-scale rail transit construction phase , construction risk is increasingly severe .

  11. 基于工程项目的建设周期,思考项目经理在不同阶段对项目管理的预警管理,而不是被动的处理。

    And based on the project construction period , this paper thinks about the project manager in different stages of the project management of early warning management , rather than passive treatment .

  12. 建设项目由于建设周期长、投资大、一次性、整体性强、涉及面广等特点,影响建设项目顺利进展的不确定性因素多。

    Many factors shall affect the smooth execution of project because the construction project has many characteristics such as a long construction period , huge investment , only-one-time action , strong integrity and vast involvement .

  13. 火电建设项目具有建设周期长、投入资金量大和建设过程复杂等特点,用传统的项目管理模式来进行管理已经不能满足电力建设实践的要求。

    The thermal power project possesses the characters of long-term construction , large-scale investment and complicated construction process , it is inefficient to manage the modern thermal power project practice using the orthodox project management pattern .

  14. 由于火电项目具有建设周期短、成本低、见效快等优势,能快速缓解我国目前的缺电局面,因此目前全国在建设的电源项目中多数为火电建设项目。

    Due to the advantage of electricity generation by thermal power in its short construction period , low cost , and quick effect , it has become the main type of the current electric source construction projects .

  15. 基础设施项目多是建设周期长、投资巨大的公益性项目,因而政府在其中发挥着不可或缺的作用。

    Most of infrastructure projects are long-construction cycle , hugely-investment commonweal project , so the government has played an important role in the infrastructure projects .

  16. 近年来新技术和新业务在移动通信行业的不断加入,使得移动通信项目工程建设的周期加长,技术更复杂,不确定性也大幅增加。

    With the introduction of new technologies and services into mobile communication recently , the cycle , complexity and uncertainty of mobile wireless communication projects increase .

  17. 由于基础设施项目大多属于建设周期长、投资巨大的公益性或准公益性项目,项目收益率并不高,单靠政府的财政无法满足基础设施项目对建设资金长期和巨大的渴求。

    Most of the infrastructure projects are long construction period , the huge investment of welfare or quasi-public projects , Government alone can not finance the construction to meet long-term and huge thirst for capital .

  18. 项目建设花费大,周期长。

    The construction of a project takes large expense and long period .

  19. 大型工程项目投资大、建设周期长、可能的风险因素多。

    Great investment , long construction period , many probably risk factors are existed in large-scale engineering project .

  20. 同时,城市轨道交通项目投资巨大、建设周期长,属于城市基础设施,政府和民众对其投资效果表现出极大的关注。

    But , the urban rail transit project needs huge investment and long construction period . The government and people showed great concerns on the results of their investment .

  21. 输变电工程项目耗资大、建设周期长和技术复杂,涉及的不确定因素较多,因此输变电工程的建设具有高风险性。

    Large transmission project cost , long construction period , and the technology is complex and involves more uncertainty , the construction of power transmission projects of high risk .

  22. 但是因为公共工程项目一般都是建设周期长、规模庞大的大型基础设施建设项目,因此长久以来在资金方面就存在着很大的供需缺口。

    According to the long construction cycle and the requirement of huge investment , there has been a large supply-demand gap in the financing field of the public engineering project .

  23. 对投资大、建设期长的基础设施项目,根据项目建设周期和还贷能力,适当延长贷款期限。

    For infrastructure projects that require huge investment and lengthy construction periods , the banks should extend the terms of loans in accordance with the construction period and repayment capacity .

  24. 其次,从水利工程项目建设管理的过程来看,投资决策阶段在项目建设周期中对于投资控制最为重要,即节约投资的可能性最大。

    Second , as viewed from the process of construction management of water conservancy project , investment decision-making stage is the most important to investment control in construction period , that is , the possibility of saving investment is greatest .

  25. 我国的房地产发展是通过房地产开发项目的完成来实现的,房地产项目开发是一个系统工程,在项目建设周期中前期运作位于项目的实施准备阶段,是项目成功关键。

    The development of real estate is accomplished by constructing projects , which is system engineering . The prophase is a period that the project is preparing for enacting and it is very critical for success finish of the whole project .