
  • 网络deliverable
  1. 你就可以趁此看一下对方是不是只是把同样的信息拷贝粘贴到每个可交付成果。

    It will allow you to see if they just copy and paste the same thing into every deliverable .

  2. 一个过程的成果一般成为另一过程的依据或成为项目的可交付成果。

    The output of one process generally becomes an input to another process or is a deliverable of the project .

  3. Workbreakdownstructure有一个文件,它通过确定项目目标和主要项目可交付成果,形成了项目团队和项目客户之间达成一致的基础。

    What is the document that forms the basis for an agreement among by identifying both the project objectives and the major project deliverables A.Project statement of work B.

  4. 敏捷方法可以引入到FixPack测试流程中,以提高效率、确保优质的可交付成果并消除浪费/等待时间。

    An agile methodology can be incorporated into the Fix Pack testing process to increase efficiency , ensure high quality deliverable and eliminate waste / wait times .

  5. 不过,对华盛顿来说,早期可交付成果似乎寥寥。保尔森不会让中国再拿一批波音(Boeing)订单来打发。

    However , what Washington calls early deliverables appear few . Mr Paulson will not be fobbed off with yet another batch of Chinese Boeing orders .

  6. 生成项目范围说明书、工作分解结构等范围管理工作的可交付成果。

    Produce a project scope statement and work breakdown structure as deliverable .

  7. 独特性是项目可交付成果的一项重要特性。

    Uniqueness is an important characteristic of project deliverables .

  8. 关于项目可交付成果,下列哪句是正确的?

    Which statement about project deliverables is correct ?

  9. 为了便于监控,每一个子阶段都要与一个或多个具体的可交付成果联系起来。

    Each subphase is aligned with one or more specific deliverables for monitoring and control .

  10. 项目创造独特的可交付成果,如产品、服务或成果。

    A project creates unique deliverables , which are products , services , or results .

  11. 一般情况下,项目的主要要素是项目的可交付成果和项目管理。

    In general , the major elements will be the project deliverables and project management .

  12. 其中,几个项目与你们的项目有类似的范围,可能会与你们的可交付成果存在交叉。

    Some of these projects have a very similar scope and may overlap wit your deliverables .

  13. 坐在一张大桌子前面,桌子上摆满了我们将要讨论的所有文件和可交付成果。

    Sit down at a big table amid all the documents and deliverables we 'll be discussing .

  14. 工序定义-确定为完成各种可交付成果所必须进行的具体工序。

    Activity Defination & identifying the specific activities that must be performed to produce the various project deliverables .

  15. 和干系人一起定义和记录详细的项目需求、限制和假设,以建立项目可交付成果。

    Define and record detail project requirements , constraints and assumptions with the stakeholders to establish the project deliverables .

  16. 项目可交付成果验收前必须满足的标准,包括性能要求和各项重要条件。

    Those criteria , including performance requirements and essential conditions , which must be met before project deliverables are accepted .

  17. 然而,尽管需要客户的认可,但是,这个客户既没有承认也没有说是否接受这项可交付成果。

    However , the customer neither acknowledges the deliverable nor says if it is acceptable , although an approval is requireD .

  18. 对可交付成果可以概括,也可以详细说明,具体视项目范围说明书的情况而定。

    Depending on the project scope statement , the deliverables may be described at a summary level or in great detail .

  19. 前一阶段产生的可交付成果通常要接受是否已经完成和准确的审查,在验收之后才能开始下一阶段的工作。

    Deliverables from one phase are usually reviewed for completeness and accuracy and approved before work starts on the next phase .

  20. 项目各阶段可交付成果应何时生成,以及如何审查、核实和确认。

    When the deliverables are to be generated in each phase and how each deliverable is reviewed , verified , and validated .

  21. 这是识别为了提交各种各样项目可交付成果而需要的具体活动所必需的过程。

    This is the process necessary for identifying the specific activities that need to be performed to produce the various project deliverables .

  22. 项目范围说明书详细地说明了项目的可交付成果和为提交这些可交付成果而必须开展的工作。

    The project scope statement describes , in detail , the project 's deliverables and the work required to create those deliverables .

  23. 整体变更控制-审查所有的变更请求,批准变更并控制可交付成果和组织过程资产。

    Integrated Change Control – reviewing all change requests , approving changes , and controlling changes to the deliverables and organizational process assets .

  24. 工作分解结构:对应当由项目团队执行以便实现项目目标,并创造必要的可交付成果的工作,按可交付成果所做的层次分解。

    A deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables .

  25. 可交付成果是某种有形的、可验证的工作成果,例如,技术规定说明书、可行性研究报告、详细设计文件或可以工作的样品。

    A deliverable is a measurable , verifiable work product such as a specification , feasibility study report , detailed design document , or working prototype .

  26. 利害关系者的利益可能受到项目执行或完成的有利或不利影响,因此他们也会对项目及其可交付成果施加影响。

    Stakeholders'interests may be positively or negatively affected by execution or completion of the project and they may also exert influence over the project and its deliverables .

  27. 想要在市场中开展复杂的业务,需要把服务产品化,也就是提前设定服务的范围、价格、持续时间、可交付成果等一系列内容。

    Marketplaces for complex transactions will need to productize their services , with boxed offerings that pre-define the scope , pricing , duration , and deliverables of a service .

  28. 某些可交付成果可能对应着项目管理过程,而另外一些则是该项目构思时设想的最终产品或产品的组成部分。

    Some deliverables can correspond to the project management process , whereas others are the end products or components of the end products for which the project was conceived .

  29. 可交付成果既包括由项目产品、服务或成果组成的结果,也包括附带结果,如项目管理报告和文件。

    Deliverables include both the outputs that comprise the product or service of the project , as well as ancillary results , such as project management reports and documentation .

  30. 但是,如果认为所涉及的风险是可以接受的话,后一阶段可以在前一阶段可交付成果通过验收之前开始。

    However , it is not uncommon for a phase to begin prior to the approval of the previous phase 's deliverables , when the risks involved are deemed acceptable .