
  • 网络Testability;measurable;measurability;DFT;Scalability
  1. 32位RISCCPU运算模块的设计及可测性设计

    Executing Module Design and DFT of 32-bit RISC CPU

  2. 用可测性设计的方法设计PLA

    Its design Design the PLAs Using DFT

  3. 爱因斯坦宣称自然现象的特征为不可测性而不是规律化

    Einstein declared that randomness rather than lawfulness is the characteristic of natural events .

  4. 通用乘法器IP核可测性设计研究

    Research on the design for the testability of the general multiplier

  5. 模拟电路的K故障定值和可测性设计

    Determination of K-Fault-Element Values and Design of Testability in Analog Circuits

  6. 系统芯片IP核透明路径构建中的可测性分析

    Testability Analysis for Transparency Paths Ready IP Cores in SoC

  7. DSP数据通路基于累加器测试的结构可测性设计

    Structural design-for-testability of accumulation-based testing for DSP data path

  8. 可测性DSP软硬件协同仿真验证平台设计

    A Design Method for Software / Hardware Co-Simulation and Verification Platform for DSP

  9. 数字IC可测性设计和自动测试生成技术

    Design for Testability and Automatic Test Generation Techniques for Digital IC ′ s

  10. CMOS图像传感器中A/D转换器的可测性设计

    Design for testability of analog-to-digital convention in CMOS imaging sensors

  11. 表面安装PCB板的测试方法及可测性设计

    Test Technique and Testability Design of Surface Mount Technology PCB

  12. 数字IC可测性设计及其EDA流程

    Design for Testability and DFT Design Flow in EDA

  13. 基于嵌入式MCU的计算器电路的可测性设计

    Design for testability about calculator circuit based on embeded-system

  14. 可测性设计DFT技术已成为IC设计中的一个重要技术。

    Design for testability has become one of the important parts in IC design .

  15. 高速离散余弦变换VLSI实现的可测性设计

    Design for Testability of a Novel High-Speed DCT in VLSI

  16. VLSI高层次综合中可测性和低功耗设计方法研究

    Research on Testability and Low Power Design Method in VLSI High-Level Synthesis

  17. FFT处理器的算术测试与可测性设计

    Arithmetic test and design-for-testability for FFT processor

  18. 边界扫描可测性设计及其VHDL描述

    Boundary Scan Design for Testability and Its Description Language VHDL

  19. 通常,用于可测性的设计可以将对象的API推向一种更清晰更模块化的状态。

    Often , designing for testability can push the object 's API toward a cleaner , more modular state .

  20. 嵌入式存储器在SoC中的可测性设计

    DFT of embeded memory in SoC

  21. ASIC可测性设计中扫描路径的应用与分析

    Application and analysis of the scan path in ASIC 's testable design

  22. 扫描单元及其在ASIC可测性设计中的应用

    Scan Cell and Its Application in the Design for Testability of ASIC

  23. 重点分析了芯片的可测性设计(DFT)、内嵌FLASH设计、低功耗设计。

    Particularly the testability , embedded Flash memory control and low power design are discussed in detail .

  24. PCB可测性设计

    Design for Measurability of PCB

  25. ASIC集成电路的可测性设计与技术实现

    Design for Testability and Implement Technology in ASIC Design

  26. VLSI与电子系统的层次化可测性设计

    Hierarchical DFT for VLSI and Electronic System

  27. 一种DC-DC芯片内建可测性设计

    A Design for Built-in Testability of DC-DC Converter Chip

  28. 低功耗MP3解码器设计及其可测性分析

    Low Power MP3 Decoder and Its Design-for-Testability Techniques

  29. 可测性设计(DesignForTestability,DFT)作为一种在芯片设计时就考虑系统测试问题的新兴设计方法出现了。

    DFT ( Design for Testability ), a new design method considering the system test problem during IC design period , has appeared .

  30. 讨论基于自动机/形式语言模型的离散事件系统(DES)的可测性问题。

    Detectability of Discrete Event Systems ( DES ) based on automata / languages is studied .