
  • 网络time pressure;time-pressure
  1. 分析了竹筒干燥后的不同形态的原因。(3)在竹材防护研究中,从增重率看,对其影响大小的工艺因素的顺序为:加压时间压力大小温度ACQ-B浓度。

    Analysis the reason of different shape of bamboo tubes after the drying . ( 3 ) In the protection of bamboo , from ratio of weight gain , the order of effect of the technological factors : pressure time pressure temperature ACQ-B concentration .

  2. 但在不同时间压力情境下,不同通路的作用有所差异。

    However , the pathway is different under various time pressure .

  3. 在满足所提出的业务目标的过程中,构建和部署服务的紧密时间压力给SOA项目留下了很小的犯错空间。

    Intense time pressures to build and deploy services leaves very little room for error in meeting business goals set forth for SOA projects .

  4. 由于PDA显示的局限性、时间压力、文化差异以及价值取向,很多收件人可能只看邮件的头几行内容。

    PDA limitations , time pressures , cultural distinctions and value judgments keep many readers from reading further .

  5. 但是,接受这种挑战的CEO们所要承受的时间压力也许是他们之前从未经历过的。

    But CEOs who do accept the challenge are on the clock in a way that they may not have been before .

  6. 紧急设计最常见的一个混淆器(obfuscators)是技术债务&由于外力原因强加于您设计的折中方案,例如,时间压力。

    And one of the most common obfuscators of emergent design is technical debt & compromises imposed on your design for the sake of some external force , such as schedule pressure .

  7. 确保别在有时间压力的情况下操作;

    Just be sure not to do it under time pressure ;

  8. 时间压力对风险决策中框架效应的影响

    Time Stress Affecting the the Framing Effect of Risk Decision-Making

  9. 在时间压力下我们生活很艰辛。

    We led a hard life in times of stress .

  10. 当时间压力不大时,呈现内容组织图不利于学习;

    Organizer impaired user 's learning under low time stress .

  11. 既判物之抗辩,即判力时间压力和时间距离对谈判影响的实验研究

    An Experimental Research about Influence of Time Pressure and Temporal Distance on Negotiation

  12. 时间压力下人员流动状态的观测和分析

    Observation and Analysis of Pedestrian Flow Under Time Pressure

  13. 时间压力的加重更加令高管无法意识到自己快要丢掉工作了。

    Increased time pressures further hamper executives ' awareness about an imminent job loss .

  14. 在时间压力情境下,创意自我效能感与创造力得分相关均不显著。

    In time pressure situations , creative self-efficacy and creativity were not significantly related .

  15. 归因风格、时间压力对决策信息加工的影响

    The Influence of Attributive Style and Time Pressure on information Processing in Decision making

  16. 控制变量包括高时间压力、噪音、温度与光级。

    Control variables include high time pressure , noise , temperature , and light levels .

  17. 该反模式的最后一个因素就是交付的时间压力。

    A final factor in the emergence of the antipattern was time pressure on delivery .

  18. 实验二对有意义的线条图进行研究,探讨时间压力下线条图的眼动策略。

    The second experiment used line drawing to explore the eye movement strategy of meaningless figure .

  19. 首先进行预实验确定了有时间压力条件下的时间限制条件。

    Firstly , a pre-experiment is conducted to determine the time limited term under time pressure condition .

  20. 在经过长时间压力测试之后,系统整体性能表现正常,达到预期的设计要求。

    After long time of pressure test , the system performed normally and meet the designed standard .

  21. 不幸的是,迫于项目的时间压力,不可能对它进行深入开发。

    Unfortunately , due to project time pressures , it was not possible to develop this further .

  22. 迫于无线应用程序不断增长的复杂性和推向市场的时间压力,手工压缩是困难的。

    Due to the increasing complexity of wireless applications and time-to-market pressures , manual compaction can be difficult .

  23. 第一个因素是被试间变量,即不同情境,分为有时间压力组和无时间压力组。

    The first between-subject factor included two levels , having time pressure group and no time pressure group .

  24. 此外,个体差异比较、时间压力以及信息激起为研究情绪在个体判断和决策中的作用提供了很好的研究思路。

    Individual difference , time pressure and information arousal methods have been widely used in this research field .

  25. 忽略质量控制&时间压力有时会让程序员或项目团队有意跳过测试过程。

    Neglecting quality control-time pressure can sometimes cause programmers or project teams to be tempted to skip testing .

  26. 目前,产品开发的困难既来自于技术复杂性,又来自于时间压力。

    Nowadays , difficulties of product development are not only come from complexity , but also pressure of time .

  27. 当阅读中等难度的文章时,在有时间压力的情境下的阅读时间显著多于无时间压力情境的阅读时间。

    The subjects took more time reading the medium items under having time pressure than no time pressure significantly .

  28. 选择一个合适的项目作为第一次尝试,和一个信任的业务客户合作,尝试解决真正的问题,并挑战时间压力。

    Chose a suitable first trial project with a trusted business customer , a real problem and challenging timescales .

  29. 检验信息呈现方式、时间压力和个体认知风格对网上学习的影响效应。

    The effects of information organization form , time stress and cognitive style on learning performances in WWW were examined .

  30. 时间压力与时间间隔之间交互作用不显著,组内差异与组间差异均不显著。

    Either the difference Of intergroup or between-group , the interaction between time pressure and time interval is not significant .