
  • 网络The time machine;Wayback Machine;TARDIS
  1. Marty和Doc从来没有过已经把时间机器带到2015年。

    Marty and Doc never had have had brought the time machine to 2015 .

  2. 你说了他们决定毁掉那个时间机器。

    You said they decided to destroy the time machine .

  3. 有梦见在天上飞的,在时间机器里旅行的,还有长出三个头的。

    Flying in the sky or in a time machine or growing three heads .

  4. Internet就是我的时间机器。

    The Internet was my time machine .

  5. 与此同时,我们充分的时间机器仍在运行的Beta建设。

    In the meantime , our full time machines are still running the Beta build .

  6. 我们增加了请求观测器工具,一个“时间机器调试器(TimeMachineDebugger)”,它直观地呈现出逻辑资源请求和他们所映射到的物理代码。

    We added the Request Visualizer tool , a " Time Machine Debugger ", which visually presents logical resource requests and their mapping to physical code .

  7. 这是一个简单的自制软件,目标是配置DA开发的PSP上的时间机器。

    It is a simple homebrew that has the aim to configure D.A. 's Time Machine by PSP .

  8. 用这台时间机器,我们能回到过去。

    With this machine , we can go back in time .

  9. 当网络重新连接上后,时间机器将继续备份。

    Time Machine continues the backup when the network connection re-establishes .

  10. 有没有人要买我在时间机器里的股份?

    Does anyone want to buy my share of time machine ?

  11. 我乘坐你发明的时间机器来的。

    I came here in a time machine that you invented .

  12. 时间机器每次备份都会和前一次的备份文件做比较。

    Time Machine compares all later backups to the first one .

  13. 你不是弄时间机器的,对吧?

    Your not working on a time machine are you ?

  14. 有钱能买到时间机器吗?不能!

    All these money can 't buy me a time machine NO !

  15. 如果你删除一个文件,时间机器将记录这删除的记录。

    If you delete a file , Time Machine tracks that deletion .

  16. 如果你需要找的文件非常久远,时间机器可能把它给删除了。

    You can also browse your Time Machine backups in the Finder .

  17. 论《时间机器》的思维魅力

    On the Charm of Thought of the Time Machine

  18. 这的确是一种时间机器。

    This really is a sort of time machine .

  19. 影视作品中有一个版本的时间机器运用了虫洞的能量。

    One version of a time machine uses what 's called a wormhole .

  20. 他说那是时间机器。

    He said it was a time machine .

  21. 那是一台时间机器,萨利。

    Smith , what is this ?"" That is a time machine , Sally .

  22. 如果你能够建造一台时间机器,它会是什么样的?

    If you could build a time machine , what would it look like ?

  23. 我希望我能够再次使用时间机器。

    I was hoping I would be able to use the time machine again .

  24. 我希望能让你看看时间机器,给你希望。

    I wish I could show you the time machine and give you hope .

  25. 带着沉重的心情,艾米莉亚站在刚修好的时间机器前。

    With a heavy heart , Amelia stood before the newly repaired time machine .

  26. 时间机器:幻想还是礼物?

    Timemachine : An Illusion or A Gift ?

  27. 那么谁拥有这个时间机器呢?

    So who owns the machine tt ?

  28. 2036年前已经有人发明时间机器了?

    Someone invented a time machine by2036 ?

  29. 因此,重叠迭代从字面上看是不可能的&除非您有时间机器!

    Therefore , overlapping iterations literally becomes impossible & unless you have a time machine !

  30. 它充当了时间机器。

    It acts as a time machine .