
shí shì
  • the current situation;the trend of the times;the way things are going;current trend of events
时势 [shí shì]
  • [the trend of the times] 当时的情势或趋势

  • 时势造英雄

  • 迫于时势,他不得不做这样的选择

  • 非务相反也,时势异也。--《吕氏春秋.察今》

时势[shí shì]
  1. 从时势与机括的角度来分析历史,是一种认识历史的方法。他的史论从不同角度强调人在历史上的重要地位。

    To analyze history by the current situation and occasion is a method to understand history .

  2. 渠道复合时要注意市场时势、渠道管理、渠道增值空间以及信息整合等相关问题,遵循相关的规则。

    Those channels are combined needs to pay attention to some question and regulation , such as the current situation of marketing , channel management , channel increment space and information integration , etc.

  3. 并且,任命一位欧元区的财政部长做IMF总裁大大不合当下时势。

    Moreover , the case against appointing a euro-zone finance minister as head of the IMF now is overwhelming .

  4. 但如今时势艰难,该国经济停滞不前,所以巴黎市长安妮·伊达尔戈(AnneHidalgo)对此持不同态度,她乐于在目前相貌平平的一个巴黎区域看到这样一个巨大的私人投资项目。

    But in these trying times , with the country 's economy moribund , the mayor of Paris , Anne Hidalgo , has been arguing otherwise , delighted to see such a huge private investment in an area of Paris that , at the moment , is not much to look at .

  5. 他没有勇气抗拒时势潮流。

    He hasn 't the courage to go against the stream .

  6. 英雄造时势,时势造英雄。

    Heroes create the times , the times produce their heroes .

  7. 不过在政坛上,有时候是时势造英雄。

    Sometimes , though , political leaders are made by the moment .

  8. 时势不好,市面清得不成话。

    Times are bad , the market is dead as a doornail .

  9. 顺流而游,顺应时势顺应金融混业经营趋势加快金融控股公司立法

    Swim with the current Quickening Legislation of Finance Holdings

  10. 我们都受时势的祝福或诅咒。

    We are blessed and cursed by our times .

  11. 向某人提供时势动态。

    To update someone on what 's been happening .

  12. 对于含时势我们需要一些附加的假设。

    For time-dependent potentials we need some additional assumptions .

  13. 古人曾说时势造英雄。

    Someone once said that the circumstances create heroes .

  14. 我不知道目前时势如何变化。

    I don 't know right now how things are gonna turn out .

  15. 英雄不是天生的,时势造英雄。

    Heroes aren 't born , they 're made .

  16. 部分弟子传承墨子注重逻辑、推理论证的思想,因应时势转变为论理名家。

    Some of Mo Tzu 's disciples inherited his dialectics and became great polemicists .

  17. 但我们当前的健康危机引来了另一句经典的回复:啊,时势!

    But our present health crisis provokes a different classical response : O tempora !

  18. 我并没有要逆时势而动的意思。

    I have no idea of running counter to the signs of the times .

  19. 在那个时代,只有男人才能被允许关注时势新闻。

    This was an age when only men were allowed to read the news .

  20. 正如俗语所说,时势艰难时,铁腕当道日。

    As they say , when the going gets tough , the tough get going .

  21. 灵活性带来的好处有限,显示时势依然艰难。

    The limited gains from flexibility suggest that there is still much pain to come .

  22. 开发绿色产品是时势所趋

    To Develop Green Products is Current Trend

  23. 因应时势,我校保险专业教学的定位必须调整:一是积极培育社区保险经济人;

    According to the situation , the teaching of insurance speciality of our college must readjust .

  24. 这段话正中时势。

    That was the issue precisely .

  25. 没认识到新的政治形势。政治家们应该认清时势。

    Incognizant of the new political situation . Statesmen should understand the signs of the times .

  26. 所以通达人见这样的时势,必静默不言。因为时势真恶。

    Therefore the prudent man keeps quiet in such times , for the times are evil .

  27. 你也许不能控制时势,可是你能够冷静应对。

    You may not be able to control the times , but you can compose your response .

  28. 他不仅是一位时势造成的英雄,更是一种主要的历史动力。

    He was no mere creature of circumstance , but rather a prime moving force in history .

  29. 顺流而游,顺应时势

    Swim with the current

  30. 和谐社会的建立为保险业的发展提出了更高的要求;同时,顺应这一时势,保险业的发展也具有了更深层次的内涵,保险应该成为构建和谐社会的坚实后盾。

    The construction of a harmonious society puts forward a higher requirement on the development of the insurance industry .