
  • 网络time travel;time shift
  1. 著名物理学家斯蒂芬•霍金表示,时空穿梭是可能实现的。

    Time travel may be possible , says famous physicist Stephen Hawking .

  2. 事实上,时空穿梭用的是物理学(爱因斯坦的相对论理论)而非生物学。

    In reality time travel uses physics ( Einstein ` s theory of relativity ) not biology .

  3. 美国康涅狄格大学教授、《时间旅行者》的作者RonaldMallett认为,遗传基因让人具有时空穿梭能力这一假设是“完全不可信”的。

    According to Ronald Mallett , a professor at the University of Connecticut and author of The Time Traveler , time travel as a genetic condition is " highly improbable " .

  4. 第六季首集长两个小时,刚好从第五季没有讲完的紧张情节开始。当时脊椎外科医生、坠机生还者谢泼德(JackShephard)(由马修福克斯饰演)努力控制岛屿上的时空穿梭机。

    The two-hour season six premiere picks up right where the season five cliffhanger left off , when spinal surgeon and crash survivor Jack Shephard , played by Matthew Fox , tries to manipulate the island 's shadowy time-travel properties .

  5. 跟我们时空穿梭前的一样

    Before we started jumping through time !

  6. 与其说它是部关于时空穿梭的电影倒不如说它传达了一种救世主的思想。

    It is less about time travel and more about the idea of " the One " .

  7. 这部后现代主义风格电影分为上下两集。刘镇伟对《西游记》的改编天马行空,荒诞至极。但片中包裹在时空穿梭以及超现实的搞笑情节之下的,是一段潇洒、唯美的传统爱情故事。

    Yet beneath all the time-travelling and supernatural slapstick of this postmodern two-parter is a traditional love story so cheesy it 's actually romantic .

  8. 我们中不少人都喜欢时空穿梭、外星人和关于未来的故事,但大多数科幻小说都来自于西方。

    Many of us love stories about time travel , aliens , and the future , but most science fiction comes from the West .

  9. 想想这个结果(由时空穿梭所引起的因果倒置)就会令人头痛,而多年以来那些科幻小说家却对这个话题乐此不彼。

    Contemplating the consequences of that will give you a headache , and science fiction writers for decades have delighted in the paradoxes that can arise from traveling through time .

  10. 想想还是觉得我更喜欢拥有时间机器可以在不同时空穿梭,回到过去。把以前未完成的事情做完。

    After giving it a thought , I 'd like to travel in a time machine , go back to the past and finish off the things which I haven 't been able to finish in the past .

  11. 天马行空的想象,混乱时空的穿梭,虚幻唯美的画面&影像构成现代都市生活人的理想时空。

    Fantastic imagination , shuttle in the confusing time and space , illusory and beautiful pictures-Images form the ideal space for " men " live in modern urbanism .

  12. 以时空车站为主题,一条梯形的逐渐放大时空穿梭走廊迅速铺开,使人感觉进入了一个时空交替的太空展览空间。

    The subject is space train station : a trapeziform aisle symbolizes transporting in time to show people a time shifting inter-space .