
  • 网络time-reversible
  1. 双曲型问题的时间可逆性

    Time reversibility of hyperbolic problem

  2. 牛顿力学的时间可逆性与宏观热力学过程不可逆性的矛盾,很长时间以来一直是物理学和哲学中争论最多的问题之一。

    The contradiction between temporal reversibility of Newton mechanics and irreversibility of thermodynamic process has long been one of the most frequently debated problems in physics and philosophy .

  3. 时间不可逆性思想的科学价值

    The Scientific Value of Time 's Irreversibility

  4. 时间不可逆之于教育会引发一系列的思想变革:一是时间成为人的发展的结构性内涵;

    Education should have a series thinking changes in a view of time 's irreversibility : One is that time becomes a structure content to person 's development ;

  5. 以不确定性、非线性、时间不可逆性为内涵,以复杂的问题为对象是现代科学的新模式,应用非常规工具开展科研工作已成为经典科研方式的必要补充。

    Nowadays the scientific problems get more and more complex , so it becomes more and more important and necessary for the application of unconventional tools in the sediment research .

  6. 鉴于此,本文的工作主要有以下两个方面:一、心电信号时间不可逆的分析首先介绍心电信号基础知识和心电信号预处理。

    In view of this above , this thesis mainly in the following two aspects : First , time irreversible analysis of ECG . Firstly , the basics knowledge of ECG and ECG preprocessing is introduced .

  7. 采用CLMC的统计复杂性度量的形式,并利用时间不可逆性(序列的动力非线性信息)作为补偿项,提出一种新的统计复杂性度量方法。

    Therefore , we alter the disequilibrium term by the information of time irreversibility ( information of nonlinear sequence dynamics ) and present a novel statistical complexity measure which is used to quantify the complexity caused by nonlinear dynamics .

  8. 本研究的目的就在于:寻找能恰当反映心脏动力系统在不同的生理病理状态下区别的时间不可逆性测度以揭示心脏动力系统本质,进而在临床应用中得到一致结论并形成诊断标准。

    And the objective of our research is to find some time-irreversible measurements which are sensitive to different physiological and pathological states , in order to reveal the underlying features of cardiac system and achieve unanimous conclusion and diagnostic standard .

  9. 探讨多变量相空间重构理论,基于相点演化的时间轨道不可逆与可逆特性提出三维变形时序MLE双向搜索修正方法。

    Then , the modified method of bi-direction search is developed for calculating the MLE from3D deformation time series based on the reversible and irreversible properties of time trajectories .

  10. 但是时间的不可逆性证明了“回归自然”的空幻。

    But " to return to the nature " was proved illusory .

  11. 内燃机有限时间内不可逆循环热力学分析

    Finite Time Thermodynamic Analysis of Internal Combustion Engine Irreversible Cycle

  12. 时间无关不可逆过程及不可逆系统的稳定性

    Time-independence of irreversible behaviors and stability of irreversible systems

  13. 结果表明与内可逆卡诺循环有相同吸、放热时间的不可逆卡诺循环的优化关系最佳;

    The result explained that the favourable relation of irreversible Carnot cycle which has as time of absorption heat and rejection heat as endo-reversible Carnot cycle is optimum .

  14. 本文应用系统科学的理论方法研究金融市场的特性,提出具有代表性的开放系统属性、远离平衡态、涨落、突变性、非线性作用、时间的非可逆性和非对称性这五个重要特征。

    This paper studies the characteristics of securities market by applying systematic science and has proposed five representative characteristics , namely , open system attribute , non-equilibrium state , the fluctuation , the catastrophe , the non-linear function , and non-invertibility and asymmetrical of time .

  15. DNA构象动力学展示了在微观时间尺度上受到可逆脒影响的结合区域附近DNA细微的构象的变化。

    DNA conformational dynamics in the vicinity of binding region were influenced significantly by the reversible amidine on a nanosecond time scale .

  16. 在分析常用的计算最大Lyapunov指数小数据量法的基础上,研究了混沌吸引子时间轨道的不可逆特性,提出基于后向搜索和双向搜索计算最大Lyapunov指数的推广小数据量法通用经验公式。

    After analyzing recently common methods of calculating the largest Lyapunov exponent from small data sets , the irreversible property of time trajectories is studied and extended method for calculating the largest Lyapunov exponent of chaotic system is proposed based on backward or bi-direction search phase point .

  17. 时间反演过程中可逆性佯谬的消除

    Elimination of Reversibility Paradox in Time Reversal Processes

  18. 有限时间热力学中不可逆卡诺热机

    Irreversible Carrot Heat Engines in Finite-time Thermodynamics

  19. 论教育的时间内涵&时间不可逆的教育意义在此期间,涵盖六大新兴经济体的更宽泛指数的升幅达到惊人的30%。

    On the meaning of time for education : an irreversibility perspective ; A broader index , which includes six big emerging economies , is up a whopping 30 per cent since then .

  20. 在这里时间元素的重要性凸显出来:时间是不可逆的,人们无法再造某一特定时刻、特定场景或特定影像。

    Here the importance of the aspect of time becomes evident : time is irreversible and it is impossible to reproduce a specific moment , a certain scene or a particular image .

  21. 有限时间热力学理论是经典热力学的延伸和推广,它独特的研究内容和方法已经使它成为研究受有限时间约束的不可逆热力学过程的一种重要的理论工具。

    Theory of finite-time thermodynamics is an extension of classical thermodynamics . Because it has specific contents and distinct research methods , it has become an important theoretical tool that is often used in the research of irreversible thermodynamic process constrained in finite time .