
  • 网络thinking paradigm;thought pattern
  1. 论高校教学管理思维范式的转换

    On the Conversion of Thought Pattern of University Teaching Management

  2. 现代人类学思维范式的创生&马克思实践哲学新探

    The Initiation of modern anthropological thought pattern - a new research into Marxist practical philosophy

  3. 伴随新思维范式的崛起,是对自然的旧有信仰毁灭性改变。

    New paradigms arise with destructive changes in beliefs about nature .

  4. 复杂性思想:开创人类思维范式新变革

    Complexity Thought : Open the New Transform of Human Thinking Paradigm

  5. 教育管理决策的适应思维范式

    On the Adaptive Thinking Paradigm of the Educational Decision - making

  6. 黑格尔辩证法思想与现代思维范式

    The Dialectic Idea of Hegel and the Modern Thinking Pattern

  7. 思维范式转换与马克思哲学变革的实质

    The Transformation of Thinking Paradigm and the Essence of Marxist Philosophical Revolution

  8. 组合创新:否定与超越自我的思维范式

    Combinatorial Innovation : Paradigm of Thinking for Self-denying and Self-surpassing

  9. 第六章论述动画艺术中所存在的创作思维范式。

    The sixth chapter discusses the thinking models in the art of animation .

  10. 非控论:一种新的思维范式

    Non Cybernetics : A New Mode of Thinking

  11. 局部规则是复杂性理论中基于个体思维范式的一个重要概念。

    Local rule is an important concept of individual-based thinking paradigm in complexity theory .

  12. 哲学思维范式的转化影响哲学基本问题的解决;

    The turn of the mode of philosophical thought affects the solution of the fundamental problems .

  13. 这种思维范式的转变,也为我们重新研究杜威提供了新的视角。

    The change of this thinking mode gave us a new visual angle to reconsider Dewey .

  14. 同时,信息技术与社会的互动作用也改变着传统的思维范式。

    Meanwhile , interaction between information and society also leads to changes in traditional research paradigm .

  15. 音乐人类学进行田野调查,可反映出音乐人类学思维范式的变化。

    Making the field investigation by musicology can reflect the transformation of thinking model of musicology .

  16. 心理学的发展要融合两种价值取向与两种思维范式。

    The two value approaches or thinking models should be integrated in the process of psychological development .

  17. 历史分期的研究方法如今被全球史观全新的史学思维范式完全否定了。

    The method of division of historical periods has been negated completely by the brand-new historical thought pattern .

  18. 根本出路在于超越二元论、线性因果论等简单思维范式的禁锢。

    The Way-out could be to exceed the durance from the simple thinking paradigm such as dualism and linearity .

  19. 教师备课思维范式的转换及教学创新

    The Transformation of the Mode of Thinking in the Preparation of Lessons of Teachers and the Creating of Teaching

  20. 马克思的哲学变革实际上是对传统哲学本体论思维范式的否定和超越。

    In fact , the philosophy transformation of Marx is to the thinking model of traditional philosophy denial and surmounting .

  21. 教育管理决策的概念、标准、一般特征、研究模型、思维范式和历史背景;

    The concept , standards , commonly characters , study model , thought model and history background of education management decision-making ;

  22. 以往的哲学家从特定历史条件和思维范式出发,形成了传统的自由理论。

    The former philosopher embarked from the specific historic condition and the thought model , has formed the traditional free theory .

  23. 传统认识论是一种设定自我、自我意识为理性根源的主体性哲学思维范式。

    Traditional epistemology is a paradigm of thought of subjective philosophy that presupposes the origin of rationality is ego or ego-consciousness .

  24. 基于个体的思维范式已经成为现代科学,特别是复杂性科学探索的一种新思维。

    This kind of individual-based modeling has already become an important thinking paradigm for contemporary science , especially for complex sciences .

  25. 它告诉我们,面对复杂的非线性世界,我们必须运用非线性思维范式来分析和把握。

    It tells us that the face of complex non-linear world , we must use non-linear thinking mode to analyze and grasp .

  26. 科学认识和价值认识发展轨迹的融合产生了当代教育管理决策的适应思维范式。

    The amalgamation of developing course of science and value cognitions give birth to the adaptive thinking paradigm of the educational decision-making .

  27. 阐释学为翻译研究提供了哲学思维范式,而不同的思维范式产生了不同的翻译理论。

    With these thinking models , diverse approaches to translation study come out , whose argument focuses on objectivity in the text interpretation .

  28. 德国古典哲学是由近代认识论思维范式向现代人类学思维范式转换的过渡和中介。

    Classical philosophy of German is the transition and intermediary from the pattern of modern epistemology thinking to that of neoteric anthropology thinking .

  29. 我个人经常觉得历史比较研究难以进行,但是实际上也做一点这方面的思考,也不能逃避这种思维范式。

    Scholars have realized that it is difficult , if not impossible , to conduct comparative historical studies between China and the West .

  30. 资本逻辑和传统形而上学的思维范式具有同构性。在其统治下,“抽象对人的统治”就成为了一种必然的命运。

    Capital logic thinking and traditional metaphysics with isomorphism rule and the rule of " abstract " become a kind of inevitable fate .