
sī xiǎnɡ zhàn xiàn
  • the ideological front
  1. 这值得我们思想战线上的同志深思。

    That is something our comrades on the ideological front should ponder .

  2. 关于思想战线上的问题的谈话

    Concerning problems on the ideological front

  3. 这是一个在政治战线L和思想战线上的伟大的社会主义革命。

    This is a great socialist revolution on the political and ideological fronts .

  4. 党在组织战线和思想战线上的迫切任务

    The party 's urgent tasks on the organizational and ideological fronts

  5. 这是思想战线的任务之一。

    This is one of the tasks on our ideological front .

  6. 但是,确实不能低估思想战线混乱造成的影响。

    However , we must not underestimate the impact of such confusion .

  7. 思想战线不能搞精神污染。

    People working in the ideological field must not spread mental pollution .

  8. 解决思想战线混乱问题的主要方法,仍然是开展批评和自我批评。

    The chief method for dealing with this confusion remains criticism and self-criticism .

  9. 整个思想战线的工作都需要加强。

    All our ideological work has to be improved .

  10. 提出必须进行政治战线和思想战线上的社会主义革命。

    Point out that socialist revolution of Politics and thought must be carried out .

  11. 我们现在在思想战线上的一个重要任务,就是要开展对于修正主义的批判。

    It is an important task for us to unfold criticism of revisionism on the ideological front now .

  12. 思想战线上的战士,都应当是人类灵魂工程师。

    All our workers fighting on the ideological front should serve as " engineers of the soul " .

  13. 思想战线范围很广,我现在主要说理论和文艺战线。

    The ideological field covers a broad area , but I shall chiefly discuss theoretical work and literature and art .

  14. 党对思想战线和文艺战线的领导是有显著成绩的,这要肯定。

    The Party 's leadership on this front including literature and art has achieved noteworthy success . This should be affirmed .

  15. 在《云南社会科学》,《思想战线》等刊物发表现当代文学研究的多篇文章。

    He has published many articles on contemporary literature in journals such as Yunnan Social Science and The Frontlines of Thought .

  16. 她是在革命后才长起来,她太年轻,不记得五六十年代思想战线的斗争。

    She had grown up since the Revolution and was too young to remember the ideological battles of the fifties and sixties .

  17. 在中国文化战线或思想战线上,五四以前和五四以后,构成了两个不同的历史时期。

    On the cultural or ideological front , the two periods preceding and following the May 4th Movement form two distinct historical periods .

  18. 解决这些问题,是这次整党对思想战线的党组织和党员的最重要要求。

    In the current rectification movement the most important task for Party organizations and members doing ideological work is to resolve these questions .

  19. .建议各级领导同志,特别是思想战线的同志认真学习一下,并且按照文章的精神办事。

    I suggest that leading comrades at all levels , especially those working in the field of ideology , study it conscientiously and sct

  20. 建议各级领导同志,特别是思想战线的同志认真学习一下,并且按照文章的精神办事。

    I suggest that leading comrades at all levels , especially those working in the field of ideology , study it conscientiously and act accordingly .

  21. 首先要认识目前问题的严重性,认识改变思想战线的领导软弱涣散状况的迫切必要性。

    First and foremost , they should recognize the seriousness of the problems and the urgent need to overcome weakness and laxity in leadership in this area .

  22. 我们已经在生产资料所有制的改造方面,取得了基本胜利,但是在政治战线和思想战线方面,我们还没有完全取得胜利。

    While we have won basic victory in transforming the ownership of the means of production , we are even farther from complete victory on the political and ideological fronts .

  23. 在思想文化战线上,其宣传主要包括两个方面。

    In the ideological and cultural front , its propaganda mainly includes two aspects .

  24. 祝我们在社会各界首先是知识分子的思想改造战线上的胜利!

    Victory on the front of the ideological remoulding of people in all walks of life , and primarily of the intellectuals !

  25. 党在思想文化战线上的执政能力和执政水平,是党的执政能力建设的重要组成部分。

    The party 's administration capability and administration level in the battlefront of thought and culture , is the momentous part of the party 's administration construction .

  26. 从三个文明建设的角度理解三个代表思想与统一战线

    On Comprehending Three Represents & the United Front from the Perspective of Three-Civilization Construction

  27. 在这个时期,思想理论工作战线的任务特别重大。

    In this period our ideological and theoretical workers have a particularly heavy responsibility .