
  1. 上层建筑领域的革命包括政治上层建筑的革命与思想上层建筑的革命。

    Superstructure revolution included the revolutionary in political superstructure and ideal superstructure .

  2. 图腾文化作为氏族社会的思想上层建筑,两者相互联系,相互作用。

    Totemism is the ideological superstructure of society , and both of them are interrelated and interact .

  3. 作为一种思想上层建筑,新自由主义从未放弃意识形态领域的斗争。

    New liberalism , as a superstructure of thought , never gives up the struggle in the realm of ideology .

  4. 文化作为思想上层建筑,对政治上层建筑的发展起到深刻影响作用。

    Culture as an ideological superstructure , develops with relative independence , and its political superstructure , plays a profound influence on it .

  5. 这是因为,意识形态作为社会意识的一种特殊表现形式,是社会的思想上层建筑,是一定社会或阶级基于自身利益,对现存社会关系自觉反应而形成的理论体系的总和。

    Because of the ideology is the special form of social superstructure , And it is the summation of theoretical system which the special class bases on their benefit and to react the self-consciously realistic society .

  6. 意识形态是社会的思想上层建筑,是一定社会阶级、集团基于自身的根本利益对现存社会关系自觉反映而形成的理论体系,是该阶级、集团的政治纲领、行为准则、价值取向的理论根据。

    Ideology is the social superstructure of idea , the theoretical system formed through some social class and group 's conscious reflection on the extant social relation based on its own basic interest , and theoretical basis of political program , behavior criterion , and the value orientation .

  7. 它是政治和思想等上层建筑赖以存在的基础。

    It was the basis of the superstructure as politics , thought and so on for the existence .

  8. 作为一定社会或阶级的思想体系的意识形态,是社会的思想上层建筑,表达一定阶级的根本的经济利益和政治目的,为一定阶级服务。

    It services for a certain class by expressing its fundamental economic interests and political ends .