
guó mín
  • national;country;citizen
国民 [guó mín]
  • (1) [national;citizen]

  • (2) 全国民众

  • (3) 今指取得一国国籍的人,即该国国民

国民[guó mín]
  1. 国民议会已表决通过预算。

    The national assembly has voted to adopt the budget .

  2. 我配眼镜是国民医疗服务体系资助的。

    I got my glasses on the National Health .

  3. 他们有大多数国民的支持。

    They have the support of most of the country .

  4. 在英国和美国,国民18岁开始有选举权。

    In Britain and the US , people get the vote at 18 .

  5. 我做这次手术是国民医疗服务体系资助的。

    I had the operation done on the NHS .

  6. 这篇文章把国民的情绪把得很准。

    The article captured the mood of the nation .

  7. 富人而不是全体国民得益于这些改革。

    The rich benefited from the reforms , not the country as a whole .

  8. 6月份国民储蓄机构的总销售额为7.09亿英镑。

    National Savings gross sales in June totalled £ 709 million .

  9. 尽管支出在增加,但国民医疗保健服务的质量却明显下降了。

    The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated , despite increased spending

  10. 保守党能否继续实行国民医疗保健制度?

    Is the National Health Service safe with the Conservative party ?

  11. 我最关心的是提高国民教育水平。

    My overriding concern is to raise the standards of state education

  12. 在国民医疗保健系统的救助下,他免于致残。

    The national health system saved him from becoming a cripple .

  13. 马德里议会大厦被国民警卫队接管了。

    The parliament in Madrid was taken over by civil guards .

  14. 这是一个感动了全体国民的故事。

    It was a story that touched the nation 's heart .

  15. 非洲国民大会威胁要退出会谈。

    The African National Congress threatened to withdraw from the talks .

  16. 他们被那些肆意开枪的国民卫队士兵枪杀了。

    They were gunned down by members of the trigger-happy National Guard

  17. 这个国家的国民性是由移民形成的。

    The character of this country has been formed by immigration .

  18. 我希望议会能很快接管国民医疗保健系统。

    I hope that Parliament will soon take the NHS in hand

  19. 非洲国民大会坚持实行一人一票的制度。

    The African National Congress insists on a one-man , one-vote system .

  20. 政府开支耗费了将近3/4的国民收入。

    Government expenditures absorbed nearly three-fourths of the national income .

  21. 向国民过重课税对英国于事无补。

    You can 't help Britain by overtaxing its people .

  22. 到1973年,政府财政赤字相当于国民生产总值的30%。

    By 1973 the government deficit equalled thirty per cent of GNP .

  23. 战争期间,他在国民警卫队呆过一段时间。

    He spent part of the war in the National Guard

  24. 很难为国民医疗保健系统的实验室招募到资历合适的高级科研人员。

    There are problems in recruiting suitably qualified scientific officers for NHS laboratories

  25. 该国国民连续四次选举托利党来执掌政府,这令专家们困惑不已。

    The country had confounded the pundits by electing a fourth-term Tory government

  26. 非洲国民大会打算在全国范围内发起招募运动。

    The ANC is about to launch a nationwide recruitment drive

  27. 其国民可能会被禁止出境。

    Its nationals may be prevented from leaving the country

  28. 国民警卫队和预备役的征兵工作8月下旬开始。

    The call-up of National Guard and reserve units begun in late August .

  29. 该项目的主要投资商是法国的国民信贷银行。

    The main investor in the project is the French bank Credit National .

  30. 从1977到1985年,美国的国民生产总值增长了21%。

    From 1977 to 1985 the United States gross national product grew 21 percent