
  • 网络National Science and Technology Innovation System;state scientific and technological innovation system;innovation system of science and technology
  1. 韩国建设国家科技创新体系的举措对我国的启示

    The Enlightenment to China from the Moves of the Republic of Korea to Construct National Sci-tech Innovation System

  2. 要形成国家科技创新体系,提高自主创新能力何引进技术的吸收能力。

    A state scientific invention system will be formed with strengthened independent inventive capability and the absorption of imported technology .

  3. 近年来,高校作为国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,大力加强科学研究。

    Recently , as the important part of the system of our country 's scientific and technological innovation , colleges and universities strengthen science research greatly .

  4. 科研院所是推动我国科技发展的主力军,也是国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分。

    Research institutes are the main forces in promoting science technology development in China , and they are also the important component of state scientific technological innovation system .

  5. 国家科技创新体系是支撑国家创新能力建设的基本力量,而高校又是国家科技创新体系的主体之一。

    The national science and technology innovation system is the basic power of supporting the construction of the national innovation capacity , and the university is one of the main bodies of this system .

  6. 加强高等学校创新团队建设对构建国家科技创新体系、建设创新型国家具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。

    Enforcing the innovative team construction of colleges and universities will be practically significant and historically far-reaching for the construction of national scientific and technological innovation system as well as that of innovative country .

  7. 科学研究水平是世界各国争相关注的焦点,当前高校作为国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,既是知识创新的基地,又是知识传播的基地。

    The whole world has placed increasingly great emphasis on scientific research work . Currently , as an important component of state innovation system , college is both the base of knowledge innovation and propagation .

  8. 当前,我国知识经济发展和国家科技创新体系的建设迫切要求深化知识服务,营造高效的知识传递与交流环境。

    At present , the development of knowledge economy in our country and the construction of national science and technology innovation system is pressing for deepening the knowledge service , build efficient knowledge transfer and communication environment .

  9. 在我国,高新技术企业作为我国人才的聚集地,是我国研发资源最为丰富的地方之一,在国家科技创新体系中占有举足轻重的地位。

    In China , high-tech enterprises as the gathering of talents in our country , is one of the most abundant research resources in China , occupies the position play a decisive role in national innovation system .

  10. 高校的科技工作要充分重视孵化创新和创业化创新,发挥高校在国家科技创新体系中的作用。

    It ′ s necessary to pay more attention to transmitting innovation and industrial innovation during the work of science and technology in order to bring the new scientific and technological innovation in colleges into the role .

  11. 高等学校是国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,高校教师是科技创新的重要力量,科技创新已成为高校教师重要的职责之一。

    Colleges and universities are the important part of national scientific and technical innovation system . Teachers in colleges and universities are the major force in this innovation , which has been one of the teachers ' main duties .

  12. 我国的研究型大学作为国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,其推动科技进步和科技创新的作用日益凸显,并逐步建立和发展起了一批面向学科发展和科研工作需要的科研团队。

    Research universities as an important part of national science and technology innovation system , have played an increasing role in promoting science and technology innovation with establishing and developing a batch of disciplinary development-oriented and research work-oriented research teams .

  13. 大学创新团队是一种新的高校科研组织形式,是大学最有生机和活力的科技创新生长点和高层次创新型人才成长的沃土,是国家科技创新体系中的一支重要力量。

    University innovation team plays an important role in scientific and technological innovation and growth of creative talent . As a new form of university research organization , university innovation team is a major force of the national scientific and technological innovation system .

  14. 科技资源管理是国家科技创新体系的一部分,目前是各行业各部门研究的热点,并出现了一系列研究成果,为搭建适应性强的科技资源管理平台提供了经验。

    As one important part of National Sci-tech Innovation System , Science and Technology Resource Management is the research hotspot in all field and has so many research results , thus can provide experience to build the platform of science and technology resource management .

  15. 由于研究型大学是我国培养高层次研究型人才的主体,是国家科技创新体系的重要力量,人文精神的传承和培育尤为重要。

    Since the research universities are so important to cultivate high-level professionals who shall be the main force for sci-tech renovation / development , the problem how to carry on and cultivate the humanistic spirit of students is to be solved as a crucial point to the nation .

  16. 介绍了韩国建设国家科技创新体系的措施。在借鉴韩国经验的基础上,提出我国在科技创新体系的建设中应当重点解决的几个问题。

    Introducing the measures of the Republic of Korea to construct national sci-tech innovation system and based on the enlightenment from the experience of the republic of Korea , advancing some problems which should be solved mainly in the course of construction of sci-tech innovation system in China .

  17. 国家农业科技创新体系中的文献信息服务&实践与思考

    Bibliographic Information Services in the National Agricultural Sci - Tech Innovation System

  18. 分析了农业科技文献信息服务的现状,总结了中国农科院农业信息研究所为适应国家农业科技创新体系建设需要而开展的文献信息服务实践及相关思考。

    This paper has analyzed the current situation of bibliographic information services for agricultural researchers in China , and summarized the relevant practices carried out by the Agricultural Information Institute of CAAS .

  19. 新形势下,大学作为我国多元化新型农业推广体系的主体,积极参与国家农业科技创新体系建设理应责无旁贷。

    Under the new situation , colleges and universities should participate in the national agricultural technology innovation system actively and be duty-bound as the main body of the new diversified agricultural extension system in China .

  20. 农业高校作为国家农业科技创新体系的重要组成部分,已经成为我国农业基础研究的主力军,成为提升农业自主创新能力、促进农业经济发展的重要推动力量。

    Agricultural university is always as an important component of national agricultural science and technology innovation system , the main force of Chinese agricultural basic research and the driving force of enhancing agricultural independent innovation capability and promoting agricultural economic development .

  21. 国家级专业气象科技创新体系建立的思考与实践

    Deliberation and Practice of Establishing the State Special Meteorological Science and Technology Innovation System

  22. 国家实验室科技创新能力审计体系的构建

    Construction of the Audit System on S & T Innovation Capacity of State Key Laboratories in China

  23. 并从一个长期从事科学实践者的视角和专业气象研究所的具体特点,探索性地提出了创建我国一流国家级专业气象科技创新体系的一些重要问题;

    Meanwhile , some important problems on how to establish perfect state special meteorological science and technology innovation system were put forward experimentally according to the view of science worker as well as the specific characteristics of SMI .

  24. 国家重点实验室在国家科技创新体系中的地位和作用

    The Role of State Key Laboratory in National Sci-tech Innovation System

  25. 在知识经济全球化和建设创新型国家的大背景下,高校作为一个国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,理应在国家的知识产权战略中发挥重要作用。

    In the context of globalization on knowledge-based economy and building up an innovation-oriented country , as an important part of national science and technology innovation system , universities should play an important role in national intellectual property strategy .

  26. 从提升地震科技的国家战略地位、增强中国地震科技国际竞争力考虑,提出建立健全国家地震科技创新体系和适时调整工作比重的建议。

    In consideration of improving the state strategic status of earthquake science and technology and strengthening the international competition capacity of chinese earthquake science and technology , we propose herein to establish and amplify the national seismic creation system and to adjust the ratio of concerned works timely .