
  • 网络International Communication
  1. 近代外国侵略势力对我国国际通讯行业的垄断

    Monopoly of Modern Foreign Aggression Forces to China 's International Communication Industry

  2. 尼克:你好,我是国际通讯公司的尼克·戴尔文。

    NICK : Hello , this is Nick Delwin from Communicon .

  3. 我们需要用国际通讯员来连接这次通话。

    We had to use overseas telephone operators to connect the call .

  4. 国际通讯和信息技术研究中心

    Centre for International Research on Communications and Information Technologies

  5. 国际通讯社注意到了中国首此太空行走的重要意义。

    International news agencies noticed the significance of the first-ever spacewalk of China .

  6. 你好,我是国际通讯公司的尼克戴尔文。

    Hello , this is Nick Delwin from Communicon .

  7. 真的吗?我以为这是国际通讯。

    No kidding ? I thought these things were for talking around the world .

  8. 此外,该公司也为多种增值电讯服务,例如电子邮件、数据库接驳和视像会议等,提供国际通讯收发站和运作支援。

    HKTI also provides international gateways and operational support for a wide range of value-added telecommunications services such as electronic mail , database access and video-conferencing .

  9. 香港为跨国公司、国际通讯社及电视台提供专用转播服务,为他们在亚太地区上传及下传其卫星讯号。

    Hong Kong provides dedicated relay services for multinational companies , international press agencies and TV channels to downlink or uplink their satellite signals over the Asia Pacific region .

  10. 当今国际通讯及交通的发展已经抛开30年前若干光年的距离,但我们仍会经常性地、有时甚至是深深的误会彼此。

    International communications and transportation networks are light years ahead of what they were 30 years ago , and yet we still routinely , and sometimes profoundly , misunderstand each other .

  11. 长期以来大多数网页上所使用的都是美国信息交换标准码——一种字符编码方案。2012年,美国拒绝签署一项受俄罗斯和中国支持的国际通讯协议,该协议的目的是使互联网摆脱以美国为中心的管理架构。

    ASCII , thecharacter-encoding scheme that was long used on most web pages , is short forthe " American Standard Code for Information Interchange . " In 2012 , the UnitedStates refusedto sign an international telecommunications treaty , supported by bothRussia and China , that would shift the Internet away from its currentU . S. - centric form of governance .

  12. DICOM标准是医疗设备的国际标准通讯协议,医学图像的数据通讯都是遵循DICOM标准的。

    DICOM is a international communication standard which conformed by manufacturers of medical apparatus . The communications of medical image conformances the standard , too .

  13. 国际文传通讯社报道,有生命生活在别的星球上,20年内我们一定能够找到它们的所在,科学家AndreiFinkelstein说。

    Life exists on other planets and we will find it within 20 years , the scientist Andrei Finkelstein said , according to the Interfax News Agency .

  14. 国际空间通讯系统和组织

    International System and Organization of Space Communications

  15. 期间开发国外客户及协助公司取得国际无线电通讯管制认证。

    Developing overseas customers and assisting the company to get approval of FCC ( Federal Communications Commission ) .

  16. 俄罗斯环境监测部门的官员对国际文传通讯社说,地震使整个大地都在颤动。

    A Russian environmental monitoring service official told the Interfax news agency that practically the whole continent shook .

  17. 但是和我的一个国际新闻通讯社同事的经历相比,这种离别要舒心的多。

    But this is minor league compared with what our colleague at an international news agency has been through .

  18. 在莫斯科时报援引国际文传通讯社发表的一篇关于奇特方形西瓜的报道前,这种水果还没有那么受欢迎。

    Before The Moscow Times carried an Interfax news agency report on the strange fruit , they weren 't leaping out of the bins .

  19. 中新社担负的职能是:对外新闻报道的国家级通讯社,世界华文媒体信息总汇,国际性通讯社。

    CNS functions as : a state-level new agency spreading news worldwide , a database of information from global Chinese-language media , and an international news agency .

  20. 波分复用(WDM)是大幅度提高光纤通讯系统容量的有效途径,是国际上光纤通讯技术的发展方向。

    Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing ( WDM ) technology is an effective approach to increase the capacity of fiber communication system .

  21. 本文讨论用EIARS-232C串行接口作为通讯线路,并选用国际链路层通讯协议HDLC进行FMS中主机与CNC系统的通讯。

    In dealing with the communication between host computer and CNC system in FMS , EIA RS-232C serial interface and HDLC data link are used .

  22. 国际空中交通通讯接收站

    International Air Traffic Communications Receiver Station

  23. 国际市场是中兴通讯的战略市场。

    The international market is becoming ZTE 's most important strategic market .

  24. 毫无疑问,无论是国际还是国内,通讯业都在经历着一次巨大的变革。

    Beyond all doubt , communication industries all are experiencing a huge change whether in nations or domestics .

  25. 此仪器在节能方面有着广阔的发展前景。用于高能物理国际合作的计算机通讯网络

    It has the wide prospect on energy saving . Wide Area Network ( WAN ) for High Energy Physics

  26. 随着国际互联网和无线通讯的迅速发展,图像被广泛应用于在各种多媒体服务中,图像压缩技术伴随着信息理论的发展和信息交流的需求而不断发展、成熟。

    With the development of Internet and wireless communications , digital images are widely used in all kinds of multimedia services .