
què qiáo
  • Magpie bridge;the bridge of magpies, which the Girl Weaver crosses to meet the Cowherd on the 7th of the seventh lunar month;a chance for meeting of lovers after long departure
鹊桥 [què qiáo]
  • [a chance for meeting of lovers after long departure] 古代民间传说天上的织女七夕(每年农历七月初七晚上)渡银河与牛郎相会,喜鹊来搭引渡桥,叫做鹊桥

  • 鹊桥相会(比喻夫妻或情人久别后短暂团聚)

鹊桥[què qiáo]
  1. 现在很多人都利用专门的鹊桥网站来认识新朋友。

    Many people use internet dating websites to meet new people .

  2. 她这人很热心,喜欢给人踏鹊桥。

    She is warm-hearted , and fond of acting as a go-between .

  3. 认为知识银行是企业实现知识化发展的鹊桥。

    The writer considers that knowledge band is a bridge to lead enterprise knowledgeable .

  4. 保险金信托:我国保险业同信托业之间的鹊桥

    Insurance premium trust : the bridge between China 's insurance industry and trust industry

  5. 牛郎与织女一年才能在鹊桥上相会一次。

    Only once a year , the couple could meet on the Milky Way .

  6. 爱情和梦想只在那一瞬之间,只能带着伤心离开鹊桥。

    Moments of tender love and dream , So sad to leave the magpie bridge .

  7. 鹊桥的传说

    The Legend of Magpie Bridge

  8. 他们深爱彼此,但每年只能透过鹊桥见面一次。

    They were deeply in love but could only meet each other across the Milky Way once a year .

  9. 他们忠贞的爱情感动了天上的喜鹊,每年的七月七日,数以千计的喜鹊架成一座鹊桥让牛郎织女相见。

    Their loyalty to love touched magpies , so every year thousands of magpies built a bridge for them to meet .

  10. 鹊鸟也为这对恋人感到悲伤,于是就为他们筑起了一座鹊桥,好让他们见面。

    The birds felt so sad for this young couple that they made a bridge for the two to walk on .

  11. 艺术歌曲:《鹊桥仙》、《享受生命》、《墓碑旁的杜鹃花》。

    Art songs : 'Fairy Of The Magpie Bridge ' , 'Enjoy the life ' , 'The Azalea by the Tombstone ' .

  12. 看到玉皇大帝在打盹睡觉,时机已到,昨天傍晚他带着月亮妹妹,赶去参加七夕鹊桥会去了。

    See the Jade Emperor in the nap sleep , the time has come to the moon yesterday evening he brought his sister , rush to participate would go .

  13. 月影光如昼,银霜茫茫;七夕会鹊桥,情意绵绵。仙花团锦簇,美景交融;仙鹊聚天桥,好生幸福!

    On video , such as day light , the vast Ag Cream ; Tanabata Bridge will , Sally flowers , beautiful blend ; cents magpie bridge together , Haosheng happiness !

  14. 他们的忠贞爱情感动了大家,千万只喜鹊飞来,搭成鹊桥,让牛郎织女走上鹊桥相会,王母娘娘对此也无奈,只好允许两人在每年七月七日于鹊桥相会。

    People were very sympathetic with the couple , and to help them , thousands of swallows formed a bridge across the river on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month so that they could meet each other once a year .

  15. 他们的忠贞爱情感动了喜鹊,千万只喜鹊飞来,搭成鹊桥,让牛郎织女走上鹊桥相会,王母娘娘对此也无奈,只好允许两人在每年七月七日于鹊桥相会。

    Their loyalty to love touched magpies , so tens of thousands of magpies came to build a bridge for the Cowhand and Weaver Maid to meet each other . The Queen Mother was eventually moved and allowed them to meet each year on the 7th of the 7th lunarmonth .