
  • 网络national needs
  1. 论国家需要&从国际关系学的视角

    On National Needs & From the Visual Angle of International Relations Theory

  2. 专家们的结论是,根据国家需要,应保留这两种方案用于南半球的疫苗配制。

    The experts concluded that both options should remain available for vaccine formulations in the southern hemisphere , subject to national needs .

  3. 国家需要有一定的防御能力,以应对不可预知的情况。

    The country needs a defence capability as insurance against the unexpected .

  4. 国家需要一段时间的稳定,其间不要再有重大的变革。

    The country needs a period of calm without more surges of radical change

  5. 我们的国家需要更多的科学家走出实验室,走进公众舞台,提供他们对重要事情的看法。

    Our country needs more scientists who are willing to step out in the public Arena and offer their opinions on important matters .

  6. 在千禧一代的女性中75%人认为国家需要继续做岀改变来达到职场上的性别平等,但千禧一代的男性只有57%有这样的看法。

    Among Millennial women , 75 % say this country needs to continue making changes to achieve gender equality in the workplace , compared with 57 % of Millennial men .

  7. 因为所需资金远远超过imf成员国通常可以提供的水平,但考虑到正是欧元区国家需要这些资金,如果发生亏损,它们理应承担其中的一大部分。

    Because the amounts needed far exceed levels to which IMF members usually have access , but given that it is eurozone countries that need the funds , they should bear a significant portion of any potential losses .

  8. 德国经济合作与发展部部长盖德·米勒(GerdMüller)表示,富裕的工业化国家需要建立世界性的基本标准,从而让这些标准被他国采用。

    The rich industrial countries need to establish fundamental standards worldwide , so that these will be adopted by others , said Gerd M ü ller , the German minister for economic cooperation and development .

  9. 以自我为中心,很少考虑国家需要;

    Self-centered ideas with little consideration of the country 's needs ;

  10. 第四,富裕国家需要兑现自己所做出的援助承诺。

    Fourth , rich countries need to meet their aid commitments .

  11. 飞越国家需要花几个小时。

    It takes a few hours to fly across the country .

  12. 这个国家需要他们,和他们会找到满意的工作。

    The country needs them , and they will find satisfying jobs .

  13. 国家需要发展,社会需要和谐。

    A country needs development and the society needs harmony .

  14. 国家需要大规模投资,实现电话网的现代化。

    Massive investment is needed to modermise the country 's telephone network .

  15. 此外,有偿还能力的国家需要有合适的空间来完成改革。

    Moreover , solvent countries need a breathing-space to push through reforms .

  16. 候选国家需要得到三分之二多数或128票才能当选。

    Candidates needed a two-thirds majority or128 votes to secure a seat .

  17. 亚洲国家需要采取什么共同举措呢?

    What do the Asian countries collectively need to do ?

  18. 在国家需要的时候,他站出来!

    2nd , Min Enze Needs in the country time , he stands !

  19. 国家需要更多像他这样的年青人来建设祖国。

    The country needs more young people like him to build its future .

  20. 国家需要你时,你在何处?

    Where were you when your country needed you ?

  21. 这个国家需要重新燃起现实的理想主义。

    The country needs another burst of practical idealism .

  22. 这个国家需要的是一个强大的政体。

    What this state needs is really strong government .

  23. 在较长的时间内,这些国家需要对开展活动和机构改革进行投资。

    Longer-term , these countries need investment in development initiatives and structural changes .

  24. 当国家需要我们时,我们必须听从召唤。

    We cannot choose but go when our country calls us for help .

  25. 这个新兴的国家需要有现代头脑之统治者。

    The new nation needs a modern-minded ruler .

  26. 国家需要具备的条件是定居的居民、领土、政府和独立。

    The qualifications for a state are permanent population , territory , government and independence .

  27. 另一些国家需要在未来数年应对非同寻常的财政紧缩。

    Some nations will need to cope with extraordinary fiscal tightenings in the coming years .

  28. 这个国家需要在教育上投资。

    This country needs investment in education .

  29. 我们国家需要住房建设。

    Our country needs housing construction .

  30. 每个国家需要以什么来保卫它的国家安全,只有它自己能作出最好的决定。

    Every state is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security .