
wài jiāo shì wù
  • foreign affairs
  1. 详细情况,请听我们外交事务记者的报道。

    With more details , here 's our foreign affairs correspondent .

  2. 他在负责处理外交事务的过程中赢得了国际声望。

    It was his responsibility for foreign affairs that gained him international prestige .

  3. 总统因未能清晰表述对外交事务的整体构想而受到指责。

    The president has been accused of failing to articulate an overall vision in foreign affairs .

  4. 在伊丽莎白一世的统治时期,通常称为英国的鼎盛时期,伯利主持外交事务和内政。

    Burghley directed england 's foreign and domestic affairs during the reign of Elizabeth I , often called england 's golden age .

  5. 外交事务秘书长B对M说,美国的行动是对国家安全及主权的侵犯。

    Foreign Affairs Secretary Salman Bashir told Munter that the US operation was an attack on the country 's security and sovereignty .

  6. 意识形态可能变化不定,但曾在英国天空新闻电视台(SkyNews)长期担任外交事务主编的马歇尔表示,地缘政治的现实始终延续。

    Ideologies may come and go but , says Marshall , who served a long stint as diplomatic editor of Britain 's Sky News , such geopolitical facts of life endure .

  7. 美国国会外交事务小组委员会星期三就甲型H1N1流感疫情对于美国和世界的影响举行听证会。

    A congressional foreign affairs subcommittee held a hearing Wednesday on the national and global implications of the H1N1 flu epidemic .

  8. 欧盟外交事务专员CatherineAston也努力避免中东和谈终止。

    Joining the effort to keep talks from derailing was the European Union 's foreign affairs chief , Catherine Aston .

  9. StephenM.Harner是美国国务院前外交事务主任,国际银行家,中日问题顾问。

    Stephen M. Harner is a former Foreign Service Officer ( U.S. Department of State ), international banker , and consultant in Japan and China .

  10. 这条消息由欧盟外交事务高级代表凯瑟琳·阿什顿(CatherineAshton)在关键的欧洲峰会期间宣布。

    The announcement was made by the EU 's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on the sidelines of a key European summit .

  11. 外交事务委员会成员、保守党人安德鲁圠魿戴尔(AndrewRosindell)表示,鉴于英国亟需外国投资,他认为奥斯本此次访华之旅无可指摘。

    Andrew Rosindell , a Tory member of foreign affairs committee said he saw no problem with the Osborne trip , given Britain 's need for foreign investment .

  12. 英国议会下院外交事务特别委员会主席克里斯平布伦特(CrispinBlunt)表示,奥斯本较好地把握了平衡。

    Crispin Blunt , who chairs the Commons foreign affairs select committee , said Mr Osborne had got the balance right .

  13. 前任外交事务专员克里斯-彭定康(ChrisPatten)暗示,阿富汗战争的胜利严重关系到欧盟和北约的信誉。

    Chris Patten , a former external-affairs commissioner , suggests that success in Afghanistan is now crucial to the EU 's credibility , as well as NATO 's.

  14. 或者是一项针对巴以冲突的政策&这项政策将超出前欧盟外交事务专员彭定康勋爵(LordPatten)称为参加四方会谈的庄严战略?

    A policy towards the Israel-Palestine conflict that reaches beyond what Lord Patten , the former European external affairs commissioner , once called a solemn strategy of attending meetings of the Quartet ?

  15. StephenM.Harner是美国国务院前外交事务主任,国际银行家,中日问题顾问。

    Stephen M. Harner is a former Foreign Service Officer ( U.S. Department of State ) , international banker , and consultant in Japan and China .

  16. 索马里过渡联邦政府外交事务部长MohamedIbrahim强调了形势的迫切性。

    The urgency of the Somali situation was stressed by Mohamed Ibrahim , Minister of Foreign Affairs for Somalia 's Transitional Federal Government .

  17. 遗憾的是,她未能将这种简化主义(reductionist)的思想应用于外交事务。

    It was a pity that she was incapable of applying this reductionist thinking to foreign affairs .

  18. 在联合国会议上发表讲话后,欧盟外交事务负责人CatherineAshton称,四方特使将与各方努力合作,她希望他们能够做出积极的反应。

    Speaking after a meeting at the UN , the European Union foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton said the Quartet envoys would work with the parties and she hoped they 'd react positively .

  19. 他的妻子安德莉亚米切尔(AndreaMitchell)是NBC电视台的首席外交事务记者,按照他的描述,她是一个外向而善交际的人,与他偏内向的性格形成了很好的互补。

    He is married to Andrea Mitchell , chief foreign affairs correspondent for NBC television , who by his account is outgoing and sociable and a good foil to his more reserved character .

  20. 至少,苏格兰民族党正在带领苏格兰走向除外交事务外的全面自治&这种自治权可与加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia)享有的自治权相媲美。

    At the very least , the SNP is leading Scotland to self-rule in all but foreign affairs – an autonomy comparable to that enjoyed by Catalonia .

  21. 上周五,当欧洲人选出赫尔曼范龙佩(HermanvanRompuy)和凯茜阿什顿(CathyAshton)这两个次要人物担任欧盟总统和高级外交事务代表时,白宫官员毫不掩饰失望之情。

    White House officials did little to disguise their disappointment last Friday when Europe selected two minor figures to be its president and high representative on foreign affairs Herman Van Rompuy and Cathy Ashton .

  22. 到全球广播公司新闻台(NBCNews)首席外交事务记者安德莉亚?米切尔(AndreaMitchell)身穿黑色豹纹风衣、在晚间新闻播报叙利亚危机时,整个时尚潮流算是尘埃落定:动物斑纹装登上了头条新闻。

    By the time Andrea Mitchell , NBC News " chief foreign affairs correspondent , wore a black leopard print trench while delivering her nightly report on the Syrian crisis the trend was official : animal spots are big news .

  23. 英国自民党(LiberalDemocrats)外交事务发言人汤姆布雷克(TomBrake)表示:“对华外交政策不应仅围绕商业。当我们的财政大臣与中国高级官员坐到一起时,他必须花同样长的时间谈论人权问题。”

    Tom Brake , the Liberal Democrat 's foreign affairs spokesperson , said that : " Foreign policy towards China should not only be about business . When the chancellor sits down with senior Chinese officials he must give equal time to human rights . "

  24. 佛罗里达州众议员,外交事务委员会高级共和党人IleanaRos-Lehtinen反对该决议。

    Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida , the top Republican on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs , opposed the resolution .

  25. 奥地利60岁的BenitaFerrero-Waldner是欧盟外交事务专员,也曾任奥地利外交部长,他是一位引人注目的候选人。

    Austria 's Benita Ferrero-Waldner , 60 , the European Union commissioner for foreign affairs and a former Austrian foreign minister is a notable entrant .

  26. 梅德韦捷夫指出,宪法赋予了他处理外交事务的权力。

    Medvedev notes he will have constitutional authority over foreign affairs .

  27. 吉卜力的首相地位不变,仍然处理外交事务。

    Mr Jibril will remain prime minister and run foreign affairs .

  28. 后来,国务院在外交事务方面颇加干涉。

    The State Department afterward intervened frequently on a diplomatic level .

  29. 何塞普·博雷是欧盟外交事务高级代表。

    Josep Borrell is the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs .

  30. 总统把处理外交事务的全权授予他的公使。

    The president gave his minister carte blanche in foreign affairs .