
  • 网络Outflow lake;exorheic lake
  1. 外流湖期湖面急剧下降,气温和湿度较现今略高;

    During the outflow lake stage the lake level lowered sharply and the air temperature and humidity were slightly higher than the present ;

  2. 外流湖期发育于末次冰期晚冰阶,以冰碛为主要特征,此时喜马拉雅山主脊带分水岭北移至现今荡拉山的位置;

    The outflow lake stage , which is characterized by tills , occurred in the late glacial interval of the Last Glacial Maximum , when the watershed of the main ridge zone of the Himalayas shifted northward to the location of present Tangla Mountain .