
  • 网络Explicit knowledge
  1. 外显知识可影响行为,却不一定能被有意识地提取。

    Explicit knowledge could affect behavior , but not be necessarily conscious and retrieved .

  2. 结果表明,外显知识分享对内隐学习的影响是局部和有限的。

    It showed that the explicit knowledge sharing had only partial and limited influence on implicit learning .

  3. 研究四关注分布式群体成员间的外显知识分享对内隐学习和决策行为的影响。

    The fourth experiment focused on the effects of knowledge sharing on implicit learning and group decision behavior .

  4. 提供外显知识既可能有利于任务的完成,也可能激发与任务规则无关的注意过程,阻碍内隐学习。

    Explicit knowledge might not only be propitious to completion of tasks , but also inspire attentive process unrelated to the tasks in hand , disturbing implicit learning .

  5. 外显知识指那些通常意义上可以用言语或符号的方式加以表达的知识:缄默知识则指那些无法言传或不清楚的一类知识。

    Obvious knowledge refers to the knowledge that can be expressed by language or symbols , while tacit knowledge is the knowledge that cannot be explicitly expressed linguistically .

  6. 它以其独有的系统整体性、简约再生性,成为外显知识和内隐知识的相互转化的一座桥梁,是知识结构向学生认知结构过渡的一个脚手架。

    Being systematic and generative , concept schema has become a bridge between explicit knowledge and tacit and a scaffold from knowledge structure to students ' cognitive structure .

  7. 包括语文知识在内的所有的人文知识的学习都不仅要关注外显知识,而且要关注缄默知识,因为缄默知识在语文知识学习中具有不可忽视的作用。

    The acquisition of humanistic knowledge , including language literature , should focus on not only revealed knowledge but also implied knowledge , because the latter is of uniquely significance .

  8. 研究结果显示,绩效较优的公司倾向于兼顾与并重外显知识和内隐知识,并且认为诱因和绩效评量皆是成功执行知识管理之必要因素。

    The results show that higher performance companies stress the importance on both tacit and explicit knowledge , and consider that incentives and evaluations are the essentials to implementing KM .

  9. 本文从知识创造过程的认识论和本体论的角度进行研究,从知识创造的螺旋机理出发,指出了知识挖掘技术在从内隐到外显的知识创造过程中所起的重要作用。

    The article studies the technology of knowledge mining from epistemological and ontological perspectives , on the basic of the spiral mechanism model of knowledge creating , and points out that knowledge mining technology plays important function in the creating process of tacit and explicit knowledge .

  10. 在教学中,它通常外显为对知识传授的超越、学机智以及教师对自我完善的不懈追求。

    In teaching activity , it often appears as transcending knowledge impartment , teaching wisdom and unremitting pursuit of self-improvement .

  11. 外显和内隐知识是本质不同的两种知识类型,但两者之间存在着协同效应。

    Explicit and implicit knowledge are naturally different , however , between them there is synergetic effect , which is exemplified by interface positions .