
  • 网络Knowledge Flow;flow of knowledge;Knowledge Streaming;Knowledge Stream
  1. 航空企业的知识流Petri网模型

    The Knowledge Flow Petri Network Model in the Aviation Industry

  2. 从供应链企业知识流模型的整体角度,借鉴OECD学习型社区模型,提出在选择知识合作伙伴时需要考虑的内容。

    From the overall perspective of supply chain knowledge flow model , drawing on OECD learning community model , the paper gets the content considering during selecting knowledge partners .

  3. 本文将利用Petri网对知识流进行建模,建立了知识流到Petri网的映射。

    This article tried to utilize Petri net modeling knowledge flows .

  4. 基于Petri网的知识流模型及其应用案例

    Petri Net-based Knowledge-flow Model and it 's Application

  5. 区域经济中物流与知识流的价值关系

    The value relation of logistics and knowledge flow in the regional economy

  6. 医学知识流的诊疗服务架构设计与应用

    Design and application of hospital service info-structure based on medical knowledge flow

  7. 基于知识流的E-R&D组织研究

    Study on E-R & D organization based on knowledge flow

  8. 基于知识流的政府信息发布知识管理体系

    Framework of Knowledge Management System Based on Knowledge Flow in Government Information Release

  9. 在此基础上,对知识流的建模与控制进行了深入的研究。

    Based on that , modeling and control of knowledge flows are studied .

  10. 基于知识流的流程角色协作

    Role collaboration of processes based on knowledge flow

  11. 企业隐性知识流动态扩展模型分析

    Analysis on an extended dynamic model of tacit knowledge - flow through the enterprise

  12. 知识流系统的若干技术研究

    Research on Technology of Knowledge Flow System

  13. 学习与创新训练。把企业知识流的管理概括为“知识流小车”模型。

    Enterprise knowledge management is concluded into the " carriage of knowledge flow " model .

  14. 基于知识流的企业核心能力形成模式研究

    Study on the Mode of Formation of Enterprises ' Core Competence Based on Knowledge Flow

  15. 对知识流网络的研究是为了实现团队知识的有效传播和共享。

    Study on knowledge flow network is to realize the effective knowledge passing and sharing .

  16. 基于工作流的知识流建模与控制

    Workflow-Based Knowledge Flow Modeling and Control

  17. 它甚至可能逆转现代科学世界的知识流的方向。

    It could even reverse the direction of knowledge flow in the world of modern science .

  18. 本文中还通过模拟试验验证了相关模型和基于市场机制的知识流网络的性能和特征。

    Simulations have been proposed to prove the performance and characteristics of market-based knowledge flow networks .

  19. 组织结构、知识流与管理者创新行为关系的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on the Relationship between Organizational Structure , Knowledge Inflows and Manager 's Innovation Activities

  20. 其次研究了信任关系,作为描述节点间相互关系强弱的因素,给出了知识流网络的信任模型;

    Second , it discusses the trust relationship in knowledge flow networks and gives a trust model .

  21. 信息和知识流已经被中断,人们挣扎着寻找立足点。

    The stream of information and knowledge has been interrupted , and people are floundering to find footing .

  22. 分析了供应链管理对实施绿色制造模式的作用机制,针对传统供应链管理的不足,提出了绿色制造模式下基于物流、信息流、资金流与知识流的供应链结构模型。

    A new framework model of supply-chain based on substance , information , capital and knowledge is put forward .

  23. 第三章是构建面向跨组织业务流程的供应链知识流模型。

    In third part , we build up the model of knowledge flow in supply chain based on cross-organizational business processed .

  24. 战略采购的8字环形信息流和双向知识流特征表明了战略采购的网络交易本质。

    The " 8 " shape cycle information flow and the two-way knowledge flow indicated the network transaction nature of strategic purchasing .

  25. 知识流作为知识管理的一种新型的方法和技术,对知识管理的作用日益明显。

    Knowledge flows is a new knowledge management methods and techniques , the role of which has become increasingly obvious for knowledge management .

  26. 但是在国内外运用知识流来对知识管理进行系统的研究还有待进一步深入。

    However at home and abroad , knowledge flow is used to research systematically for knowledge management which still do not study and discuss .

  27. 通过对各个办公模块的整合和环节,形成一个整合运行管理系统,包含着工作流、信息流和知识流。

    Through the various office module integration and links , forming an integrated operation management system , including workflow , information flow and knowledge flow .

  28. 供应链的成员企业之间不仅存在着物流和资金流,而且存在着大量与生产技术相关的信息流和知识流。

    There not only exists flows of logistics and capital , but lots of information and knowledge flow that relevant to production technology in supply chain .

  29. 第4章从信息流和知识流特征出发,分析了传统采购与战略采购的目标和功能的不同。

    Setting off from characters of information flow and knowledge flow , Chapter 4 figured out the distinctive aims and functions between traditional purchasing and strategic purchasing .

  30. 同时提出了知识流的概念,描述了以系统为核心的数据、信息及知识的流向问题。

    At the same time , the concept of knowledge flow is bring forward and the directions of data flow , information flow and knowledge flow are described .