
  • 网络VAIL;Weir;Ware;Weyl;WELL
  1. Rach,你定下来要去韦尔吗?

    Rach , are you thinking you 're gonna make it to Vail ?

  2. 34岁的滑雪装备采购员贾尼丝・贝尔利克(JaniceBerlik)从她位于科罗拉多州伊格尔(Eagle)的家中开车去韦尔(Eagle)上班要花35分钟时间。

    Janice Berlik , a 34-year-old ski-apparel buyer , drives 35 minutes from her home in Eagle , Colo. , to her job in Vail .

  3. 韦尔福德突破防守射进了制胜的一球。

    Welford cut through the defence to score the winning goal .

  4. 韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。

    Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf

  5. 布拉克赫斯特农业学院,在诺丁汉郡绍斯韦尔附近

    Brackhurst Agricultural College , nr Southwell , Notts .

  6. 兰伯特用力推了勒克韦尔一把,把他送上了路。

    Lambert gave Luckwell a hefty shove to send him on his way .

  7. 她狡黠地从眼角瞥了布拉姆韦尔一眼。

    She darted a sly sideways glance at Bramwell

  8. 索丕为自己每年逃亡布莱克韦尔岛尽力做出安排。

    Soapy had made his humble arrangements for his annual hegira to the Island .

  9. 胶卷被装在小罐子里,然后送到森尼韦尔的美国国家航空航天局埃姆斯研究中心(NASAAmesResearchCenter),这里离乔布斯家不远。

    The film was dropped in canisters and returned to the NASA Ames Research Center in Sunnyvale , not far from where Jobs lived .

  10. 马尔科姆?格拉德韦尔的《大卫与歌利亚》(DavidandGoliath)。

    David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell .

  11. 他把亚马逊形容为一家“物流公司”,把商品从A处运送至B处。“我们的工作,就是给我们的顾客一个让他们心悦诚服地选择布莱克韦尔书店的理由。”

    He describes Amazon as a " logistics business , " getting things from A to B. " Our job is to give our customers a compelling reason to use Blackwell 's. "

  12. 纽约-长老会/韦尔康奈尔生殖医学中心(NewYork-Presbyterian/WeillCornellMedicalCenterforReproductiveMedicine)主任泽夫・罗森瓦克斯(ZevRosenwaks)指出,尽管微刺激方案或许对某些女性有效果,

    Zev Rosenwaks , director of the New York-Presbyterian / Weill Cornell Medical Center for Reproductive Medicine , says while minimal stimulation might work for some women ,

  13. 包含许多韦尔先生购买业务的非核心部门,则被赋予听起来就属昙花一现的名字花旗控股(CitiHoldings)。

    The non-core division , which includes many of Mr Weill 's purchases , was given the transient-sounding name of Citi Holdings .

  14. 汉森就是他们中的一个,而计算机科学家、《奇点临近》(TheSingularityIsNear)一书的作者雷锭日韦尔(RayKurzweil)也许是他们中最有名的一位。

    Hanson is one of them , and the computer scientist Ray Kurzweil , author of The Singularity Is Near , is perhaps the most famous .

  15. 三年半之前,在库格勒的第一部正片《弗鲁特韦尔车站》(FruitvaleStation)上映之前,史泰龙就见过库格勒。他觉得库格勒是“一个成熟的天才,一个专家”。

    He had met Mr. Coogler , who he described as " a full-fledged genius , a savant , " three and a half years ago , before Mr. Coogler 's first feature , " Fruitvale Station , " came out .

  16. 我与所有孩子和老师都相处不错,只是我认为巴斯韦尔小姐(MissBuswell)好找碴儿。

    I got on all right with the children and teachers , except that I found Miss Buswell crabby .

  17. 英国央行行长默文·金爵士(SirMervynKing)昨天在丘吉尔的故居查特韦尔(Chartwell)宣布了这款新纸币设计。

    Sir Mervyn King , governor of the Bank of England , announced the new note yesterday at Chartwell , Churchill 's former home .

  18. 2014年,韦尔康奈尔医学院(WeillCornellMedicalCollege)的科学家研究团队采集了486个纽约地铁站中的验票闸门、座位和自动售票机里的各种细菌基因样本进行排序。

    In 2014 , a team of scientists from Weill Cornell Medical College sequenced genetic material found in the turnstiles , seats , and ticket booths of all 468 New York City subway stations .

  19. 徜徉在英国牛津市中心2.5万平方英尺、有如迷宫般的布莱克韦尔书店时,戴维•普雷斯科特(DavidPrescott,见上图)总要压抑住自己想要重新排列书籍的冲动。

    Walking around the labyrinthine 25000 sq ft Blackwell 's bookshop in the heart of Oxford , David Prescott has to restrain himself from rearranging a display .

  20. “就好像他们是另外一种有机体,”英国剑桥大学的生物科学家蒂莫西.韦尔(TimothyWeil)说。

    It is like they are a different organism , says developmental biologist Timothy Weil of the University of Cambridge in the UK .

  21. 他从商界招募了三名独立董事进入RFU董事会,包括零售企业约翰•路易斯(JohnLewis)即将离任的财务总监海伦•韦尔(HelenWeir),以及菲力斯第一健身俱乐部(FitnessFirst)的首席执行官高蓄来(AndyCosslett)。

    He recruited three independent directors from business to the RFU board , including Helen Weir , outgoing John Lewis finance director , and Andy Cosslett , Fitness First chief executive .

  22. 例如,温斯顿丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)依据首席科学顾问彻韦尔勋爵(LordCherwell)有缺陷的统计研究,批准了受到误导的对德区域轰炸。

    Winston Churchill , for instance , had approved the misguided area bombing of Germany based on a flawed statistical study by his chief scientific adviser , Lord Cherwell .

  23. 现任老板托比布莱克韦尔(TobyBlackwell)长久以来一直希望能把书店所有权移交给员工。他的曾祖父于1879年创办了这家书店。

    Toby Blackwell , the present owner , whose great-grandfather founded the bookshop in 1879 , has long wanted to hand it over to staff .

  24. 建于1859年的杜洛儿香槟是完全家族掌控经营的企业,位于布朗产区(CotedesBlancs)中央的韦尔第村(Vertus)。

    Established in1859 , Champagne Duval-Leroy is a family business located at Vertus which is in the center of Cote des Blancs .

  25. 盖泽尔家的韦尔内克霍夫餐厅一半传统、一半创新的菜单让我想起了美国侍酒师贾斯廷·莱昂内(JustinLeone)在给我的一封电子邮件中写到的内容。他在一家非常棒的慕尼黑餐厅工作,名叫Tantris。

    The half-old , half-new menu at Geisels Werneckhof reminded me of something Justin Leone , an American sommelier working at a very good Munich restaurant called Tantris , had written to me in an e-mail .

  26. 总部位于瑞士施维茨州的Reuss公司表示,韦尔的意大利之行是一次私人旅行。

    Reuss , based in the Swiss canton of Schwyz , said he had been on a private visit to Italy .

  27. 在《异类》(Outliers)一书中,马尔科姆•格拉德韦尔(MalcolmGladwell)将比尔•盖茨的成功部分归功于他出生在了正确的时机,因而可以充分利用“牵牛星8800”(Altair8800),一款早期个人电脑。

    In Outliers , Malcolm Gladwell attributes part of Bill Gates 's success to having been born at the right time to take advantage of the Altair 8800 , an early do-it-yourself computer kit .

  28. 他把百度位于加州森尼韦尔(Sunnyvale)实验室中的先进计算机比作“火箭引擎”,计算机中的软件可以学习模拟人类思想的功能。

    He describes the advanced computers at Baidu 's Sunnyvale , California , lab as " rocket engines " whose software can be taught to mimic the functioning of the human mind .

  29. 来自科罗拉多州韦尔市(Vail)、现年45岁的企业主克里斯•维滕贝格(KrisWittenberg)在感觉不好时,会对自己喊停,然后记下一些让她感激的事情。

    If Kris Wittenberg , a 45-year-old entrepreneur from Vail , Colo. , starts to feel bad , she tells herself ' Stop , ' and jots down something she is grateful for .

  30. 百慕大的旅游部部长肖恩・克罗克韦尔(ShawnCrockwell)表示,在百慕大最辉煌的1980年,这里一年接待的飞行旅客数量大约为50万名,那时百慕大拥有的酒店床位总数高达12000张左右。

    At its peak in 1980 , Bermuda welcomed some 500000 plane-arriving tourists a year , and counted on some 12000 hotel beds , says Shawn Crockwell , the island 's minister of tourism .