
  • 网络JOYCE;James Joyce;Alan Joyce;Joice
  1. 论乔伊斯意识流小说中的蒙太奇艺术

    On the Montage of James Joyce 's Stream of Consciousness Novel

  2. 乔伊斯是二十世纪最有影响的小说家。

    James Joyce is the most influential novelist in the twentieth century .

  3. 自从室友的手镯不见以后,乔伊斯一直受到怀疑。

    Joyce has been under a cloud since her roommate 's Bracelet disappeared .

  4. 只过了一分钟,乔伊斯打响了第一枪,战斗开始了。

    A minute later , Joyce fired his pistol17 and the battle had be-gun .

  5. 我低声地把这个消息告诉露西,可还是被乔伊斯听到了。

    I told Lucy the news under my breath , but Joyce overheard me .

  6. 我和乔伊斯装上了枪、食物和药品。

    and Joyce and I put guns and food and my medicine chest in it .

  7. 乔伊斯躺在地上死去了,他头上中了弹,乡绅则搀着受伤的船长。

    Joyce lay dead , shot through the head ; and the squire1 was half-carrying the wounded captain .

  8. 亨特、乔伊斯、雷德拉斯也知道了事情的真相,他们并不像我们想像的那么惊讶。

    Hunter , Joyce , and Redruth were told what was happening , and were less surprised than we expected them to be .

  9. 乔伊斯的兴奋溢于言表,他称这是iPhone原型机出现以来的最大突破。

    He calls this the biggest leap since the original iPhone .

  10. 第一则是,詹姆斯,乔伊斯的《尤利西斯》,版本的一个广告,and,this,appeared,in,The,Saturday,Review,刊登在1934年的《周六文学评论》

    The first one is an advertisement for the Random House edition of James Joyce 's Ulysses , Random House of Literature in1934 .

  11. 詹姆斯.乔伊斯(JamesJoyce):在上个世纪的作家神殿中,乔伊斯显得非常突出。

    In the pantheon of great writers of the last century , Joyce looms large .

  12. 在一则名为让澳大利亚为澳大利亚人所有(KeepAustraliaAustralian)的私人赞助电视广告中,乔伊斯告诉观众,一个外国政府正在买走澳大利亚的财富之源。

    He tells viewers in a privately-funded television advertisement entitled Keep Australia Australian that the country 's source of wealth is being bought by a foreign government .

  13. 乔伊斯在盘点iPhone内部的特性,电池是设备中最大的部分。

    Jobs pointed out a few of the features inside the phone , noting the battery is the largest part of the device .

  14. 乔伊斯.卡罗.欧茨(JoyceCarolOates):这个极端高产的作家(看看Wikipedia上她的页面中的著作列表)获得了无数个奖项,其中包括美国国家图书奖(NationalBookAward)。

    This extremely prolific writer ( see her bibliography on her Wikipedia page !) has won numerous awards , including the National Book Award .

  15. 我还是个“探索文学”的毛头小伙子时,老是想,要是大街小巷人人都熟知普鲁斯特、乔伊斯、T•E•劳伦斯、帕斯捷尔纳克与卡夫卡,那该多好。

    When I was a boy " discovering literature ", I used to think how wonderful it would be if every other person on the street were familiar with Proust and Joyce or T.E.Lawrence or Pasternak and Kafka .

  16. 乔伊斯(MICHAELJOYCE):我认为,经济和市场可能遭受的潜在后果范围或许超过我们很久以来所看到的范围。

    MICHAEL JOYCE : I think that there is probably a wider range of potential outcomes for the economy and the markets than perhaps we 've seen in a long , long time .

  17. 乔伊斯小说《尤利西斯》的结尾部分珀涅罗珀中女性的‘Yes’有助于揭示莫莉性格特征,反映她的思维状况,贯穿叙事情节和显示作者精湛的小说叙事艺术。

    In Penelope , the final episode of Joyce 's novel Ulysses , the feminine word yes avails itself of expressing Molly 's character traits , reflecting her whirling mind , linking the plots and revealing the author 's own knack in the fictional narration .

  18. 在苹果全球开发者大会的舞台上,乔伊斯坐下来演示FaceTime视频电话特性。

    On stage at WWDC , Steve Jobs sits down to give a demo of the new FaceTime video-calling feature .

  19. 艾伦•乔伊斯(AlanJoyce)表示,此笔交易的障碍包括英航的养老金债务,在决定双方经济利益的合并比例上的分歧,以及当前的经济环境。

    Alan Joyce said the hurdles to the deal included BA 's pension fund liabilities , the split in the merger ratio that would define each airlines ' economic interest , and the current economic environment .

  20. E.C.之谜&解读乔伊斯情诗中的叙事读者

    The Mystery of E. C & An Interpretation of the Narrative Reader in a Joyce Poem

  21. Knight公司首席执行官托马斯•乔伊斯(ThomasJoyce)上周四对彭博(Bloomberg)表示,发生技术问题是由于公司新安装的软件存在缺陷,向市场发出了错误的交易指令。

    In the case of Knight , which suffered a loss of $ 440m , Tom Joyce , chief executive , told Bloomberg yesterday the implementation of new software contained a bug that sent erroneous orders into the market .

  22. 希斯罗机场地面交通接驳事务主管克里斯?乔伊斯(ChrisJoyce)表示,使用这种技术有助于减轻发达国家交通中对私家车的依赖。希斯罗利用自动驾驶摆渡车在停车场和5号航站楼之间接送乘客。

    Chris Joyce , head of surface access for Heathrow , which uses autonomous shuttles to link a car park to Terminal 5 , says that such uses of technology can help to shift transport in developed countries away from dependence on private cars .

  23. 澳航的首席执行长乔伊斯(AlanJoyce)说,澳航的现金余额超过30亿澳元,还未动用的信贷额度有3亿澳元,如果欧洲的经济问题影响到全球,冲击到商业航空市场,那么澳航可以动用这些信贷额度。

    Chief Executive Alan Joyce said Qantas has a cash balance of more than A $ 3 billion and an undrawn debt facility of A $ 300 million that it can draw on if Europe 's economic problems turn global , hitting commercial aviation .

  24. 在上月就任澳航首席执行官以来的首次公开讲话中,乔伊斯排除了包括西班牙伊比利亚航空公司(Iberia)在内三方交易的可能性。伊比利亚航空公司在同时与英航进行谈判。

    In his first public comments since taking the helm at the Australian carrier last month , Mr Joyce ruled out a three-way deal including Iberia , the Spanish airline that is simultaneously in talks with the British carrier .

  25. Oriel的首席执行官艾丹•乔伊斯(AidanJoyce)说:“广告拦截技术十分粗暴,基于默认,它对劣质和优质的广告不加区分。多数广告拦截软件的使用者并不会反对阅览适当的广告来换取免费高质量内容。”

    Aidan Joyce , chief executive of Oriel , says : " Ad-blocking technology is a blunt instrument which , by default , makes no differentiation between poor and quality advertising . Most ad-blocking users do not object to a reasonable advertising experience in return for quality free content . "

  26. 象征手法是乔伊斯作品的一大艺术特色。

    Symbolism is one of the characteristics of Joyce 's works .

  27. 乔伊斯?不好意思,可以请你帮忙吗?

    Joyce ? Excuse me , would you please help me ?

  28. 乔伊斯?我要靠走道的,拜托您了。

    Joyce ? I would like the aisle seat , please .

  29. 爱的最好的证明就是信任&乔伊斯·布拉泽斯

    The best proof of love is trust . & Joyce Brothers

  30. 乔伊斯?我想要一些陆上交通的信息。

    Joyce ? I would like some information on ground transportation .