
  • 网络Chomsky;noam chomsky;N. Chomsky;N.Chomsky
  1. 美国语言学家乔姆斯基在上世纪八十年代提出的普遍语法理论,是在他早期的语言习得机制(LAD)理论和刺激贫乏理论的基础上发展起来的。

    The Universal Grammar theory , proposed and formulated by the American linguist Noam Chomsky in the 1980s , is a development of his earlier ideas of Language Acquisition Device ( LAD ) and " Poverty-of-the-stimulus " argument .

  2. 一旦你们的话题转向谷克多(JeanCocteau)或易卜生(HenrikIbsen),贝叶挂毯(BayeuxTapestry)或乔姆斯基(NoamChomsky),他呆滞的表情不会让你觉得赏心悦目。

    When the conversation turns to Jean Cocteau or Henrik Ibsen , the Bayeux Tapestry or Noam Chomsky , you won 't find that glazed look that comes over his face at all appealing .

  3. 很有必要搞清乔姆斯基在这儿干什么。

    It is important to be clear about what Chomsky is doing here

  4. 乔姆斯基对自己方法的辩护不止于此。

    Chomsky'sdefence of his approach goes further

  5. X阶标理论(即X′理论)是乔姆斯基TG理论体系中的一个重要理论。

    X-bar theory ( or X ' theory ) is one of the essential theories adopted in Chomsky 's Transformational Generative Grammar .

  6. 另外,鉴于汉语pro的所指依赖于具体的语言环境,因而作者对乔姆斯基给出的空语类的定义提出了新的见解。

    Seeing that the reference of Chinese pro relies on specific linguistic context , the author raises a new idea about the definition of empty categories given by Chomsky .

  7. 乔姆斯基认为空主语实行二分原则,有两个变体,即PRO和pro。

    Chomsky holds that null subject can be divided into two categories , that is , PRO and pro . PRO and pro are two variants of empty category .

  8. 乔姆斯基(N.Chomsky)把语言能力(LinguisticCompetence)和语言行为(LinguisticPerformance)分开,认为语言的研究对象应是语言能力,语法则是对语言能力的描写,对语言行为则不加研究。

    Chomsky made a distinction between linguistic competence and linguistic performance . He thought the object of language study was linguistic competence while grammar was the description of linguistic competence . It did not do research on linguistic performance .

  9. 自乔姆斯基提出语言习得机制,第二语言习得研究衍生出文化适应模式(AcculturationModel),监控理论(MonitorTheory),功能类型理论(Functional-typologicalTheory)等。

    Since Chomsky put forward the notion of Language Acquisition Device , Second Language Acquisition ( SLA ) research has given rise to theories such as Acculturation Model , Monitor Theory , Functional-Typological Theory and so on .

  10. 同时,Lakoff依据神经元模拟论提出了模拟论语义学,以此进一步论证了隐喻和语言的体验性,有力地批判了客观主义哲学观和乔姆斯基TG语言理论。

    Meanwhile , based on the Neural Simulation Theory , Lakoff has developed Simulation Semantics , which further substantiated the embodiment view of metaphor and language , and refuted the objectivist philosophy and Chomskian TG grammar .

  11. 乔姆斯基的TG理论处于不断的变化与修改之中,发展至今,已大致经历了古典理论、标准理论、扩展的标准理论、管约理论和最简方案理论等五个阶段。

    Generally , Chomsky 's linguistic theory has undergone the five significant periods of Classical Theory , Standard Theory , Extended Standard Theory , Government and Binding Theory and Minimalist Programme , which are symptomatic of the evolution in Chomsky 's thought .

  12. 聊天时,他眼神坚定地注视着你,从诺姆?乔姆斯基(NoamChomsky)的理论、神经网络科学,到移民心态乃至佛教瑜伽,他一切话题都能自信地畅所欲言。

    Picture a guy who can confidently expound ( while maintaining steady eye contact ) on topics ranging from Noam Chomsky 's theories to the science of neural networks to the immigrant mind-set to the Buddhist concept of jnana .

  13. 乔姆斯基与韩礼德的语言本质观

    Contrastive Perspective on the Nature of Language by Chomsky and Halliday

  14. 乔姆斯基转换生成语法在韩国40年回顾

    Forty Years ' Development of Chomsky 's T-G Grammar in Korea

  15. 乔姆斯基的特征核查理论的困境及可能出路

    Dilemmas of Chomsky 's Feature Checking Theory and Possible Way Out

  16. 乔姆斯基普遍语法框架下被字句把字句句法研究

    A Syntactic Study on BEI and BA Constructions in UG Framework

  17. 制造共识的世俗传教士&乔姆斯基媒介研究探析

    The Secular Priesthood Manufacturing Consent : Noam Chomsky 's Media Research

  18. 用乔姆斯基的理论分析翻译中的某些问题

    Some Problems of Translation in the Light of Chomskian Theory

  19. 它的语言学理论基础是乔姆斯基的转换生成语法规则。

    Its linguistics theoretical basis is Chomsky 's transformational & generative grammar .

  20. 乔姆斯基语言哲学探源

    The Exploration of the Origin of Chomsky 's Linguistic Philosophy

  21. 乔姆斯基基于语言理论的自由观述评

    A Critical Review of Chomsky 's Linguistically-based Idea of Freedom

  22. 他对乔姆斯基和索绪尔这类时髦人物的情况都很熟悉。

    He knows all about these fashionable people like Chomsky and saussure .

  23. 乔姆斯基认为,问题并不在于这些观点是错误的。

    Well , Chomsky says the problem is not that that 's wrong .

  24. 本文的目的就是要说明乔姆斯基的道路走错了。

    The objective of this paper is to argue that Chomsky is wrong .

  25. 乔姆斯基形式句法推导过程的变迁

    Changes of Derivational Process in Chomsky 's Formal Syntax

  26. 系统对应说与乔姆斯基转换理论

    Systematic Correspondences and Chomsky 's Theory of Transformations

  27. 乔姆斯基是如今仍然在世的,最杰出的学者之一。

    A Review of B.F.Skinner Chomsky is one of the most prominent intellectuals alive .

  28. 乔姆斯基教授表示,成年人通常认识数万单词。

    Prof Chomsky said that mature humans usually knew tens of thousands of words .

  29. 乔姆斯基:我不这样认为,也不希望这样。

    Chomsky : I don 't think so ; neither do I hope so .

  30. 乔姆斯基的句法理论自从提出以来,一直处于不断的修正和完善当中。

    Since put forward , Chomsky s syntactic theory has been modified and improved .