
fān yì dān wèi
  • unit of translation
  1. 翻译单位论方言可懂度计量研究刍议

    On the Unit of Translation Discussion on Quantitative Intelligibility in Dialects

  2. 翻译单位是翻译理论中的一个核心问题。

    The unit of translation is a core issue in translation theory .

  3. 使翻译单位尽可能小非常重要,这样可以增加在TM数据库中发现可重用翻译的机会。

    It is important to keep translation units as small as possible to maximize the chances of finding usable translations in the TM database .

  4. 本文提出了一种从翻译单位到字的中文统计机器翻译方法。

    We propose a translation-unit-to-characters approach for Chinese Statistical Machine Translation .

  5. 论概念段作为科技英语的翻译单位

    On a Conceptual Passage as the Unit of EST Translation

  6. 从译者主体性角度论翻译单位

    On Translation Unit : A Perspective of Translator 's Subjectivity

  7. 英译汉过程中翻译单位的实证研究

    An empirical study of translation units in English-Chinese translating

  8. 情景模式&可操作的翻译单位

    Patterns of Situations : the Operable Units in Translation

  9. 俄语界对翻译单位研究综述

    A Survey of Translation Unit in Russian Academic Circle

  10. 科技英语翻译单位及其译语等值物的对应

    The Correspondence between Units of Translation and Their Target Language Equivalents in EST

  11. 关于翻译单位问题讨论的思考&与彭长江先生商榷

    A rethinking of the discussion about the translation units

  12. 翻译单位中的篇章理念

    A Textual Perspective on the Unit of Translation

  13. 动态翻译单位探讨

    Towards a Dynamic Unit of Translation TRENDS DYNAMIC

  14. 翻译单位问题是翻译理论中最复杂的问题之一。

    The problem of UT ranks among the most complicated problems of translation theories .

  15. 传统的翻译单位研究主要聚焦于原文语言各层面,认为翻译单位就是具有大小之分的原文语言层级。

    Traditionally , it is aligned with different linguistic levels of the source text .

  16. 试论以主/述位作翻译单位

    On Theme / Rheme as Unit of Translation

  17. 试论翻译单位的灵活性

    On the flexibility of the translation unit

  18. 字译者字字对译,以字为翻译单位,往往脱离上下文,断章取义;直译者则适当考虑上下文,翻译单位不局限于字,而常常表现为句子。

    While word-for-word translation is a word-rank-bound translation featuring words translated singly out of context .

  19. 法律英语翻译单位探析

    Towards a Translation Unit of Legal English

  20. 翻译单位可以是单词、词素、词组,甚至是小句。

    The unit of translation can be word , morpheme , phrase or even clause .

  21. 意象:诗歌翻译单位的前景化

    Images : Foregrounding in Poetic Translation Units

  22. 翻译单位的描写性研究

    Unit of translation : a descriptive perspective

  23. 在此意义上,翻译单位应从译者主体性角度研究,因为以这对翻译单位起了重要的决定作用。

    However , traditional translation studies have long neglected the important role of the translator .

  24. 翻译单位与译者的主体性

    Translation Unit and Translator 's Subjectivity

  25. 对于翻译单位的划分及功能,翻译理论家们也是见仁见智,聚讼纷纭。

    As for the division of UT and its functions , translation theorists hold diverse opinions .

  26. 但是,一般情况下,职业译者的翻译单位(分析单位和合成单位)比学生译者的要大,层次要高。

    However , the professionals have higer-level translation units ( analysis units and synthesis units ) .

  27. 认知与翻译单位

    On the Unit of Translation

  28. 再论翻译单位

    Reviewing the Unit of Translation

  29. 动态翻译单位探讨从现代语言观看文学翻译过程中的动态性

    Towards a Dynamic Unit of Translation Discussion on the Dynamic Characters of Literary Translation from Modern Language

  30. 从语篇语言学看句子作为主要功能翻译单位的可行性

    Feasibility of the Sentence as the Key Functional Unit of Translation from the Perspective of Text Linguistics