
  • 网络target language generation
  1. 统计与规则相结合的目标语言生成策略

    Combining Statistical Model with Linguistic Knowledge in Target Language Generation

  2. 介绍了目标语言生成的几种方法和自然语言生成技术。

    This chapter first reviews the background of MT and argues the importance of generation , then introduces several methods of target language generation and the technology of natural language generation .

  3. 词块法可以减轻学习者在语言输出时语法词汇重组的负担,缩短目标语言在头脑中生成与输出过程的间距。

    Formulaic chunks can help ease the burden of grammar and vocabulary processing as well as shorten the gap between the language generation and output of the target language in the mind .

  4. 基于中间表示的机器翻译一般分为源语分析和译文生成两个阶段,其中译文生成就是根据中间表示中的源语信息,在目标语言模型指导和生成规则驱动下生成目标语句子。

    Machine translation based-on intermediate representation can be separated into two stages : analysis and generation , the generation aims to generate the target language sentence according to the source language information stored in the intermediate representation .