
yǔ liào kù yǔ yán xué
  • corpus linguistics
  1. 语料库语言学的发展为语言教学开拓了全新的视野,对语料库资源的深加工研究和开发也进一步促进了计算机辅助语言教学(CALL)的发展。

    The development of corpus linguistics has opened up a brand-new vision for language teaching , and research of corpus helps to promote further development of CALL .

  2. 20世纪90年代以来,MonaBaker等人开始将语料库语言学应用于翻译研究,从此开启双语语料库的研究历史。

    Mona Baker has been applying corpus linguistics to translation research , which opened the research history of bilingual corpus since 1990s of the 20th century .

  3. 2003上海语料库语言学国际会议的议题包括:(1)基于CLEC的中国英语学习者中介语分析;

    The 2003 International Conference on Corpus Linguistics at Shanghai covered six areas in corpus linguistics : ( 1 ) CLEC-based analysis of Chinese learner English as interlanguage ;

  4. 此项研究采用语料库语言学的定量分析和对比语言学定性分析相结合的研究方法,语料取自CCAE英语在线语料库和国家语委汉语语料库(CMLC)。

    It is conducted using methodology that combines both the quantitative approach of Corpus Linguistics and the qualitative approach of contrastive analysis . The data for this research are drawn from the online CCAE ( Corpus of Contemporary American English ) and CMLC ( Chinese Modern Language Corpus ) .

  5. 搭配词统计分析是现代语料库语言学中重要的词汇分析手段。

    Statistical collocation analysis is an important instrument of lexicological investigation .

  6. 语料库语言学的发展的核心问题是语言模型的建立问题。

    The central problem in corpus linguistics is language modeling .

  7. 如今搭配成为语料库语言学领域较为繁荣的方而。

    Nowadays collocations become the flouring area of corpus linguistics .

  8. 语料库语言学:后现代语言学的兴起

    Corpus Linguistics : A Boom of the Postmodern Linguistic Research

  9. 图式理论、语料库语言学与外语教学

    Schemata Theory , Corpus Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching

  10. 语料库语言学及其在二语习得中的作用

    Corpus Linguistics and Its Applications in Second Language Acquisition

  11. 随着语料库语言学的出现,此问题迎刃而解。

    This difficulty could be solved easily with the appearance of corpus linguistics .

  12. 国内语料库语言学研究综述

    Corpus linguistics studies in China : a summary

  13. 蒙古语短语标注是蒙古语语料库语言学研究的进一步深化。

    The tagging of Mongolian phrases is the further study with Mongolian corpus linguistics .

  14. 语料库语言学的发展迄今已有三十余年。

    So far , Corpus Linguistics has been developing for more than 30 years .

  15. 语义韵是当代语料库语言学中的一个重要研究对象。

    Semantic prosody is an important language phenomenon discovered and studied by corpus linguists .

  16. 语料库语言学在语言研究中的作用

    The Role of Corpus Linguistics in Language Study

  17. 该论文论述了语料库语言学对英语词汇教学的影响。

    This paper talks about the influences exerted by corpus linguistics over English vocabulary teaching .

  18. 语料库语言学的目的和方法

    The Aim and Method of Corpus Linguistics

  19. 语料库语言学已经成为语言研究的主流,这已成为整个语言学界的共识。

    It is agreed that corpus linguistics has already become the mainstream of language studies .

  20. 最后,指出了语料库语言学在英语教学中的重要作用。

    At last , the paper indicates the implication of corpus linguistics to EFL teaching .

  21. 本文运用语料库语言学研究方法,尝试提出一种借助计算机实现的法语语言评价模式。

    This paper attempts to offer a computer-assisted model for evaluation of French language competence .

  22. 此研究从语料库语言学的视角进行媒介与性别分析。

    The author tries to conduct media and gender studies from the perspective of corpus linguistics .

  23. 语料库语言学与词典编纂的结合已有时日,但如何利用平行语料库编写双语词典的研究才刚刚开始。

    Corpus has been acclaimed recently as a new resource for lexicographical research and dictionary compilation .

  24. 如今,对生语料进行句法标注已成为语料库语言学的主流趋势。

    Nowadays , the syntactic annotation on raw corpora becomes a dominant tendency in corpus linguistics .

  25. 语料库语言学和现代语言统计理论的发展促进了文体分析的发展。

    The development of corpus linguistics and modern statistical theories accelerates the growth of stylistic analysis .

  26. 经过多年的发展,目前语料库语言学已经成为语言研究的热点。

    Development , the corpus linguistics has been an issue in the study of linguistics nowadays .

  27. 语料库语言学与英语教学

    Corpus Linguistics and English Language Teaching

  28. 语料库语言学与翻译研究

    Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies

  29. 多年来,语料库语言学的研究发现,词块普遍存在于自然语言中。

    Recently , researches of corpus linguistics revealed a pervasive occurrence of lexical chunks in natural language .

  30. 计算机技术和语料库语言学的迅速发展使得小范围的基于语料库的研究成为了可能。

    The developments of computer technology and corpus linguistics make the corpus-based study in small scope available .