
mù biāo yǔ yán
  • target language
  1. 因此介绍了在以C为目标语言的C++编译系统中,实现用于支持多态性的虚函数机制的方法。

    This paper introduces the technology to implement virtual function mechanism in C + + compiler , whose target language is C.

  2. 还可以指定代理客户机的.NET目标语言(默认语言是C)。

    Optionally , you need to also specify the . NET target language for the proxy client ( the default is C # ) .

  3. 无需惊讶,既然我的客户具有Java背景,那么系统的首选目标语言自然就是Java。

    This is not surprising , since my customer had a Java background and the primary target language for the system was Java .

  4. 本研究使用音素监测任务探讨了在不同的SOA水平条件下,非目标语言词汇激活的状况。

    In this research , using the phoneme monitoring tasks of different level of the SOA conditions , investigated the activation of non-target language .

  5. 本课题以Java为目标语言,提出了一种脚本-虚拟机-可视化类库的系统架构,实现了Java可视表达和可视运行。

    This subject takes Java as target language , and put forward a system structure of " script-JVM-visualized class library " to realize Java visual expression and visual running .

  6. 现在,最佳操作方式是从一个DSL生成代码,它要比使用像UML这样的目标语言更简便。

    Nowadays , it is best practice to generate code from a DSL , which is simpler to use than a general purpose language like UML .

  7. 幸运的是,LotusDominoGlobaglobalbench可以帮助我们找出LotusNotes字符串,然后将用目标语言翻译的字符串放置到应用程序中。

    Fortunately , we have Lotus Domino Global Workbench , which can help us to resource out the Lotus Notes ' strings and build the translated strings into applications in target languages .

  8. 严格说来,AST(抽象语法树)也是一种IR&因为它既不是源代码,也不是目标语言。

    Strictly speaking , the AST ( abstract syntax tree ) is also an IR ( intermediate representation )– since it is not quite the source , and not quite the target language .

  9. 对于C与C++,我们可以同等的轻松,因为Eclipse同样提供了一个叫做CDT(C/C++DevelopmentTooling)的开放源项目,它包含了一个目标语言的相似剖析器。

    For C and C + + , we can be equally lazy , because Eclipse also provides an open source project called CDT ( C / C + + Development Tooling ) that includes a similar parser for the target language .

  10. 最后,将EMD方法应用于目标语言内容提取,有效地将目标语言内容从混叠声中提取出来,证明了EMD方法的实际应用意义。

    Finally , the EMD was applied to extract the contents of the target language , effectively extracting of the target language contents from mixed sound . The results show that the EMD method can handle nonlinear and non-stationary signals .

  11. 结构求精中给出了SOZRSL的分层逐步分解的结构到具体目标语言能够支持的整体结构的对应方法;

    In the structure refinement process , we give the method of mapping SOZRSL hierachical structures into concrete program codes ;

  12. 消息字符串(msgstr)是必须用目标语言显示的字符串。

    The message string ( msgstr ) is the string as it must appear in the target language .

  13. 翻译者要把握源语言文本的核心意义,然后用一种全新的文本(即目标语言文本)表达出来(Farahzad,1998年)。

    The translator uses the core meaning present in the source text to create a new whole , namely , the target text ( Farahzad , 1998 ) .

  14. 翻译的职责就是要创造一种条件,让目标语言的读者和源语言的作者能够有所交流(Lotfipour,1997年)。

    The translator 's task is to create conditions under which the source language author and the target language reader can interact with one another ( Lotfipour , 1997 ) .

  15. 英蒙机器翻译系统(EMMT)是把源语言(英语)转换成目标语言(蒙古语)的系统,其中转换规则库是最重要的知识库之一。

    From English to Mongolian Machine Translation ( EMMT ) System would be a kind of system converting the source language-English into the target language-Mongolian . Transforming rules are one of the most important knowledge base .

  16. 统计与规则相结合的目标语言生成策略

    Combining Statistical Model with Linguistic Knowledge in Target Language Generation

  17. 点击翻译按钮选择源语言和目标语言。

    Press the translate button to select the source and destination languages .

  18. 发生转换的目标语言必须简单,方便,得体。

    The language is easy , convenient , and appropriate .

  19. 第二步,将这些成份翻译成目标语言。

    Step two , Translate these elements into destination language .

  20. 通过复习引入目标语言提高将来时意识。

    Ask he Ss to talk about he pictures , using future tense .

  21. 目标语言形式为过去完成时。

    The target linguistic form was past perfect tense .

  22. 如果赢家是:目标语言!

    And the Winner is : the Target Language !

  23. 一个从中间语言生成目标语言的原理和方法

    Principle and method of generating target language from interlingua

  24. 在目标语言里创建一个相匹配的类;

    Create a matching class in the target languages .

  25. 勒弗维尔认为翻译目标语言文化对翻译的影响是勿容置疑的。

    Lefevere believed that the influence made by targeted language and culture is undoubted .

  26. 语料库主要用来分析和研究目标语言的特征。

    Corpus is mainly used to analyze and study characteristics of the target language .

  27. 全都用你的目标语言。

    All in your target language .

  28. 目标语言通常为二进制格式(如机器代码),但不总是这种格式。

    Often the target language is a binary format like machine code , but not always .

  29. 此外,翻译实践者必须对源语言和目标语言非常敏感;

    Moreover , translation trainees should have a good ear for both source and target languages ;

  30. 要做好翻译,需要在源语言和目标语言二者身上花相当大的精力。

    To be a good translator requires a sizeable investment in both source and target languages .