
zì wèi quán
  • Right to self-defence;right of self-defense
  1. 在国际法上自卫权是国家的一项自然权利,是禁止使用武力和以武力相威胁基本原则规定下,一种使用武力的合法例外。

    In the international law , the right of self-defense is a nation 's natural right and a legal expectation of the principle of prohibition of the threat or use of force .

  2. 我们可以从法理上推断出,EEZ的安全利益渊源于国家与生俱来的自卫权以及由此衍生的其他权利,是国家自然延伸了的安全利益。

    It can be inferred from the legal theory that the security interest of EEZ is originated from the inherent right of self-defense of the State and other right derived accordingly , and is the " naturally extended " security interest of the State .

  3. 在被非法攻击下才可使用自卫权

    The right of self - defense is only available against unlawful attack

  4. 论集体自卫权与日本的安全保障

    On the Right of Collective Self - defence and the Security of Japan

  5. 对国际法上自卫权的探讨&兼评美国发动伊拉克战争的自卫理由

    Self-Defense in International Law : On the Self-defending of USA 's War against Iraq

  6. 浅析先发制人自卫权对集体安全制度的影响

    Influence of " Preemptive Strike " as Self - defense Right on Collective Security System

  7. 试论环境保护自卫权

    On the Self-defense Right in Environment Protection

  8. 这是中国有效行使自卫权的必要措施,他表示。

    This is a necessary measure China has taken to exercise its right to self defence , he said .

  9. 因而有必要在自卫权的条件上适当扩大,更好地保护国家的安全权利。

    It is necessary for the right to self-defense in conditions appropriate to expand and better protect the country 's security .

  10. 9·11事件也催生了利用国际法上的自卫权理论打击恐怖主义活动这一全新实践。

    The " 9 · 11 " attack also led to a brand new practice of utilizing the self-defence theory to fight against terrorism .

  11. 集体自卫权不啻为安相下一步野心张目,即确保日本在国际安全中发挥更大作用。

    A right to collective self-defence underpins Mr Abe 's broader ambition , which is to ensure that Japan can play a bigger role in international security .

  12. 自卫权是一个国家的自然权利,也是所有国家尊重其他国家领土主权的一般性义务的例外。

    The right to self-defense is a natural right of countries , as well as all countries to respect other country 's sovereignty and territorial general obligation exception .

  13. 但是,从国际法的角度和国际关系的实践来看,存在三个问题,即自卫权的延伸和扩展、证据问题和审判问题。

    From the aspect of international law and practice of international relations , there exist problems ; the extension and spread of self - defence , proof and trial .

  14. 国家自卫权只是合法使用武力的一种例外情况;在未来的国际法发展中,对国家自卫权的实施仍应予以严格的限制。

    Being an exceptional case of the legal use of force , the implementation of the state right of self-defense should be severely restricted in the future development of the International Law .

  15. 三份全国性日报在过去一周进行的民意调查显示,至少一半受访者反对日本行使集体自卫权的主意,三分之一或更少的受访者赞同。

    Polls taken by three national dailies within the past week showed that at least half of respondents opposed the idea of Japan exercising its right to collective self-defence , with a third or fewer in favour .

  16. 预防性军事行动由于明显缺乏国际法律依据,且这种对自卫权的扩大解释没有被国际社会绝大多数成员所接受,故仍应予以严禁。

    But the preventive military action should still be banned strictly because it evidently lacks the basis of international law and this broadened interpretation of self - defence has not been accepted by the majority of international community .

  17. 多数学者认为,预防性自卫权的行使必须十分谨慎,最好由一定国际机构(比如联合国安理会)来判断其行使的必要性。

    Most scholars consider it must be very careful to perform protective self-defense , it is better to have an international organization ( such as the Security Council of the UN ) to decide the necessity of performing it .

  18. 韩国总统李明博周一表示,会将军舰被击沉一事提交联合国安理会,并且会行使自卫权遏制朝鲜进一步侵犯。

    On Monday , Lee Myung-bak , the South Korean president , said his government would take the warship issue to the United Nations Security Council and would exercise the right to defend itself against further aggression from the north .

  19. 保护原则是一种决定国家行使刑事管辖权范围的标准,分别源于19世纪德国的国家保护主义,在现代国际法中是国家自卫权的体现;

    Protective Principle is one of the criteria for the decision of the space limits of criminal law , which bases on the defense ' right of Sovereignty in the international law and historically origin from Germany 's doctrine and Italian Middle Ages jurisprudence .

  20. 自卫在国际法上是使用武力的合法性依据之一,但自卫权的行使必须符合必要性、相称性和安理会主导三项原则。

    Self-defence is one of the reason justifying the use of force under international law , to exercise the right of Defence , however , states shall comply with the principles of necessity , proportionality and being dominated by UN and UNSC ;

  21. 日本在成立自卫队之时就曾指出,自卫队要坚持专守防卫的原则、不向海外派兵、不行使集体自卫权。

    When Japan established its self-defense forces had pointed out that self-defense forces must insist purely defensive defense , not send troops abroad and not exercise collective self-defense .