
zì wǒ shí xiàn
  • self-fulfillment;self-realization;self-actualization
  1. 心理咨询从业人员与对照组相比,两者自我实现水平的分布有统计学差异(P<0.01)。

    There were significant differences in self-realization level between the practitioners and the comparison group ( P0.01 ) .

  2. 保障被害人的尊严和自我实现价值的需要。

    The need of protecting dignity and self-realization of the victim .

  3. 这是她开始为自己的独立和自我实现而斗争的时候了。

    It 's the time when she begins to struggle for her independence and self-fulfillment .

  4. “自我实现预言”指的是直接或间接导致预言本身实现的一种预测。

    A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true .

  5. 这种“皮格马利翁效应”(PygmalionEffect)是一个体现自我实现预期的例子。

    This " Pygmalion effect " was a case of self-fulfilling expectations .

  6. Self-actualization自我实现Etch蚀刻这位美术家一定花了好几小时把这画像蚀刻在玻璃上.Provoking气人的,恼人的Hawk鹰

    The artist must have spent hours etching the image on the glass .

  7. 如今,mfglobal高管可能会辩称,这表明,太多透明度可能是危险的;或者至少在引发自我实现的恐慌时可能如此。

    Now , MF global executives might argue that this shows that too much transparency can be dangerous ; or at least it can , when it sparks a self-fulfilling panic .

  8. 按照MASLOW的理论,基本需求包括:生理满足比如饥饿安全感、归属感、爱、尊重、认同以及自我实现。

    The needs , according to Maslow and beginning with the most basic are : Physiological Needs such as hunger , Safety , Belonging and Love , Esteem and Approval , Self-Actualization .

  9. 其中竞技场作为游戏满足玩家高水平需求的模块设计,能够提供给玩家直接PK的机会,通过游戏的竞争机制满足玩家尊重和自我实现的需求。

    AS the module designed to meet high level needs of players , arena can provide the opportunity of players PK to meet the players respect and self-realization through the competitive mechanism of game .

  10. 正如马斯洛(Maslow)的需求理论,人的需求由低到高分别为:生理需求、安全需求、社交需求、自尊需求和自我实现需求。

    From the needs theory of Maslow , human needs can be distinguished from down to up as physiological needs , security needs , communication needs , self-respect needs , and self-realization needs .

  11. 自我实现预言理论之我见

    A Personal Perspective of the Theory of Self - fulfilling Prophecy

  12. 激活自我实现需要培养拔尖创新人才

    Stimulate the Need of Self-fulfillment and Cultivate the Talents of Creativity

  13. 在某些情况下,投机者能够创造出自我实现的预言。

    In certain circumstances speculators are capable of creating self-fulfilling prophecies .

  14. 从自我实现看孔孟人性论

    " Self-Realization " in Confucius and Mencius Thoughts on Human Nature

  15. 正如凯恩斯所注意到的,独自行动将导致自我实现的灾难。

    As Keynes observed , acting alone results in self-fulfilling misery .

  16. 衡量个人潜力和自我实现愿望及水准。

    Evaluating personal potentials , desire and level of self-realization .

  17. 人的最高层次的心理需要是尊重和自我实现。

    The highest levels of psychological need for respect and self realization .

  18. 第三,自我实现人这一概念是由马斯洛提出的。

    The concept of Self-actualization man was provided by Maslow .

  19. 因为伊丽莎白拥有女性主体意识,所以她实现了自我实现。

    With the consciousness of female subject , Elizabeth realizes her self-realization .

  20. 个人是自我实现的道德存在,在实现社会共同善的过程中实现自己的真善。

    The individual is a moral being that realizes one self existence .

  21. 没有自我实现你是不可能做成伟大的事业的。

    You can 't do great work without personal fulfillment .

  22. 自我实现的人&马斯洛的健康人格模型

    The Person of Self-realization & A.H.Maslow 's Perfect Personality Model

  23. 马斯洛自我实现理论与高校生命教育

    Self-realization of Maslow and Inspiration of It to Education of College Life

  24. 论自我实现型教师人格及其塑造学校教育中师生的人格尊严及其实现

    Personality Dignity of Teachers and Students in School Education and Its Actualization

  25. 另些人们由于相信自己会失败所以产生了一个自我实现的预言。

    Others discover that believing they will fail becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  26. 从某种程度上说,它成了一个自我实现的预言。

    In a way , it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy .

  27. 论薛宝钗人格的自我实现特征

    On the Self-Realization Feature of Xue Bao-chai 's Personality

  28. 自我实现理念在体育教育中的应用

    Application of the sense of self-realization to physical education

  29. 资源人追求自我实现和自我完善。

    " Resource Man " pursues self-realization and self-improvement .

  30. 促使诚信自我实现的政府行为界定

    Urges the Good Faith Self-realization the Government Behavior Limits