
  • 网络self moral cultivation
  1. 为使名人广告能在自身发展轨道上顺利运行,本文提出了企业全方位规避风险,名人加强自我道德修养,国家完善相关法律法规、建立行业自律联盟、完善行政监管机制等措施和建议。

    Enterprise widely avoids risks . Celebrity strengthens self moral cultivation . Country improves the relevant laws and regulations . Establishment of self-discipline Alliance .

  2. “仁和”思想处于儒家思想核心地位,这一思想对秘书人员正确处理人际关系、实现自我道德修养、出色完成工作任务有很强的借鉴意义。

    The ideas of benevolence and harmony , which are in the key position of Confucianism , have the deepest influence upon the secretarial personnel .

  3. 建立择偶道德规范和伦理调适方法,能够帮助当代青年树立道德的择偶观,引导其加强自我道德修养,从他律走向自律,自觉抵制不道德的择偶行为。

    Establishing the moral rules and ethical adjustment methods can help contemporary young people to build moral spouse-selection view , and guides them to strengthen the self-moral training .

  4. 根据我们多年从事大学生思想道德教育的实践经验,对培养大学生良好道德品质的途径和方法,应该着重抓好学校教育、环境熏陶、承袭传统美德和自我道德修养等四个方面。

    According to his long-time moral education experience , the author explores active approaches to cultivate college students from the aspects of college education , surrounding edification , inheriting tradition virtues and self-cultivation .

  5. 要创新道德教育方法,将理论教育与实践锻炼相结合、学生自主选择与教师积极引导相结合、道德教育与自我道德修养相结合。

    Innovating the methods of moral education , such as methods of combining theory education and practice , combining students ' conscious choice and teacher 's guiding , combining moral teaching and moral learning by oneself .

  6. 加强自我道德修养,树立正确的权力观;加强自我伦理教育,提高自我约束能力;培养良好的心理素质和高尚的生活情趣;塑造良好人格;自觉接受监督。

    To enhance self-moral cultivation , to establish a correct outlook on power ; self-ethics education , self-restraint capacity ; cultivate good mental qualities and noble interest inlife ; to create a good personality ; consciously accept supervision .