
  • 网络Moral Cognition;moral understanding
  1. 道德认识是道德行为和道德素质的指导因素、首要环节;

    Moral cognition is the key guiding factor for one 's moral behaviors and quality ;

  2. 在揭示网络对中师生思想品德积极影响的同时,着重对其负面影响进行了分析。网络对中师生思想品德的影响主要体现在道德认识、道德情感、道德行为三个方面。

    Briefly , it has influence on students ' moral cognition , moral emotions and moral behaviors .

  3. 论大学生网络伦理道德认识与网络道德教育

    On the College Students ' Internet-related Ethics and Internet-related Moral Education

  4. 思想品德由道德认识、道德情感和道德行为构成。

    Moral character consists of moral cognition , moral emotions and moral behaviors .

  5. 从系统论角度分析道德认识的生成

    Study on the Formation of Morality Cognition from the Viewpoint of System Theory

  6. 师生关系对中学生道德认识的影响研究

    The Study of the Influence of the Teacher-Student Relationship on Moral Cognitions of Middle School Student

  7. 它的伦理功能主要有:多层面的道德认识功能;

    The ethical functions include the understanding function of many-sided ethics , spreading function of moral ethics ;

  8. 现代社会中人们对于道德认识与践行不断有着更完善的理论指导。

    Modern society people is guided by the moral knowledge and practice which constantly become more perfect .

  9. 它由道德认识、道德情感、道德意志、道德信念、道德行为等心理因素构成。

    It consists of morality knowledge , morality emotion , morality belief , morality behavior and so on .

  10. 解读80后大学生道德认识矛盾性提高德育效益

    Explain the Contradiction of " Post-80 's " College Students ' Moral Cognition , Improve the Beneficial Result of Moral Education

  11. 羞愧感是一种深刻的社会情感,它与人的个性道德认识有密切的联系。

    As a method of socialization , shame technique is used by parents to make their children feel shame and follow rules .

  12. 诚信是道德认识、道德情感、道德意志、道德信念的凝结,是道德行为与道德品质的统一。

    Credit and honesty is the coagulation of moral understanding , feelings and beliefs and the unity of moral action and quality .

  13. 在科学技术发展的历史进程中,总是伴随着人们对这项技术的伦理道德认识和评价。

    In the history of science and technology development process , always accompanied by people understanding the ethics of the technology and assessment .

  14. 王阳明的知行合一说在道德认识与道德实践领域具有适应各个时代的精神内涵。

    As a defender of feudal order , Wang Shouren advocated the unity of knowledge and practice and " the tempering in concrete matters " .

  15. 从品德心理角度剖析,其本质是青少年网络道德认识紊乱、网络道德情感沦丧、网络道德意志瓦解、网络道德行为失范。

    From the angle of moral psychology , teenagers have problems in network moral cognition , network moral emotion , network moral will and network moral behavior essentially .

  16. 分析探索新时期高职院校学生职业道德认识的心理状况及实施教育活动的新模式和途径,是摆在高职院校学生思想教育工作者面前的一项紧迫任务。

    Its an urgent task that the ideological educator should face to analyze and probe the psychological states of the students recognition on professional ethics in the new period .

  17. 德育教育目的是促进其内在全面健康的发展,促进其思想道德认识,情感,信念和行为习惯的协调成长。

    Moral education goal is to improve the inner development of overall health , to promote harmonious development of their moral understanding , feelings , beliefs and behavior habits .

  18. 因此,高校德育教育应着重从学生的道德认识、道德意志和道德行为三个方面的培养入手。

    As for the college 's moral education , therefore , we should focus on such three aspects as moral cognition , moral will and moral conduct of college students .

  19. 公益广告作为一种先进的社会文化环境,极大地影响着青少年的道德认识、伦理规范等的选择和道德品质的发展;

    As an advanced social cultural environment , the public service advertising has a great influence on young people such as moral knowledge , ethics and the development of the character .

  20. 他首先用分析法从普通人的相互混杂的道德认识中逐步分离出纯粹的道德现象和原则,力图给真正的道德哲学奠基。

    By the analytical method , he abstracted firstly the pure moral phenomena and principle from the common tangly moral understanding in order to lay a foundation to the real moral philosophy .

  21. 从功能上看,它既有发展道德认识、形成道德态度、实践道德行为的积极功能,又有误导教育对象、分化教育目标、瓦解教育体系的消极功能。

    It has both the positive functions of developing ethic acknowledge , forming ethic attitude , practicing ethic behavior and the negative functions of misguiding the students , disintegrating educational aims , collapsing educational system .

  22. 如,部分农村留守儿童道德认识模糊,价值观念扭曲;心理关怀缺失,情感发育不良;道德意志薄弱,行为出现偏差,等等。

    For example , some rural children left behind vague moral understanding , values distorted ; lack of psychological care , emotional dysplasia ; moral will is weak , the behavior deviation , and so on .

  23. 信息道德认识较好,愿意与他人进行信息交流,有较好的知识产权保护意识,但对使用他人信息成果需要付费的认识水平较低。

    Better understanding of information ethics , willing to exchange information with others , a better awareness of IPR protection , but the results need to pay to use the information to others low level of awareness .

  24. 本文认为,对确定性知识的执迷,对学生主体性的藐视,重道德认识,轻道德需要与道德实践是问题产生的直接原因。

    This article points out that it is the direct reason that some people worship the definite knowledge but look down upon the student subject , pay attention to moral thinking but ignore moral needs and moral practice .

  25. 塑造公民的诚信人格具体而言就是做一个道德认识求真知、道德情感求真挚、道德信念求真诚、道德意志求真笃、道德行为求真切的诚信公民。

    Particularly , to mold one 's honest personality means he should be the honest civilian who pursues true moral knowledge , sincere moral emotion , genuine moral conviction , pure moral will , and straightforward moral action .

  26. 美育的思想政治教育功能不仅可以有助于大学生树立正确的人生观、价值观,而且有利于进思想道德认识到行为的转变;有利于优化思想政治教育的途径。

    Aesthetic education helps students to establish correct view on life and values . aesthetic education promotes the change of ideological and ethical values from knowledge to action . aesthetic education could optimize the ways of ideological and political education .

  27. 思想政治课德育功能的实现必须抓住受教育接受者的心理准备、发展学生的思想道德认识和引导学生的知行转化三个重要环节。

    To achieve the moral function of ideological and political class , we need to pay particular attention to the following three links : Students must be psychologically prepared ; Students should be made fully aware of importance of moral education ;

  28. 他提出了绝圣弃智的道德认识论、无知无欲的道德情感论、独立自由的道德意志论和自然无为的道德行为论。

    He advocated the " no saint disposable unwise " moral epistemology , " no desire and ignorance " theory of moral sentiments , " independence and freedom " moral voluntarism and " nature and inaction " theory of ethical conduct .

  29. 学校的物质环境通过学生的环境知觉过程引导着其道德认识和价值观,环境的美感净化和提升了学生的道德情感,同化了学生的道德行为;

    The matter environments of school rely on environmental consciousness to lead the moral recognization and value idea of the ' student , the sense of beautify pure and promote the moral feeling , and also assimilate the moral behavior of the student .

  30. 从主流来看,市场经济对当代大学生价值观的影响是积极向上的,主要体现在政治态度积极、道德认识水平较高、自我意识、独立性增加、人生价值注重奉献,合理索取。

    From the point of view of mainstream , market economy has positive effects in many aspects , for example , positive political attitude , high level understanding of moral , strong self-consciousness and independence , emphasizing dedication and reasonable request of the value of life .