
  • 网络daoist philosophy
  1. 课程改革:道家哲学的视点

    Curriculum Reform : A Philosophic Perspective of Taoism What 's Philosophy For

  2. 对意识的科学探索及其与道家哲学的关系

    Scientific Approaches to Consciousness and the Revelations from Taoism

  3. 浅析道家哲学对中国传统园林景观美学的影响

    On the influences of Taoistic philosophy on landscape aesthetics of Chinese traditional garden

  4. 道家哲学的创造教育思想初论

    On the Creativity Education Idea From the Tao Philosophy

  5. 道家哲学智慧与企业家的潇洒人生

    Taoist philosophic wisdom and entrepreneurs ' unrestrained life

  6. 道家哲学与后现代主义比较研究的缘起与现状

    The origin and current situation of the comparative study of Taoism and post modernization

  7. 道家哲学以“道”为核心范畴和最高范畴。

    Taoist philosophy takes " Tao " as both its central and highest category .

  8. 道家哲学中自然的双重维度

    The Dual Meanings of Nature in Taoist Philosophy

  9. 道家哲学思想对太极拳理论的影响

    Influences of Taoism philosophy on Shadow Boxing

  10. 道家哲学精神自由论和气本体论,则分别为道教的根本宗旨&神仙信仰和宗教实践方式提供了哲学基础。

    However , Taoist school supplied the Taoism with the philosophy base on the death .

  11. 这种论证并不具有充分的说服力,但却是道家哲学向经世致用道路上发展的必然结果。

    This is the inevitable outcome of the development of Taoist philosophy toward practical use .

  12. 道家哲学之安全思想发微

    The Thought of Taoism on Safety

  13. 我是说,这是中国道家哲学的聪明之处。

    I mean , that is the clever thing about the Chinese philosophy of the Tao .

  14. 道家哲学与当代语文教育

    Taoism and Current Chinese Teaching

  15. 在目前的文化环境中,道家哲学似乎对西方人有着更强的吸引力。

    Under current cultural circumstances , the philosophy of the Taoist school seems more appealing to Westerners .

  16. 《道德经》是中国古代的一部经典著作,为道家哲学思想的重要来源。

    Tao Te Ching is an ancient Chinese classic , as a vital source of Taoist philosophy .

  17. 道家哲学的生存智慧,对于现代人的心理不适、精神失衡等问题的处理有着积极的意义。

    The surviving wisdom in Taoist philosophy plays a positive role in the treatment of people 's unhealthy mentality .

  18. 道是道家哲学最重要的概念,无为是道家哲学的核心思想。

    The Tao is the most important concept , and the Inaction is the core idea in the Taoist philosophy .

  19. 是因为近代中法艺术哲学的共同性,也就是现象学和老庄道家哲学存在对话的空间。

    The very importance reason is that became the philosophy dialogic space between the phenomenology and the philosophy of lao zhuang .

  20. 道教与女性:从道家哲学、道教修行和神仙系统看女性在道教的地位。

    Women and taoism : a study on the position of women in terms of Taoist philosophy , practice and pantheon .

  21. 道家哲学主要是以“道”为本体的思维观、宇宙观、人生观对中国美学产生影响的。

    Taoist philosophy affects Chinese aesthetics mainly by means of Tao oriented world outlook , outlook on life and outlook on thinking .

  22. 把握了“道”与中国美学的关系,也就说明了道家哲学与中国美学的关系。“道”决定了中国人对艺术的本体认识;

    Grasping the relationship between " Tao " and Chinese aesthetics means understanding of the relationship between Taoist philosophy and Chinese aesthetics .

  23. 孔、孟的儒家哲学和老、庄的道家哲学都对西方某些哲学流派发生过重要的影响。

    Moreover , Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius as well as Daoism of Laozi and Zhuangzi had produced significant impacts on certain schools of western philosophy .

  24. 这种特殊的正面光与明暗分布法,源于道家哲学“万物负阴而抱阳”的观点。

    This special positive light and dark distribution method , derived from Taoist philosophy of " all things which have negative yin-yang " point of view .

  25. 语言哲学视阈中的中西哲学之比较&以道家哲学与海德格尔哲学为例

    Language Philosophy : a New Angle to the Comparative Study of Chinese Philosophy and Western Philosophy & Taking Tao 's Philosophy and Heidegger 's Philosophy as examples

  26. 在老庄道家哲学中,关于道这一范畴,老子和庄子的认识既有相似的一面,也有不同之处。

    In the philosophy of Taoism , there are both similarities and differences in the views of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi on the category of " Tao " .

  27. 在道家哲学中,道是天地万物的总规律及由此引申出的原则、道理、方法等,道的根本性质是清静无欲。

    In Taoist philosophy , Tao is the total rule and the principles , methods deriving the total rule . The essential character of Tao is having not overmuch desires .

  28. 将植根于不同文化土壤之中的道家哲学和超验主义思想进行对比研究,并且挖掘出其共通之处,这不失为一种学术探索和创新。

    The process of finding out the similarities from the contrast of Transcendentalism and Taoism which are rooted in different cultural soils also can be regarded as an academic exploration and novelty .

  29. 房中术中特殊的理论和技法,显示了道家哲学的特征,镌刻着某些人进行实验、创造发明的痕迹。

    Last , the theory and technique of the sexual skill embodied the characteristics of Taoist philosophy based in which someone were engaged in experiment and act of creation about sexual skill .

  30. 清作为原始道家哲学和美学的重要概念,演变为广泛的审美标准和审美范畴,则完成于魏晋玄学阶段。

    It was in the metaphysics of the Wei and Jin Dynasties that Qing , an important concept of the philosophy and aesthetics of original Taoism , turned to be a general aesthetic standard and category .