
  1. 神的手指所点的道路,神的手必去预备。

    Where God 's finger points , there God 's hand will make the way .

  2. 脚生双翼的众神使者赫耳墨斯(墨丘利)则是掌管商业、道路之神。

    The wing-footed messenger Hermes ( Mercury ) was the god of commerce and road .

  3. 其最终的信念是:生活的道路来自神又回归于神。

    The ultimate belief is that the road of life comes from God and finally returns to God .

  4. 当我们按照神的指挥,就能坚定自己生命的道路把神的慈爱延续下去。

    When we follow what our Lord directs us to do , we can be assured of living a life of service , sustained by God 's abundant grace .

  5. 所有通过所有的道路去认识神。

    God can be realized by means of all paths .

  6. 我们确信这一点,因为你们的道路已经被神所颁布,光的势力将确保它成功。

    Of this we are certain as your path has been divinely decreed , and the forces of Light will ensure success .

  7. 骄傲的中心是自我,也就是说你会开始说“我要人们注意我,我想做第一,我不需要神”骄傲的人总是走自己的道路,而不是神的道路。

    The middle letter in the word pride is " I , " and that is a very good reminder that pride is when you act as if " I want people to notice me , I want to be first , I don 't need God . " Pride always wants its own way , not God 's way .

  8. 耶稣基督就是惟一的道路;没有人能够从其他道路找到神。

    Jesus Christ is the way and the Father will never recognise anyone who dares to try and come by some other way .