
  • 网络Accompanying the country;Sui State
  1. 他可能还没有达到比赛的状态,但是身体是健康多了,他并没有随国征战,因此也可以专心于恢复训练。

    He has no match fitness but he is much better and he hasn 't been away with his country so he has been training hard .

  2. 二者之间的比率随一国经济增长率、经济结构变化情况和劳动力结构调整情况而异。

    The ratio between the two numbers differs with the changes and readjustments in a nations economic growth rate and economic and workforce structure .

  3. 随我国基础设施建设步伐的加快,在山区铁路和公路建设中都遇到了大量的顺层岩质路堑边坡稳定问题。

    With the development of construction of infrastructure , the problem of the stability of the consequent rock slope is met in the railway construction and the highway construction in mountain .

  4. 连续多次的全国性普查表明,我国酸雨污染已成普遍性的严重环境问题,且随我国能耗不断急剧增长而日益严重。

    Continuous multiple national census shows that acid rain pollution has become a universal serious environmental problem in our country , and the energy consumption is increasingly serious with constant growth spurt in China .

  5. 农村金融体系作为我国金融领域中的一项特殊的制度安排,随我国经济体制和金融体制的改革而屡经周折与制度变迁。

    As a special system arrangement in finance of China , financial system in rural areas has experienced several setbacks and institutional changes responding to the changes of reforms in organizational system and financial system .

  6. 随我国电网电压等级和系统容量的不断提升,人们对电力系统控制和保护的核心设备一高压断路器的工作性能、可靠性和智能化都提出了更高的要求。

    The rapid raise of the voltage level and system capacity requires the high voltage interrupters , which are the most important apparatus used to control and protect the power delivery system , have better operation performance and higher reliability .

  7. 通过研究发现,新课改以来,我国学校体育的发展与我国教育形态的发展密不可分,学校体育改革变化随我国教育改革主流形态而变化,并不断更新,交替。

    The research shows that since the new curriculum , the development of Physical Education in Schools and Education form is inseparable from development , school reform and change in physical form with the mainstream of education reform and change and constantly updated , alternate .

  8. 随著我国城市化的进程加快,预计到2010年,全国将有一半人口居住在城镇。

    Urbanization is speeding up throughout China , with half the1.3 billion Chinese expected to live in cities in2010 .

  9. 随著我国社会主义市场经济体制的进一步完善和国民经济的持续高速发展,安全生产也面临著新的挑战。

    As the perfection of social market economy and rapid and sustained development of national economy in China , occupational safety is facing new challenges .

  10. 随著我国中小城市污水处理厂建设的快速发展,进行污水处理技术的综合评价研究已显得十分必要。

    With the rapid development of medium and small municipal wastewater treatment , it is necessary to conduct study on comprehensive assessment of urban wastewater treatment technology .

  11. 随著我国城镇经济的发展和吸纳农村剩馀劳动力能力的增强,一些中小城镇已开始形成新的城镇体系。

    New urban systems are also taking shape in the country 's smaller cities and towns , due to economic development and the absorption of surplus rural labour .

  12. 随著我国经济的高速发展,微电子技术、计算机技术和自动控制技术也得到了迅速发展。

    With the development of the economy , microelectronic technology , computer technology and the automatic theory are developed rapidly , Field-bus are new businesses appearing in recent years .

  13. 随著我国信用卡市场的蓬勃发展,发卡机构也慢慢将目光投向了大学校园,尝试逐步推出学生信用卡。

    With the vigorous development of China 's credit card market , card issuers have gradually reached out to college campuses and tried to gradually promote student credit card .

  14. 随著我国法制现代化进程的加快,如何推动和促进民族法制建设现代化的发展已成为我国法制建设的一个重要课题。

    Along with the coins of legal system modernization to expedite in China , it become an important task that how to pit the development of the legal system modernization of ethnic groups .

  15. 我国地域广大,有大量的鸟类栖息地和候鸟越冬地,存在WNV随候鸟进入我国的途径;

    Firstly , there are many habitats for wintering of migratory birds in the mainland , so it is possible for WNV to enter our country with migrating of the birds .

  16. 它随佛教传入我国。

    It was introduced to China with Buddhism .

  17. 第三部分:关于附随后果进入我国的资格刑体系的设想。

    Part III : the consequences of entering the country on the accompanying criminal system , the idea of the qualifications .